You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th October 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Dunhill, and Cairns. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part), a member of the press and 5 members of the public. Dave Porter was in attendance.
1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Howey, Heslop, Nitsch and County Cllr Thompson.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
a. Website: Dave Porter, who is building the website, came to demonstrate the progress on the website to date. There was some discussion as to extra material which would be useful to the site and it was agreed how to get the most useful things to Mr Porter. History pages relating to the two villages would be included, the information card updated; links to other groups and Societies in the village such as the cricket club would be initiated and some could have their own page. It was noted that the site would always be in flux and would be built up slowly.
b. Tender: The letter of complaint to the CEO of the County Council was having an effect and Dick Fraser was keen to set up meetings to try and sort out the problems. He admitted the County had not handled matters well. The chairman suggested charging the County for all the time and costs which had been wasted to date.
c. Weir Bridge: A quote for the work on this had been obtained and was agreed to. It was also agreed that several of the Councillors would sort out the stones of the weir which had come down. Mrs Stephenson offered the loan of a small block & tackle to help.
d. Tennis Club: A further meeting is to be held to thrash out the possibilities of the Tennis club moving it’s site. It was noted that it was all problematic at the moment.
4. Planning
2006/1108 The Wellington, listed consent Permission granted
2006/1107 The Wellington Conditional permission
5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Parish Hall development fund: two letters had been received relating to this; both asking for financial help from the Parish Council. There was some concern that if the Parish council put the planning application through at reduced cost, it might inhibit future comments. This would be clarified with Tynedale council. Additionally, a document had been received from the Village Hall Trust asking for an increase in their precept to help with repairs. All the above will be considered at the Parish council’s budget meeting in November. Cllr Horton agreed to let Mrs Niven know.
c. Cllrs Horton, Nitsch and Dunhill agreed to be booked on training courses in November.
d. Cllr Cairns agreed to attend the Tynedale Planning forum meeting.
e. Following a request a letter had been received regarding the final treatment of the knotweed. It was agreed to ask Mr Adamson if he could do the planting of the grass seed. It was also agreed to either put up posts or a simple fence to prevent parking.
6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.
M F Anderton/Salary/Sept – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Sept – £89.45
CWC/knotweed – £323.13
7. Minor matters:
Cllr Dunhill raised the issue of a pedestrian crossing or speed reduction in the village. After some discussion, Cllr Horton agreed to raise the matter initially when meeting with the county people about Millfield Road. Concern was expressed about the fact that windows were being put into the Post Office in contravention of Planning requirements. Tynedale would asked for their view on this first before the parish council looked at further action using the covenants. Cllr Dunhill also mentioned the NSP documents which he had agreed to take on. He had been forwarded with a number of documents by the County council and agreed to circulate to all councillors to respond individually, or via himself.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm.