Local Organisations

For more information an any of these local organisations, please click on the name:

Allotments Association 

Art Club

Broomhaugh First School

Choral Society

Dry Stone Walling Association

Drama Club  

Film Club

Mortal Fools

Northumbria Healers

Photographic Society 

Pot Luck Lunch Club


Riding Mill Play & Regeneration Group


Sports Club – Cricket or Football

Tennis Club

Tynedale Chess Club

Women’s Institute


Other local Organisations:

Angling Association

Peter Wood – 01434 682509

Badminton Club

Evelyn Downs – 01434 682536

Bridge Club

Pam Niven – 01434 682394

Carpet Bowls

Graham Walmsley –  07593 215785

Exercise Class for the over 50s to over 90s

Linda Shepherd- 01434 682069

Karate Class

Sensei Peter Atkinson- 07912 533164

Pilates Class

Paula – 07990 774069

Riding Mill Singers

Carole Craig Gilby – 07950 974874

Table Tennis

Anne Lawrence – email aanddlawrence@gmail.com (Tuesday afternoon session)

Mark Twelftree – mark@itfp.co.uk (Monday evening session)

Yoga Class

Clare – email hopeyoga2018@outlook.com