Parish Council Minutes – May 2013

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 8th September. These Minutes also give the dates for all meetings up to May 2014.


Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting and Annual Meeting of the above Parish Council, held on Monday, 13th May 2013 in the Parish Hall at 7.45 pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair for items 1 to the beginning of 5), Reid (in the Chair for items 5 onwards), Dunhill, Howe, Carew and Singer. County Cllr Dale was present only before the meeting. 7 members of the public were in attendance including 3 from the Tennis Club.

  1. Declarations of acceptance: All councillors signed the forms of acceptance
  2. Apologies: None
  3. Thanks to retiring Councillor: The council was grateful to Lucy Sehgal for her time.
  4. Approval of Standing Orders: It was agreed to approve these.
  5. Elections: Chair: It was agreed to elect Cllr Reid as Chairman;

It was agreed to elect Cllr Howe as Vice Chair;

The Chairman proposed to delegate to Councillors the Chairman’s authority to take decisions in their respective areas subject to the usual confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting, and this was agreed as follows:

VHT representative – Cllr Carew

Parish Plan review – Working group Cllr Dunhill

Planning Sub Committee– Cllrs Dunhill, Howe and Singer

Website monitoring – Cllr Dunhill

Legal/FOI matters – Cllr Mills

Appraisals – Cllrs Carew and Singer

Handyman/Amenity matters/Playpark inspections – Cllr Dunhill

Minutes – Chairman of the meeting

Accounts – Cllr Howe

  1. Declarations of interest: None
  2. Minutes of 23rd April 2013: These were agreed as a true record
  3. Matters arising – a) Changing bank accounts: it was agreed to defer a decision and consider splitting the reserve between 2 or more banks.

b) Flashing speed signs: It was noted these were working correctly and the warranty had been extended until the end of March 2014. The Clerk would write to Swarco concerning reducing the trigger speed to 30mph.                                                MA

c) Moles: it was agreed to find a suitable person for mole catching.           MA

9.  Handyman report: The monthly report was noted. It was agreed to accept a quote of £190 for making a gap in the wall on Dene Terrace. £320 has already been agreed for repointing the rest of the wall. The Parish Council indicated it would listen to a request for an increase in payment if it was needed.

10. Tennis Club Plans: The update report was noted. The Parish Council agreed to let the club modify the back of the in-goal area on the single court by extending into the Council’s land. It was agreed to ask Wardhadaway to renew the lease and remove the final clause on reinstatement subject to legal advice.                                                                 MA

11. Parish Plan review: The Working Group had met and would prepare a report for the Council in the near future.

12. Walls: Covered by item (9) above.

13. Storage for VHT: It was noted the VHT intended to extend the Hall to make increased storage space.

14. Bus shelter: an updated quote had been received from the County Council for the work. An alternative style of shelter had been suggested. The Clerk would explore the option before work is begun.                                                                                    MA/EC

15: Dates of Council meetings: It was agreed to hold Council meetings for the next year on the second Monday of June, July, September, November, December for 2013 and February and March for 2014. The APM for 2014 would be held provisionally on the same day as the PC meeting in May 2014.

16. Planning: The following applications had been considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

13/00323/VARYCO     Parish Hall Car Park sign

13/00493/FUL             Conservatory at 5 Oaklands

13/006660/PRUTPO    Tree prune at 8 Meadow Park

It was agreed temporarily to tape over the part of the car park sign related to flooding and order a new sign with the correct wording.                                                               PH/MA

17. Finance:

a) It was agreed to accept the receipts and finance report, including that; the Clerk was testing a new accounts system and would report back.                                                       MA

b) The following payments were authorised:

Grant to VHT for 2013/14 (s. 137)                                          2000.00

Homevend/32                                                                             75.00

Dennis Castelow (repair to weir bench)                                     30.00

Viking/paper/toner cartridge                                                     70.51

SLC/training course                                                                   90.00

PB Basnett (internal auditor)                                                  157.50

Aon Insurance (annual premium)                                           2782.92

Gordon Dodds, repointing wall in Spinney                             770.00

Gordon Dodds, pointing of wall at Dene Terrace                  760.00

Dodwell Bros. Ltd; release of retention                                 276.92

MFAnderton/Salary April                                                        433.64

MFAnderton, expenses re training course                             199.75

NALC – annual subs.                                                               172.20

It was agreed not to accept a 5% reduction on the insurance premium for committing to three years.

c) Assets register: The Assets Register was noted. It was agreed to clarify the lists further for Councillors                                                                                                                        MA

d) Risk Assessment: this was accepted by councillors. It was agreed to amend the banking risk from L (low risk) to M (medium risk).

e) The Governance Statement on the annual return – It was approved.

f) 2012/13 annual Accounts and Annual Return: These were approved

18. Minor matters: The Clerk would draw the attention of Network Rail to apparent incomplete work on the station bridge refurbishment and that trees were growing round their electricity cables.

The meeting closed at 10.00


19. Confidential Matters: Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of these items( to discuss the Clerk’s terms and conditions).

Date of next meeting: Monday 10th June 2013.


Parish Council Minutes – April 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of the 23rd April 2013 held in the Millenium Hall at 7.10pm

Present: Clls Mills (Chairperson) Reid, Dunhill, Carew (taking Minutes), County Cllr Dale and 8 members of the public.

1. Apologies Brian Singer, Peter Howe

2. Declarations of interest. None

3. Minutes of Council meeting of 11th March 2013 were agreed with amendments to item 7 to read:

Protecting council reserves; The County council had been unable to advice on this. It was agreed to look at suitable instant access accounts with the cooperative bank.

4. Matters arising

2 trees at the entrance to the double courts at the Tennis Club have now been cut down.

5. Tennis Club plans

The report from the Riding Mill Tennis club sent to the PC on the 8th April was discussed.

Contracts have been awarded to G Lillico and Pavescape Ltd

Discussions are still underway re access for works to the single tennis Court and permission would need to be given from BT, the owners of the road, and the nearby householders.

The Tennis Club has also requested a small extension of land at the single tennis court. Cllr Dunhill has agreed to look into this.

Although the PC has agreed to extend the Lease to the Tennis club to 30yrs the PC have also been requested to check a clause in the lease stating that if the tennis club was no longer viable the existing Tennis club members would be responsible to make good the tennis club land.

6. Mole catching

Cllr Dale has agreed to follow this up.

7. Parish plan review

The Sub-committee are progressing well with the village plans and are considering the best ways to publicise ideas and obtain the views of residents.

8. Sewage Manhole

The Nothumbrian Water Co responded very quickly to the request for this to be repaired and all work has been completed.

9. Elections

Only 6 members of the Village residents have applied to become Parish Councillors therefore no formal elections will take place.

10. Handyman report

The damage to the bench at the weir has been skilfully repaired by Dennis Castelow

11. Road safety in the rural community

No further progress has been made on the reduction of speed through the village

12. Grass cutting

Because of poor weather in 2012 the grass was not cut as regularly as contracted. The PC demanded a rebate from the contractors .

13. Marchburn Lane and Bridge.

The Marchburn Residents association have contacted the owners of Tree Tops and the building contractors re their concerns about the heavy vehicles used to complete the extensive building work to their property. The Parish council have also agreed to contact the owners

14. Planning permission was considered by the parish council with no objections

13/00323/VARCO Parish Hall Car Park sign

13/00493/FUL Conservatory at 5, Oaklands Rise

13/00660/PRUTPO Tree prune at 8, Meadow Park

15. Finances 

The financial statements for March and the budget for training of £600 were accepted.

16. Minor Matters 

A request was made to cut down and prune 2 trees in Marchburn Lane, one that is very near telephone wires. BT will need to be contacted.

A resident has reported that the road surface on the approach to the east end of Millfield Rd bridge is showing some signs of wear, and has suggested this may be due to drivers positioning their vehicles when approaching to cross through the Bollards on the bridge.

Payments to authorise for April 2013.

VHT-rent £48.00

Stuart Burn(trees) £230.00

SLCC (books) £32.90

Aon UK Limited (extra premium for bicycle stands) £5.84

Linden Stephenson re materials £35.94

Homevend/31( by S/O ) £75.00

Date and time of next meeting Monday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Meeting finished at 8.30pm

Parish Council Minutes – February 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 11th February 2013 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Carew, Howe and Sehgal. County Cllr Dale, 5 members of the public, one member of the press and three representatives of the Tennis Club were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Reid, Dunhill and Singer

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to the inclusion of ‘At’ at the beginning of 5b and removing ‘and’ in 5g.

4. Matters arising:

  1. Trees: The County Council had the tree near Church Close cut down on 28th December. The price for the other trees was reduced to £700 and it was agreed the work should go ahead to protect the wall. The County would remove stumps in the future.
  2. Long Rigg- Still waiting for a reply from the Residents Association.
  3. The Nick – the work had been completed. Cllr Dale had contributed her share of the work on the Slaley Road. The Parish Council was still awaiting the invoice for the work on the Nick itself. The Sandy Bank Residents Association had agreed to contribute £500 to the cost.
  4. Cllr Dale reported on several footpath and road issues:

The footpath past Riding Lea would be upgraded in 2014;

The proposed new footpath at the west end of the village – one Land Agent acting for the owners had refused permission for a permissive footpath over part of the field;

The County Council would put a warning sign at the entrance to the small railway bridge at Broomhaugh;

The 2013 LTP programme includes the resurfacing of the A695 at the west end of the village;

£50,000 has been set aside to improve the junction of the A695 with Sandy Bank.

5. Tennis Club: Rob Archer, Steve Plaskitt from the Tennis Club and Kathie Keady from North Country Leisure summarised the plans the Tennis Club following winning a grant of £38915, which, with money they already in hand gives them almost £52,000 to spend. The double court will be resurfaced; the single court, which will be multipurpose, will be resurfaced and will have new fencing. An application for funding for signage has also been made. The Club is seeking tenders from 3 contractors to include temporary access to the double court across the Burn. Access to the double court will be improved by raising the slope at the North end of the wooden bridge and the path be renewed. There will be a management plan for the single court, which will be locked when not in use.

6. Handyman report: January’s report was for work in the Play Park and February’s report covered tidying the Spinney and Dene Terrace and treating the last bench in the Play park. It was unanimously agreed to pay the Handyman by Standing Order. MA

7. Parish Plan review: In the absence of Cllr Dunhill, Jason Tennet, as a member of the Working Party, reported on progress to date. Advice had been taken that the review would generate an updated document to the 2002 Parish Plan but it would not be a Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan would have to be aligned to the Northumberland’s Core Strategy that is currently being rewritten.

8. Skateboard request: A request from a 9-year old resident for a skateboard park in the village would be included among suggestions to be considered by the Parish Plan Working Party. for further consideration. Cllr Dunhill would reply to the applicant. AD

9. Core Strategy Consultation: The Parish Plan Working Party is currently reviewing the Core Strategy on behalf of the PC. A draft document will look be presented to the Parish Council at the next meeting on 11th March and if agreed will be submitted to the County Council by the 20th March.

10. Cycle Storage: The expenditure of the £300 cost of installation of the free cycle racks provided by the County Council was formally ratified.

11. Bus Shelter: The window has been altered in the bus shelter at the east end of the village on the south side of the road at a cost of £320. A new bus shelter at the west end of the village has been included in the 2013/14 budget.

12. Pedestrian Crossing: Cllr Reid asked if the County Council would consider a crossing for the A695 again in view of publicity for a similar proposal in Otterburn. It was agreed to defer further consideration until the outcome of the Otterburn proposal was known.

13. Flashing Speed Signs: These have not worked for nearly two months. Similar signs from teh same manufacturer work in Stocksfield and an explanation of the discrepancy is to be asked from the manufacturers. MA

14. Planning:

Considered by Northumberland County Council and refused permission:

12/0333/FUL -Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

12/03004/CCD – Advertisements at Broomhaugh roundabout

15. Finances:

a) the financial statements for December and January were accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

NCC- Planning Variation for Car Park sign – £97.50

Homevend/28 (Handyman) – £75.00

RM VHT/rent – £48.00

NCC/ grass cutting for 2012/13 – £1,450.12

Homevend/29 (Handyman) – £75.00

M F Anderton/Salary January – £433.64

M F Anderton/Expenses for December (mileage for NALC CM) – £37.70

Gordon Dodd – to change window in bus shelter – £320.00

Gordon Dodd – to place cycle stands – £300.00

Linden Stephenson – materials – £15.60

c) Cllr Reid had expressed concern that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme did not apply to the Council’s Bank of Ireland savings account although the Clerk had been advised by the Bank that the account was covered by the scheme; doubt remained whether the £85,000 compensation limit applied to each Council’s account or to the totality of Councils’ accounts. Cllr Dale suggested asking the County Council’s Finance Officer if he could clarify the position and the Clerk would forward the details to her. MA/ADe

16. Minor Matters:

a) The Clerk would provisionally book 17th April for the Annual Parish meeting would be booked. MA

b) The Clerk would contact the Mole man would be chased to expedite work in the Play Park.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm


Parish Council Minutes – December 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 10th December 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Carew, Singer and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllr Howe

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Cooption of Councillor: Cllr Mills proposed and Cllr Reid seconded that Lucy Seghal be coopted as a Councillor. This was unanimously agreed with effect from the signing of the requisite form.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 12th November 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to noting in 5(b) that Cllr Dale had reported that the County Council would remove one of the trees; and that in (8) – Cllr Reid, not Dunhill – would order the bicycle stands.

