As a local elector, or an interested person, you have the right to view the Parish Council’s accounts for 2018/19.
Click on the link below to view the Notice of Public Rights together with the Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement for 2018/19:
Broomhaugh &Riding PC Accounts 2018-19 / Notice of Public Rights
To view a copy of the income and expenditure statement for 2018-19, click on the following link: Income and expenditure statement 18-19
The accounts can be viewed, by appointment, at the Parish Hall during the opening hours of the Foyer Café i.e. 10 am to 1 pm on the following dates:
Monday 10th June
Friday 14th June
Monday 17th June
Friday 21st June
Monday 24th June
Friday 28th June
Monday 1st July
Friday 5th July
Monday 8th July
Friday 12th July
Monday 15th July
Friday 19th July
To make an appointment to view the accounts please contact the Clerk, Catherine Harrison, on 682348 or email: