Broomhaugh and Riding Parish Council – Complaints policy 2010
- A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about the Council’s action or lack of action or about the standard of service, whether the action was taken or the service provided by the Council itself or a person or body acting on behalf of the Council.
- This complaints policy is intended to be
(a) well publicised
(b) helpful and receptive
(c) not adversarial
(d) fair and objective
(e) quick, thorough, rigorous and consistent
(f) decisive and capable of putting things right where necessary
(h) regularly analysed to spot patterns of complaint and lessons for service improvement - 3 At all times the rules of natural justice will apply
- A complaint against any Councillor individually should be made in writing to the Clerk (or, if the complaint is against the Clerk , to the Chairman)
- The Clerk will refer the complaint to the Chairman (unless the complaint is against the Chairman, in which case the complaint will go forward under B 4 (below)).
- The Chairman will seek to deal with the complaint to the satisfaction of the complainant
- If the complainant is not satisfied (or if the complaint is against the Chairman), the complaint will be referred to the Council, who will seek to satisfy the complainant
- The complainant, if not then satisfied, may seek redress elsewhere, eg the County Council.
- The complainant must put the complaint in writing, backed up with documentation or other written evidence of his or her claim
- If the complaint is referred to the Council under B4 above, a meeting shall be set up with the complainant (and a representative, if desired) and the Council.
- The Council shall consider whether the circumstances merit the exclusion of the press and public
- The Complainant should outline his or her case and then questions may be asked by the members of the Council.
- The Clerk or a nominated officer shall explain the Council’s position and questions may be asked by the members of the Council and the complainant.
- The complainant and other parties with an interest shall leave the room while the members decide by majority vote whether the complaint was justified.
- The complainant will be notified within 7 days of the Council’s decision and of any action to be taken if the complaint is upheld.
- There is no further right of review or appeal within the Council following conclusion of B4 (above).