5. Matters arising:
a) Trees: After the County Council have removed one tree in Church Lane, the other two trees near Church Close will be removed by the Council’s tree surgeon, at a price cap of £800. Cllr Dunhill will liaise on this. AD
b) Footpaths: A meeting between Cllr Dale, Tim Fish (NCC Footpaths Officer), Cllrs Dunhill and Reid and two members of the public – Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith the desirability was discussed of a new footpath from Riding Mill to Grey Court on the Corbridge Road. An informal meeting with the land owner’s agent will be held. A Footpaths Working Group should be set up as part of the Parish Plan revision. Funding a new footpath might be provided from resources to be explored by Tim Fish. The Clerk would send Cllr Dale details of the very muddy footpath by Wentworth Grange to refer to the County. It was reported that the pavement on the north side at the west end of the village was overgrown again. MA/ADe
c) Speed Camera: The mobile unit has now been bought for use on the A695. Cllr Dunhill represents the Parish Council on the Working Group responsible for managing its use. AD
d) Long Rigg: The Long Rigg residents Association would revert to the Council on the amount of the Council’s preliminary legal costs.
e) The Nick: Work is due to start on the repairs. Response to Cllr Mills suggestion that the Sandy Bank Residents Association pay £500 towards the cost was awaited.
f) Parish Plan: the Working Group – Cllr Dunhill, Penny Hawley, Jason Tennet, Paul Goldsmith – had met to discuss items for inclusion; and would meet again in January. Cllr Dale had made enquiries at County Hall about the possibility of downgrading the A695 and suggested it be included in the Parish Plan revision.
g) Cycle storage: Cllr Reid had ordered 2 pairs of stands. He would check the value for insurance purposes and Mr Dodd would be asked for a quote for fixing them – to be agreed by email and subject to later ratification.(~£300 was quoted). MR
h) Flashing lights: there are still problems with the signal lights not working. However it was noted that the weather had been very poor with no sun to charge the systems. It was agreed to notifiy Swarco so there is a record of problems but without asking them to come out. MA
i) Bees: Following a request that either the keeper of the bees near the Ross’s bench on the old A68 or the bench itself be moved to obviate the threat of bee stings, the Rosses’ letter for the Parish magazine was altered to seek suggestions from the village for a fresh site for the bench. JM/MA
j) Super fast broadband: A letter would be delivered to all villagers to encourage them to sign up. Generally there was a very positive reception. The letter would be put onto the website. AD

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Only 3 benches still require intensive treatment. Light treatment only will be necessary in the future. The cost of a second bench below Bobby’s shop would be sought. MA

7. Bus shelter alteration: Cllr Reid suggested that the bus shelter at the east end of the village, on the south side, be altered by enlarging the window substantially so that passengers can see an approaching bus from inside the shelter. Mrs Stephenson would get a quote for the work. It was also suggested writing to the bus company asking buses to stop anyway at the bus stop in case people were inside. MA

8. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

12/01800/VARYCO Alteration to plans for Grovefield

(b) Under consideration by the Parish Council:

12/03333/FUL Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

9. Finances: a) the financial statement for November was accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Northumbrian Water £10.58
Homevend/27 (handyman) £75.00
Marchburn Lane Residents Assn. (S.137 ex gratia) £50.00
SLCC subscription for 2013 £100.00
G Dodd, fixing bench at Weir £220.00
MFAnderton, Salary/November £433.64
MFAnderton, Salary/ December £433.64
MFAnderton, Expenses/November £90.15

Cllr Reid asked to see the Bank of Ireland letter again about the security of reserves in the bank as local authorities could be excluded from the compensation arrangements.MA

c) Budget/Precept: Following detailed discussions on the draft figures, it was agreed to ask the County Council for a precept of £35,000 for the year 2013/14. MA

10. Minor Matters:
a) Cllr Mills reported that an application to the County had been made by a local resident for a sign to prevent large vehicles from entering the lane leading to the small rail bridge at Broomhaugh.
b) Cllr Reid reported on the meeting he had attended between the County Council and East Tynedale Forum.

The meeting closed at 10.30pm

The meeting to consider approval of the minutes of the Confidential meeting held on 10th December was not opened but adjourned.


Parish Council Minutes – November 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 12th November 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Howe and Carew

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Cooption of Councillor: Brian Singer was co-opted onto the Council.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 8th October 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to deleting ‘still’ in item 5(a); and substituting ‘had been painted’ in 9(d) for ‘would be’ painted.

5. Matters arising:

(a) Flashing lights: The solar panels have been changed for larger units and the warranty has been extended until November 2013. That the sign below Bobby’ shop is not working satisfactorily would be reported to Swarco. MA

b) Trees:  A quote was accepted to remove the two intertwined trees at Church Close for £800, as was a quote for £60 to remove a limb from a tree near the double tennis courts. Cllr Dunhill was given discretion regarding the decision for the 3rd tree at Church Close. Cllr Dale noted that the county council would remove one of the trees. MA

c) Weir: A quote of £220 to install the base and the bench at the Weir was accepted. The Clerk would ask Mrs Stephenson whether a similar quote would apply to a proposed new bench below Bobby’s. MA

d) Northumberland Core Strategy Meeting: The responses received by the County Council were reviewed.

e) Long Rigg: the Parish Council’s solicitors had quoted nearly £1000 for advice on the Long Rigg Association’s proposal to acquire the road. They felt this was too expensive without a commitment in principle from the Parish Council. The Council were not prepared to give a view without legal advice. Following some discussions, Cllr Reid felt that an informal response could be given which would in no way be binding on any subsequent action after legal advice had been received; the Council were sympathetic to the aims of the Long Rigg Association. Paul Goldsmith, who was present, would take these views back to the Association.

f) The Nick: The quote of £4069 given by the County Council for the work for the Parish Council’s account has been confirmed as a final figure. Cllr Dale had allocated funding for the rest of the work involving. The Clerk would confirm to Duncan Roberts at the County Council and with Cllr Howe. MA

g) Yellow lines near the Millennium Hall: these had been finished following the completion of the gas works. Cllr Dunhill reported that drivers were still parking illegally outside the Millenium Hall. The “Slow” sign on will probably not be painted on the Main Road at the East end of the village until the next financial year.

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted.

7. Parish Plan Update: Cllr Dunhill wished the Plan to be reviewed; although it was agreed to delay an update until after the Council elections next year, a preliminary review would be started with a working party including Cllrs Dunhill and Singer, Paul Goldsmith and Jason Tennant. AD/BS

8. Cycle Storage Facility: An offer of free stands has been received from the County Council.  Near the Parish Hall and in the Old Playground were the preferred sites. Cllr Dale would check with Highways as to their suitability. If so, Cllr Reid would order 2 for each site. MA/ADe

9. Footpath Grants: Cllr Dale had dealt with this. The footpath‘s officer from the County, Tim Fish, would meet with Cllr Dale, Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith. ADe

10. Parking on Double Yellow lines: Cllr Dale would raise with the County Council the enforcement notices served on homeowners parking on the pavement within a double yellow lined area at Riding Cottages as the Police had previously informally allowed parking  there. ADe

11. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead

12/01316/FUL New access at Shepherd’s Dene

12/01311/FUL Extension at 13 Station Close

12/01156/FUL Extension at 51 Station Close

12/01800/VARYCO Alteration at Grovefield

(b) Considered by the Parish Council with no objections:

12/03004/CCD Advertising signs on Broomhaugh roundabout

Following further discussion, the Council agreed to reverse its comment in (b) MA

12. Finances: a) the financial statement for October was accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Wardhadaway – re Tennis Club and covenants £3,593.00

Wardhadaway – re Millfield Road Bridge £405.00

Tyne Rivers trust – Weir contribution £4,200.00

Tyne Valley RUG – annual subs. £5.00

Homevend/26 £75.00

RM Cricket Club – grasscutting contribution £667.00

MF Anderton, Salary/October £433.64

MF Anderton, Expenses/October £57.69

Following discussion, it was agreed to share the Torch Relay Fund surplus between the Tennis Club (£100), Cricket Club (£50) and the Karate Club (£50) because of their contributions to the events.

c) S.137 donations: It was agreed to make payments of £50 to the following: Royal British Legion, Great North Air Ambulance, Community Action Northumberland, Age UK, Tynedale Sports Council and Tynedale Hospice at Home.

d) Preliminary budget discussions were held. The Clerk would update the sheet accordingly and make some alterations in layout for a final discussion at the next meeting. MA

13. Minor Matters:

a) Cllr Dunhill reported that a meeting to progress Superfast Broad band would be held soon;

b) Molehills in the Play Park needed raking again.

