Parish Council Minutes February 2009

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th February 2009 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Tulip, Williams, Mills, Reid, Dunhill, Heslop, Eakins and Stephenson. Also present were Cllr Anne Dale, Cllr Latham and 5 members of the public and one member of the Press.

1. John Stevenson: The Chairman noted with regret the recent death of John Stevenson who had served as a Councillor and as Chairman of the Parish Council. It was agreed to make a donation of – £25 to the family’s chosen charity.

2. Minutes of last meeting: The minutes were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising: It was noted that there had been further correspondence from the County’s solicitor, Mr Rickitt about the Village Green proposal along the lines reported at the last meeting. It was up to the applicants to decide on the next course of action. There also appeared to have been some misunderstanding on the Deed of Trust. Mr Rickitt believed it was implicit in the Conveyance of 1973. However, the Clerk pointed out that Council’s Solicitors at the time of the conveyance had suggested that a separate Deed of Trust was desirable although this had never been followed through.
The subject of a mole catcher was raised again. It was noted nothing had been done on this. It could prove a superfluous exercise.

4. Planning:
20081158 Woodside, Sandy Bank, amendment Conditional permission
20081065 Arden Close, Sandy Bank (extension)Conditional permission
20081122 53 Station Close, extension Conditional permission

5. Correspondence: a) General. Cllr Stephenson raised the issue of comments about papers in the general file. If they were of significance, the subject should be brought to the Parish Council meeting as a substantive item.
b) Bank of Ireland: A letter had been received concerning the level of guarantee now offered by the Bank of Ireland on its accounts. This was raised from – £50000 to ~- £90000 which takes the accounts out of the UK guarantee scheme as it offers a much higher level.
c) Tennis Club: In response to a query, an email had been received indicating a work day would take place soon to clean up outstanding tidying matters.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all Councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/January – £391.00
M F Anderton/Exp/January – £50.51
NCC/Bus shelter – £3,869.75
Tynedale/grass cutting – £1,048.26
Radiopages/web – £249.00

7. Minor matters: Cllr Tulip raised the date of the Annual Parish meeting and the April PC meeting. As the PC meeting falls on Easter Monday, it was decided to cancel that meeting; and because of problems with availability of the hall, the APM would be held on April 30th in the main hall of the Parish Hall.
– Cllr Tulip has also received a verbal request from the Pre-school about using a small part of the spinney for a gardening project, over a year. In principle this was agreed with a further suggestion that a corner of the Play park could also be used. He would go back and discuss this further.
– Cllr Heslop had received a complaint about the lighting on the path to the station from Broomhaugh: Cllr Dale noted that a report would be ready soon about the best place to site the new light she was paying for from her fund.
– Cllr Heslop also suggested supporting William Radice in his quest to be nominated as Poet Laureate. After some discussion it was suggested that Councillors should support as individuals but that the Council could suggest support on the website.
– Cllr Heslop also noted attending the Hexham meeting on the unitary budget. Cllr Dale had worked hard on this matter.
– Cllr Reid asked if dates had been suggested for a Clean- up day. However, Cllrs Stephenson and Dunhill had walked round the village and felt that a major Clean -up was not necessary for now. If a litter pick along the A695 is needed, Tynedale Council should be notified through Cllr Dale if necessary. Cllr Stephenson had drafted a letter to be sent to homes in the vicinity of tipped bags of rubbish reminding them it should be disposed of appropriately. The Clerk would type this up.
– Cllr Eakins asked about Belonging Communities and Cllr Dunhill reiterated what he had said at a previous meeting about the flexibility which was now apparent in selecting where the Parish allies itself. If meetings take place in Hexham, similar to those of the East Tynedale Forum, Cllr Reid agreed to attend those.
– Cllr Heslop suggested formal thanks at the next meeting to Cllr Latham as it would be his last meeting as District Councillor.
– Cllr Mills reported on the Tynedale Planning Forum. Cllr Dale suggested she stick with it as it’s important to make sure the Tynedale Strategy gets incorporated properly into the new County strategy. Cllr Mills is also progressing the mirrors. Cllr Tulip agreed to help her.
– Cllr Dale noted she had dealt with complaints about dog mess in Broomhaugh; it was suggested that a note be put on the web site about the free Poop bags supplied by Tynedale Council. She had also received a request for dropped kerbs along the A695.

The meeting closed at 8.35.