Parish Council Minutes – July 2013

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the above Parish Council, held on Monday, 8th July 2013 in the Parish Hall at 7.45 pm

Present: Cllrs Howe (in the Chair), Mills, Carew and Singer. County Cllr Dale was present before and during the meeting. 7 members of the public were in attendance.

  1. Apologies: Reid, Dunhill. It was announced that the Parish Council no longer employs the former Clerk, Monica Anderson, and that Councillor Howe is taking on the role of the clerk on a temporary basis until a new clerk can be employed.
  2. Declarations of Interests: none
  3. Minutes of 13rth May 2013: These were agreed as a true record
  4. Matters arising
    1. Moles: A suitable mole catcher has still not been found it was agreed to continue the search for a suitable person.
    2. Bus shelter at West end of the village This matter is in progress. Councillor Dale suggested that she would seek finance from the County Council to help fund the bus shelter.
    3. Clarification of lists on assets register: It was noted that this still has to be done.
    4. Tennis Club Plans: Councillor Mills explained that the Council’s solicitors had been asked to draft a new lease. A tidy up evening was planned for 9/7/13: volunteers were called for.
  5. Parish Plan update: Paul Goldsmith from the Parish plan working group reported on progress concerning the drawing up of the Parish plan. He explained that the parish plan represents a mechanism by which a neighbourhood plan may be drawn up. It is part of the constitution of the Parish plan that it cannot prejudice a future neighbourhood plan; hence care was being taken to ensure this. 21 people will have to agree aspects of a neighbourhood plan. A Parish plan can produce Ideas whereas a neighbour plan asks for input. Councillor Dale asked if all relevant documents had been received and she advised that the Parish council and others worked closely together.
  6. Handyman report: The monthly report was noted. The Cricket club bench has been refurbished.
  7. Planning: There were no planning applications to be considered or decisions to report.
  8. Finance:
    1. It was agreed to approve the Handyman’s monthly standing order for June and July.
    2. The following payments were authorised:
      1.                                                         i.      MF Anderton / Salary May                                £433.64
      2.                                                       ii.      Methodist Church, room Hire                             £24.00
      3.                                                     iii.      G Dodd, addit. Work to Dene Tce. wall             £150.00
    3. It was agreed to seek banks in Hexham and approve a bank to move the reserve account to.


  1. Minor matters:
    1. Barbara Purvis , Secretary of the Longrigg Property owners Association, askedwhat  progress had been made in respect of the proposed acquisition of Longrigg by LPRO. Cllr Mills replied that the Parish Council was waiting to hear from the Valuation Office   B. Purvis handed over a proposal from the LPRO for consideration by the Parish Council.
    2. A request was received for a contribution from the Parish Council to the Mill Race Garden. A grant of £40 was agreed
    3. Councillor Dale reported that the bench at Dene Close had been replaced with a new one by ISOS.
    4. It was reported that the Methodist Hall notice board  appeared to be inadequate.
    5. Councillor Howe reported that the verge at the bottom of Whiteside Bank, added to the list of NCC grass cutting last year, had not been cut this year. Councillor Dale will look into this.
  2. The meeting closed at 8.25pm.


Date of next meeting: Monday 9th September 2013.

Agreed as an accurate record by the Vice chairman.



Peter Howe………………………………………………………………………………………..14 July 2013.


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