The meeting closed at 10.53

Confidential matters: Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, it was resolved that, because of the nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of these items. (Clerk’s conditions of service).

Parish Council Minutes – October 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 8th October 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Dunhill, and Carew. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllr Howe

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Cooption of Councillor: Postponed.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 10th September 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to item 8, where Cllr Dale had agreed to “contribute” instead of “pay”.

5. Matters arising:

(a) Flashing lights: These are still working well. It was agreed to ask the contractors (i) to clarify when the period of warranty is ended, considering the many problems there have been; and (ii) to ask why the settings at which they react – 34mph – are set at that level, bearing in mind Cllr Reid’s wish for them to work at 30/31mph. The Parish Council still want a pedestrian crossing but the County Council oppose this. It was suggested that if the road be declassified from an ‘A’ road to a ‘B’ road to facilitate the introduction of a crossing. Cllr Dale would enquire as to the pros and cons of such a change. The ease of putting another pole at the east end of the village to move the flashing lights further east would be considered . MA/ADe

b) Trees: Mrs Stephenson and Cllr Dunhill would talk with the tree surgeon about cutting back the trees at Church Close. AD

c) Weir: Quotes would be obtained for bases for the seat replacement at the Weir (and also for a second bench below Bobby’s). Mrs Shepherd would look at the fencing to be removed to see if it is suitable for use by the VHT. Cllr Reid reported on a successful visit to the Weir by the TRT and the Environment Agency. MA to liaise

d) Northumberland Core Strategy Meeting: Cllr Reid would attend as well as the Clerk

e) Broad band meeting: Funding had been secured from DEFRA , which would be matched by the contractors as a result of work by Paul Goldsmith (who attended the latter part of this meeting). Once preliminary ideas as to how the service would be delivered had been considered, then publicity would go out to the village. Cllr Dunhill would act as the Parish Council liaison on this. The Council supported the bid.

f) Long Rigg – no progress to report.

g) The Nick: invitations for tenders had gone out but had not yet been returned. Cllr Dale will pay for the County Council part of the work to be done. It was pointed out the gully at the bottom of the Slaley Road was badly blocked and had been omitted when others nearby had been recently cleaned. Cllr Dale would report that. ADe

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted. It was agreed to increase the Handyman’s monthly rate of £70 to £75. The Clerk would notify him of the change and amend the contract accordingly. MA

7. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council:

still pending decision:

11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead

(b) considered by the County Council and granted permission:

12/01322/FUL Garage at Silver Birches, Sandy Bank

(c) considered by the Parish Council with no objections:

12/01156/FUL Extension at 51 Station Close

(d) considered by the Parish Council with objections

12/01800/VARYCO Changes at Grovefield, Sandy Bank

8. Finances:

a) the financial statement for September was accepted. The Clerk agreed to check the detail of the General Administration heading for Councillors.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Homevend/25 £70.00

MF Anderton; Salary/September £433.64

MF Anderton; expenses/September £78.00

Transfer back to Reserve account £10,000.00

9. Minor Matters:

a) With respect to the alleged defamation action against the Council, the Council’s insurers. Solicitors would report to the Council shortly;

b) Following a complaint about the ‘Flooding’ sign in the car park next to the Parish Hall, it was agreed to ask the Planning department to remove the condition. MA

c) it was noted the double yellow lines had been partially completed and were now held up by the gas works in the village.

d) Cllr Dale reported that the Victorian lamp posts in Millfield Road had been painted – at her expense for which she was thanked;

e) A suggestion had been made that the bench and seat from the Play Park be moved to the Spinney. This would be investigated.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm

Parish Council Minutes – September 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 10th September 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Reid (in the Chair), Mills, Dunhill, and Carew. County Cllr Dale and 6 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllr Howe

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of July 9th 2012 were agreed as a true record.

4. John Eakins: Cllr Eakins had given his resignation due to moving out of the area, which was regretfully accepted. He was thanked for his work for the council, particularly in respect of computerisation of accounts.

5. Matters arising: 

a) Double yellow lines: All formal notices have been completed but the lines are yet to be introduced. Cllr Dale was asked that the County Council be reminded about the promised markings on the road at Broomhaugh.

b) Flashing lights: the signs are working well currently. It was noted that traffic speeds up out of the village.

c) Trees: The laurels at the Wellington had been cut back. One tree is to be cut back by the County at Church Close. No ownership of the land on which the other tree there could be found so the Parish Council agreed to have it cut back. The Clerk would obtain a quote. Mr Proud had also cut down some of the council’s trees overhanging his garden. MA

d) Weir: Now that the ground has settled the seat would be replaced. Quotes for bases for that seat, and for a second seat below Bobby’s would be obtained. It was agreed to remove the fencing. Cllr Reid reported that Board members from the Tyne Rivers Trust were to make a formal visit on 18th September to view the work. Environment Agency representatives would also be present. The proposed Information Board would be discussed. MR/MA

e) TRT/Working group on Weeds: Very few people turned up to deal with the Himalayan Balsam. A regular working group is needed and it was agreed to ask for volunteers early next year in the Parish News.

f) Northumberland Core Strategy Response: It was agreed to write supporting existing responses, emphasising the need to maintain the Green Belt. MA

g) Long Rigg: The Council was giving consideration to the request by the Long Rigg Residents Association to acquire the road.

h) Affordable Housing: A further letter had been circulated to Councillors. No further action on affordable housing is to be taken at this time.

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted. It was agreed to extend the Handyman’s contract for a further 12 months. MA

7. The Nick: Following a meeting of interested parties, the County Council put together a specification with costs to alleviate the water problem. Cllr Dale will deal with the public part of this and it was agreed to get quotes for the work in the Nick itself as soon as possible. The Residents Association will be informed of progress. MA

8. Speed Detection in East Tynedale: The Parish Council had been asked to contribute to a mobile speed detection unit for use in Tynedale by the Police. Cllr Dale had agreed to contributefor this out of her allowance. She was also putting together a Road Safety Group for the East Tynedale area. The Parish Council supported the initiative. MA/Ade

9. Local Transport Plan 2013/14: The annual call for items for this had been received. Cllr Dale had asked that safe pedestrian access up Sandy Bank be added; resurfacing of the Slaley Road from Beauclerc to the A695 was requested. MA

10. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council:

still pending decision:

11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead

(b) considered by the County Council and granted permission:

12/00062/FUL Porch at Lyndene, Millfield Road

12/01331/FUL New building at 2 The Bungalows, Broomhaugh

12/01840/FUL Extension at Brookside, Millfield Road

12/01731/FUL Extension at Broomhaugh C of E First School


(c) Under consideration by the Parish Council with no objections:

12/01909/LBC Station footbridge – listed consent

12/01903/CLPROP Extension at 1 Dene Terrace

12/01322/FUL Garage at Silver Birches

11. Finances:

a) the financial statements for July and August were accepted. The total cost for the work on Millfield Road Bridge, including the engineering management contract, tender specification and VAT is £22940.13.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Dodwell Brothers – first stage payment; MR Bridge – £6,840.00

BDO – audit for 2011/12 – £480.00

Northumbria Pest Control (wasp nest in playpark) – £50.00

Dodwell Brothers – final payment; MR Bridge – £11,344.63

Homevend/23- Handyman – £70.00

Eileen Carew – reimbursement for items for Torch relay etc. – £419.63

BT Bell – final payment for managing bridge contract – £667.00

Playdale – repairs to large swing – £1,290.62

VHT/ rent – £36.00

VHT – re plants for Torch relay – £176.40

SLCC – Training day – £30.00

Mills Glass (broken window at cricket pavilion) – £114.00

Northumbrian Water – £12.92

Homevend/24 (Handyman) – £70.00

MF Anderton; Salary/August – £433.64

MF Anderton; expenses July and August – £98.00

Royal mail redirect – £205.00

c) The Audited Accounts for 2011/12 were accepted by the Parish Council.

12. Minor Matters:

a) Brian Singer had expressed an interest in being co-opted as a councillor. The Clerk would forward paperwork to him and explain the role;

b) invitations to attend a number of meetings had been received: Tyne Rivers Trust – AD; Scrutiny Committee – update on Planning October 10 JM?; Joint meeting between NCC and Parish and Town councils – Hexham – 9th October – MA; Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership AGM – also 9th October –it was hoped Malcolm Chainey would be there.

c) Unveiling of Olympic Torch relay plaque in the Parish Hall after church services on 23rd September;

d) Hoodsclose open cast Coal mining application: Cllr Dale asked that the Parish Council would agree to add its response emphasising the potential problems relating to the Transport Management Plan as it might affect the A695 and the need for rumble strips at the bottom of the A68. MA

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

Parish Council Minutes July 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 9th July 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the chair), Dunhill, Eakins, and Howe. Cllr Dale and 5 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Reid and Carew

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of May 14th 2012 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising: a) Website – Dave Porter would be asked for some dates on which he could offer training MA

b) Benches: Concern has been expressed by Mrs Dixon and her son about replacing the plaque from the old bench below Bobby’s. A number of solutions were being considered including putting a second bench next to the new one.

c) Double yellow lines: still no date for this

d) Dog Notice: this had been done by the County

e) Flashing lights: the signs are working intermittently and the installers would be asked for an explanation. It is important the lights work well before they become the council’s sole responsibility; MA

f) Trees: The laurels at the Wellington need cutting back. The Clerk will write to the Manager. The ownership of the tree at Church Close is still being clarified. Trees near the tennis court are of no imminent collapse and can be left for a time. MA

g) The Nick: Information from the County is still awaited on this and Cllr Mills was not willing to give a definitive answer to Mrs Stevenson on the matter yet. Cllr Dale offered to include Mrs Stevenson at a future site meeting with a representative from the County, herself and probably Cllr Mills for the Parish Council to be able to decide what should be done to reduce the problem. ADe

h) Weir: It was agreed to leave the fencing alone and not replace the bench until the ground had settled. An interpretation board would be considered as it was within the budget.

i) TRT/Weeds: Only a few people turned up to deal with the Himalayan Balsam although the weather had been very bad. This work would be continued. The TRT would deal with the Japanese knotweed.

j) Northumberland Strategic Plan: this is a very large document. Cllr Howe agreed to pick out the few points that needed a response. PH

5. Handyman report: given by Mrs Stephenson. Whilst it was recognised that Mr & Mrs Stephenson’s time on the invoices and the reports provides useful information for estimating the length of various jobs, she agreed to ask the Handyman to put only his hours on the invoices to avoid any confusion.

6. Millfield Road Bridge: As the amended figures for the revised tender were not available at the last meeting but had been agreed by email by Councillors, they needed to be ratified. The figures of £12,746.27 contract sum; £5,008.25 provisional sum and £3,000 general contingency were unanimously agreed by the Council. The water pipe will be reconnected and there was a progress meeting following the council meeting later in the week. The scaffolders had made a claim for flood damage against their own insurers following the recent bad weather.

7. Cost of Celebrations: There would probably be a small surplus from the celebrations once costs and grants had been taken into consideration. Cllr Carew suggested that this be split 3- ways between the most involved clubs: – cricket, tennis and karate. This was agreed in principle subject to the final figures.

8. Code of Conduct: It is required that a new Code of Conduct be accepted under s.27 of the Localism Act 2011. Cllr Mills proposed this and the Council agreed unanimously.

9. Affordable Housing: The working group had met and the County’s officer ( Eddie Halstead) had identified a piece of land at the top of Broomhaugh that might be suitable and that might be for sale. It was in the green belt but could be used for social housing. The social landlords have funds to develop such sites and Mr Halstead would talk with one of them whilst Mr Latham would talk with the land owner. A housing needs survey would need to be done if it goes forward but the matter is exploratory at present. PL/EH

10. Playpark: A short paper on the relative costs between using Playdale or using other contractors was discussed. It was agreed that Playdale should be used and that the work should go ahead. MA

11. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council:

still pending decision:

11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead

(b) considered by the Parish Council with no objections:

12/01316/FUL New access at Shepherd’s Dene
12/01331/FUL New single storey stone house at 2, The Bungalows

(c) Under consideration by the Parish Council:

12/01311/FUL Rear extension at 13 Station Close

12. Finances: a) the financial statements for May and June were accepted; it was noted that expenditure was within budget.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Sadler Brown (printing for letter re MR bridge works) – £10.56
AON (premium for increased Fidelity. Guar. To end of financial year) £30.61
Homevend/21 (including bench below Bobby’s) – £100.00
MF Anderton/salary May – £433.64
MFAnderton/expenses May – £79.00
Northumbria Water – £14.80
BT Bell (50% remaining interim payment) – £667.20
Playsafety (ROSPA inspection) – £82.80
Radiopages (new website) – £100.00
Clearchannel UK (new panels in bus shelter) – £284.24
Homevend/22 – £70.00
Wendy Robe (planters/WI – new plants) – £42.50
Sandy Bank Res. Assn. (insurance contribution for the Nick) – £237.00
Viking (paper/cartridge) – £109.70
M F Anderton/salary June & July – £867.28
M F Anderton/overtime on alleged defamation – £120.90
M F Anderton/expenses June (including courier re alleged defamation) – £52.47

Transferred from Reserves to Current Account for bridge works -£10,000.00

13. Minor Matters:

a) the ownership of the road between Long Rigg and Church Lane is unknown. Cllr Dale was working on this;

b) the request for transport/road schemes for the Local Transport Plan for 2012/2014 had been received. Any requests are needed by the 28th September.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

Annual Parish Meeting 2012 Minutes

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting, held on 12th May 2011 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Millfield Road

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid and Eakins. County Councillor Anne Dale was present with 11 members of the public including Mrs Linda Shepherd for the VHT and Ms Jen Stephenson for the First School. One member of the public made a brief appearance towards the end of the meeting.

1. Welcome and Apologies: Cllr Mills welcomed all present and reported that Cllr Dunhill had offered his apologies.

2. Cllr Reid gave a demonstration of the use of electricity monitors. It is hoped that members of the public will avail themselves of these monitors which can be borrowed, with a surety of £5, so that energy expenditure levels can be checked in homes and offices to help identify potential economies.

3. The minutes of the APM of 2010 were approved.

4. Chairman’s Report:
She commented on the busy year – due partly to the low number of Councillors – and thanked the Councillors for their work and also other members of the village for the help given to the Council. She referred to the Millfield Road bridge and the decision of the County Council (now made permanent) to impose a weight limit of 3 1/2 tonnes. She reported that the Parish Council had obtained and was publishing a survey of work to be carried out on the bridge both immediately and also in the long term.

The Council was considering alternatives in respect of the Marchburn weir. These included no action, expensive restoration of the weir and reduction of the weir in either one or two stages. The Council had been advised by the director of the Tyne Rivers Trust and a member of the Environmental Agency at a meeting attended by some of the riparian owners and would give further consideration to the implications as to cost and liability of reducing the weir by 30 cm.
The Council had submitted a revised planning application for a smaller car park at the village hall, reducing the loss of amenity grass area beside the hall, which was used for village activities and weddings etc
The Spinney, ie the little wood opposite the Church, which belongs to the Council, had been opened up by cutting back weeds, and tree stumps. A path had been covered in wood chippings to suppress weeds. The suggestion that a path through the Spinney be used to enable schoolchildren to walk to school from the Old Playground had been dropped.
The Council had been concerned that some of the traffic passing through the village appeared to exceed the speed limit, endangering people crossing the main road near the corner of the Wellington. The Council therefore decided to install two interactive solar powered speed warning signs as a reminder when a vehicle exceeded the speed limit one at the foot of Whiteside for West bound traffic) C. Cllr Anne Dale kindly offered to provide much of the funding from her County Council allowance.

The Council had asked the County Council to re-site the existing sign at the main road entrance to Millfield Road and to provide a second sign to improve visibility to a driver turning into the road. It wished the double yellow lines at the east end of Church Lane . and at the main road end of Millfield Road to be extended. The Council had asked the County Council to install a new street light at the west end of Millfield Road bridge.
The newly installed mirror at the exit to Hollin Hill Terrace that had been stolen and the mirror at the foot of Sandy Bank had both been replaced.
The playpark was monitored on a weekly basis; bushes between the single tennis court wire netting and the playpark had been severely cut back. Although the damage from moles continued throughout 2010, the position in 2011 had been better.
The planning group of the Council had considered 22 planning applications during the year and its recommendations had been reported in the minutes of the Council meetings
The following policies had been introduced and approved during the year, (a) a Covenants policy (b) a formal complaints policy for any member of the village not satisfied with the way the PC had handled a particular matter and (c) a vexatious correspondence policy to enable the PC to attend to its work without entering into repetitious correspondence.
The Chairman concluded with the comment that the Councillors had given a considerable amount of time and thought to the work of the Council, but were aware that some of the decisions reached may not have pleased all members of the Parish. She reminded the village that If they were not happy with the work, they should apply to join the PC and contribute to the decision making.

There was some discussion from the floor on the Chair’s report, much of which had already taken place at the recent Council meeting concerning the survey on the bridge, the problem of emergency vehicles having access to Marchburn Lane and the priority of bridge repairs versus Weir repairs. One member of the public agreed however that the Council should be looking after the interests of the whole village and not those of a few residents.

5. Cllr Dale’s report:
She reminded people that she was responsible for Mickley, Stocksfield and Riding Mill. The cuts of £45 million to the revenue budget were causing great problems to service deliveries. She mentioned concerns about grit bins in the snow, flooding on the Corbridge road and potholes being slowly repaired. She was concerned about speeding and would contribute £4, 500 towards flashing speed signs. She was working with the Sandy Bank residents to improve access/egress at the Nick. She is contactable by email and phone but has to fit responses into County policies. Locally, major concerns are school buildings and hospitals.
Cllr Dale was thanked for always attending meetings and helping whenever she could.

6. The Financial report was circulated for information. There were no questions.

7. Broomhaugh C of E First School Report:
There are 65 in the school at present with a full quota coming into reception this Autumn. Improvements to and maintenance of the buildings were a high priority with funding affected by the cuts. The school was only closed 2 days during the snow. The PTA remains very active, helping with school trips and buying books in particular. The Squirrels Club is essential but again, funding remains tight. Support teams for special needs children have been severely affected but there is a low impact in Riding Mill. 41% of the children are from inside the village. The Church school admissions policy prioritises siblings, then Church and then the catchment area. Of the 65 children, only 16 bring packed lunches. The furthest child comes from Prudhoe and others are from Healey, Whittonstall Corbridge and Stocksfield. At the moment there is also one bilingual Flemish speaker and a bilingual Norwegian child starts in the Autumn.

8. Report from the Village Hall Trust:
The Village Hall Trust and in particular The Parish Hall, is very busy. To the usual societies and groups using the Hall, have been added The Bridge Club, The Photographic Society and The Yoga Group, with many additional casual bookings. Monday and Friday mornings are very popular in The Foyer Cafe and huge and sincere thanks must to go Val Thompson, Elaine Raeburn and their willing helpers for ensuring its success.
The Parish Hall Flat continues to be rented out. We have had the entrance to the new foyer block paved, a patio built and the drive tarmacadamed. We intend to purchase a TV licence which will offer another dimension for those who want to watch events on a big screen (we are not providing the equipment). The Royal Wedding was the first event to be televised and, with the Cafe facilities running alongside, was a wonderful, sociable occasion.
Fund-raising was active in 2010 and we received large donations from The Bridge Club, The Photographic Society, the proceeds from Judith Anderson’s musical weekend, the James Knott Foundation and the Parish Council. As we expect the roof to need replacing within ten years, we are always grateful for and actively looking for funds from other sources.
Fund-raising in 2011 has not been so concentrated, simply because we worked so hard last year. Having said that, we will be holding the Village Show in September, a jumble sale in October and the Craft Fair in November. Throughout the year, we have had several catering assignments, the Vicar’s installation buffet, a Christening, meals for groups of hall users and a wedding at the end of this month. All of this requires energy and enthusiasm but especially lots of help – we are always looking for volunteers.
We have donated a day’s money from the Cafe to Red Nose Day, hosted a Macmillan coffee morning and are about to have a coffee morning in aid of Multiple Sclerosis. Whilst it is commendable to support and give our facilities for these charities, I do think we have to be careful not to lose sight of our true purpose.
On Village Show Day, to obtain £750 matched funding from Barclays Bank, Pam Pryor is proposing to run a giant tombola (it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell lots of raffle tickets) so we are asking all hall users to donate something for the stall.
Lastly, may I say a huge thank you to everyone who supports us, offers help in any way, or is their organisation’s representative on the Trust. Also, my thanks go to Rosie Cummings, Treasurer to the Trust, Val Thompson and her husband, Alan, who both do lots of extra work on top of Val’s contracted hours, and to Pam Pryor, the Secretary of the Trust, who works hard trying to juggle bookings, working with the Charity Commission on our behalf and who gives me 100% support. Thank you all.
Mr Gibson congratulated Mrs Shepherd on the Parish Hall and the Trust. Cllr Eakins confirmed that the VHT would like a Car Park and Mrs Shepherd agreed as parking is an increasing problem.

9. Minor Matters: None


Parish Council Minutes March 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on 12th March 2012 at 7.45 in the Parish Hall Supper room

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Howe, Dunhill, Eakins and Carew. County Cllr Dale was present with 4 members of the public and a member of the Press. In attendance were Professor Malcolm Newson of Tyne Rivers Trust and Dave Porter (Radiopages).

Prof. Newson gave a brief presentation to Councillors explaining why, after further consideration, the original proposal to place a notch in the Weir was not a good idea. The better idea is to maintain the Weir crest and put in place rock ramps to improve stability. DEFRA will fund most of the work and the Parish Council will have no increased liability in the short or long term future. The whole matter will be explained to the village at a public meeting at a later date. The Chairman thanked Prof. Newson for his time and for the explanation.

1. Apologies : None

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Website: Dave Porter, who manages and designs the Riding Mill website gave a brief demonstration to the Council, explaining the need to update the site and also to make it easier to use and run. Updates will be automatic when entered and there can be limited pass word access by the Clerk, Councillors and even some Club committees. The whole site will be more modern and cheaper to run. Radiopages will continue to host the site and pay for the domain name (which is renewed every 2 years) and can, if preferred, make editing changes to the site for the Council. Councillors agreed to the updates and asked that the work progress. DP

4. Minutes of the meeting of 13th February 2012 were agreed as a true record.

5. Matters arising: a) Tennis Club: the letter of support for the grant application had been signed and sent;
b) Car Park: the sign had been re-sited; the VHT are paying for the planting which has been completed and donations are being sought for the benches;
c) Double yellow lines: A few comments had been received by the County Council following the consultation. It will be about 6 weeks for the committee and NCC to make a decision;
d) Millfield Road Bridge: Invitations to tender for the short term repairs to the bridge have gone out and the results will be back in several weeks;
e) Flashing lights: these are working now but will be monitored;
f) Fence at Play Park: repairs are in hand;
g) Mobile Post Office: Cllr Dale offered to find a contact from the County and the Clerk would deal directly with the Post Office;
h) Trees: The trees at the Weir have been cut down. The Council offered help to resolve the problem of a tree from the Wellington’s land falling across the Burn and onto land at Dere Hollow. Mrs Stephenson offered to ask the home owners to cut the ivy back on the outside of the wall of the road leading to the station as it was obstructing the pavement.

6. The Nick: The Chairman would write to Mrs Stevenson pointing out her prima facie liability for water flowing from her garden next to the Nick causing a hazard on the Nick, the Slaley road and the A695, suggesting her insurers should look at the problem. Advice from the County’s legal team included suggesting asking the Water Company to allow the run off into their sewage drains. This will also be followed up. JM/MA

7. Weir: Prof. Newson’s presentation and approval by DEFRA and the Environment Agency of the new plans enabled the Parish Council to make an informed decision. Cllr Eakins indicated that he was disappointed that no solution could be found which removed all the Parish Council’s liability for maintenance of the weir but accepted that the proposed solution was the best that could be achieved in the circumstances. The Council agreed that Cllr Mills should sign the agreement between the Council and the Tyne Rivers Trust subject to some wording changes. JM

8.Celebrations/Events: The Cricket Club have agreed to use of the pitch for the Sports event on Torch Day. The village will be decorated with bunting and scarecrows and the ladies from the Foyer cafe have offered extra catering. Cllr Reid would organise parking up Whiteside Bank and in the grounds of the Engineering Business. It was agreed that residents of Whiteside Bank be informed of the parking plans. Parishes not directly involved with the relay such as Slaley, Healey and Corbridge would be invited. MA

9. Handyman Report: This was accepted. It was noted the bin in the Play Park had not been emptied for some time. The County would be informed. MA

10. Vexatious Correspondence: The Council’s Policy was invoked in respect of vexatious correspondence from two named people meaning only the first fresh item in the first letter, email or other form of correspondence would be dealt with by the Parish Council between successive meetings for the following six months. Cllr Mills read out a draft letter for the Clerk to send which stated the reasons for the Parish Council’s actions in line with the Policy and she proposed that Mr Young be made the subject of a resolution; this was agreed by the Council. A second letter detailing reasons was read out relating to Dr Young. Cllr Mills also proposed this and the Parish Council agreed. The Clerk would send the letters. JM/MA

11. Affordable Housing: Cllr Dunhill raised the issue following a report he had seen in the Journal. It is some time since a Housing needs survey has been done for the village and Cllr Dale suggested writing to the County Council Housing Department who would have more recent assessment as a basis for further consideration. It was noted there was no more public money for a renewed Village Plan or survey and that setting up a scheme was very expensive. MA

12. Planning:
1. Considered by Northumberland County Council:
a) the following are pending decisions:
11/00903/FUL – House at land west of Kingmead: decision still pending, subject to a S.106 statement;
b) 12/00062/FUL – extension at Lyn-Dene, Millfield Road
2. Considered by the Parish Council with no objections:
a) 12/00260/FUL – Window at Beauclerc
b) 12/00247/PRUTPO – tree at Hazel Rigg, Millfield Road
c) 12/00349/FUL – Extension at Underwood Lodge

13. Finance: a) the financial statement was accepted.
b) The following payments were authorised:

MFAnderton salary/Feb./March/Expenses – £923.80
Sign & Design (move car park sign) – £30.00
NCC/grass cutting – £1,453.32
Northumbria Water – £8.88
Homevend (Handyman) – £70.00
Stuart Burns (trees) – £500.00
Dennis Castelow (repairs) – £150.00
Clerks and Councils Direct (Ann. Subs) – £12.00
Radiopages (website)  -£169.00

14. Minor Matters: a) Long Rigg Residents Association had approached the Council to discuss transferring the road to them.
b) The status of the footpaths near the rivers was queried; it was confirmed that the path from the end of the station was only permissive while the path along the river was a Right of Way;
c) a more detailed statement about the Parish Council’s proposals for Millfield Road Bridge would be drafted for the web site;
d) it was acknowledged that the new easterly sign for Wentworth Grange appeared to solve the traffic problems with lorries there.
The meeting closed at 9.55pm

Parish Council Minutes February 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on 13th February 2012 at 7.45 in the Parish Hall Supper room

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Howe, Dunhill, Eakins and Carew. County Cllr Dale was present with 4 members of the public and, for item (4), Rob Archer of Riding Mill Tennis Club and Kathie Keady from North Country Leisure.

1. Apologies : Cllr Reid

2. Declarations of interest: Cllr Eakins is a member of Riding Mill Allotment Association.

3. Minutes of the meeting of 12th December 2011 were agreed as a true record with the following amendments: insertion of “or groups” after “families” twice in item 6d and “the County Council” after “meet” in item (8).

4. Tennis Club: Kathy Keady described the poor playing surfaces of the tennis courts and the need to improve them. Sport England’s funding stream “Inspired facilities” could provide a grant for which RMTC is eligible. Matched funding is a requirement (70:30) and RMTC are already raising funds and approaching the one-third match amount. The single court could be made available for other uses such as football or netball. RMTC are hoping to have a temporary bridge as access to the double court gifted to them. RMTC asked for an extension of the lease to 30 years and a letter of support from the Parish Council to which the Parish Council agreed on the basis that the application would be made by RMTC rather than the Parish Council. Cllr Reid had indicated that the use of the single court should include the general public. MA/RMTC

5. Matters arising: a) Car Park: The working group had agreed on the plants for the bed. The siting of the warning sign in the car park had been opposed by a neighbour and the Council would consider moving it to the back corner of the walled bed nearest the Parish Hall depending on the cost entailed. MA

b) Weir: Tyne Rivers Trust (TRT) is having a further look at the proposed work to be carried out and will come back to the Parish Council. Some Councillors favour removing the weir altogether to absolve the Council of any further costs and some wish to keep it in some form.

c) Double yellow lines: The consultation has been carried out and Cllr Dale will circulate the results in Confidence to Councillors. Subject to the Parish Council’s agreement, the work can go ahead.

d) Lighting on Car Park: It was felt there was sufficient light for safety and it was agreed not to seek more lighting. MA

e) Grit bin: The County Council had placed a bin near the bend at Beauclerc as it was a health & safety matter.

f) Entrance to Wentworth Grange: Cllr Dale had spoken to highways and was due to have a meeting with Mr Lee about the signs and the traffic to and from the Grange.

6. Millfield Road Bridge: Cllr Howe summarised the position on Millfield Road Bridge and explained the alternatives for its repair/replacement. The options are to 1) do short term repairs for about – £15000 which will give a 5 year breathing space in safety; (2) make a brand new bridge, in excess of – £200,000 with ~- £80,000 to make the whole road including the bridge adoptable; (3) more expensive improvements of Option 1 to 7.5 tonnes with the same width restriction; (4) close the bridge to all except foot traffic or (5) make a box culvert – which could be more expensive than option 2. It was agreed that in the short term Option 1 should go out to tender and to put Cllr Howe’s article onto the website. MA

7. Water/drainage problems: Cllr Dale reported that the County Council had put the problems near Grey Court and a subsided drain on the A68 onto their schedule of works. At the Nick there are many springs and neither the Environment Agency, nor Northumbrian Water will take responsibility if water runs off private land. The Legal team at County Hall are looking into who ownership of and legal responsibility for the land where the springs arise. Ade

8. Speed through the village: Cllr Reid had raised resetting the flashing signs to a lower speed level than the 34mph currently required by the County Council. It was agreed that the first essential was reliable working. Cllr Dale had spoken with Duncan Roberts from County Hall about the footpath where the new tarmac had been used up. He suggested painting 30mph signs in the road to help warn motorists. Cllr Carew asked that such signage be considered for the west end of the village also. Ade

9. Celebrations/Events: Cllr Carew had organised a well attended meeting that discussed a number of events to celebrate both the Jubilee and the Olympic Torch run including a Sports event on the Cricket Club field, a fun day event organised by the Wellington, a dance at the Parish Hall, themed Olympic scarecrows in the village. Michael Pritchard had agreed to video as much as possible and William Radice had offered to write a poem for a plaque to be placed in the Parish Hall gardens. It was suggested that invitiations be sent to villages through which the Torch would not pass such as Slaley and Healey and Corbridge; parking problem would need stewarding. The Parish Council approved a budget of – £500 to pay for trimmings/bunting etc. EC

10. Fence between Play Park and Parish Hall garden: the working group felt the cost of a brand new fence was too high and they would arrange for the gaps totalling some 12 metres only to be filled. Working Group

11.Annual Parish Meeting: It was agreed, that the APM should be held before the Parish Council meeting on the 14th May at 6.00pm. No guest speakers would be invited and the meeting would be in the Supper Room. It was also agreed to cancel the April PC meeting as it was due on Easter Monday.

12. The Handyman’s report was submitted as usual to Councillors and it was noted.

13. Trees below Weir, opposite Cartref: these were being removed at a cost of – £500.

14. Planning:

1. Considered by Northumberland County Council:

a) the following was granted consent under delegated powers:

11/02324/PRUTPO – Millstones;

b) 11/00903/FUL – House at land west of Kingmead: decision still pending, subject to a S.106 statement;

2. 11/03163/FUL – The Bungalow, Broomhaugh – application withdrawn;

3. Considered by the Parish Council;

12/00062/FUL – extension at Lyn-Dene; No objections

TPOs: the County Council have issued guidance on TPOs which will now go out for an 8 week consultation to Parish Councils.

15. Correspondence: a) Joint NCC/PC meetings. The next date in the West area is Tuesday 13th March at 6pm at Ponteland Community High School. It was suggested that Cllr Reid might attend;

b) A request had been received from a member of the public about (i) a light on the station footpath – this has been explored in the past with no success due to the cost. and (ii) -a mobile Post office stopping in Riding Mill. The Clerk would explore the possibility of the latter. MA

16. Finance: a) the financial statement was accepted. It was noted that the budget had been exceeded. The Fiduciary Guarantee increase had been submitted to the Insurance company. BTBell charges would be checked. MA

b) the following payments were authorised:

Northumberland County Council/dog bin waste – £331.12
BTBell – for meetings and associated work – £585.60
BTBell – for meetings and associated work – £435.60
VHT/rent – £36.00
Handyman invoices (17/18) – £140.00
RM Allotment Assn/ Insurance repayment – £ 68.90
Playdale/cradle swings – £411.36
Playdale – insurance repairs to playpark – £1,331.41
Proforma invoice to Kingdom Teak for benches – £695.95
MFAnderton/Salary Jan/Exp. December – £482.48
Watson sign for Car Park – £174.00

17. Minor Matters: a) It was agreed to insert an addendum into the Parish News clarifying the Police action regarding the Vandalism;

b) Neighbourhood Planning – no action;

c) Website: Dave Porter is proposing changing the Parish website to a CMS ( Content management system) which will reduce costs and be easier to use. Cllr Eakins will invite him to the next Council meeting to talk on the matter. JE

The meeting closed at 10.10pm