You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh and Riding Parish Council
Minutes of meeting held on Monday 12th December 2011 in the Supper Room of the Parish Hall.
Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Dunhill, Howe and Eakins. Also present were County Cllr. Dale and 4 members of the public.
1. Apologies: None
2. Cooption of Councillor: Eileen Carew offered herself as a Councillor and this was unanimously agreed. She joined members at the table.
3. Declaration of interests: None
4. Minutes of the previous meeting: Agreed as a true record
5. Handyman Report: This was presented by Mrs Stephenson and is available for viewing. There was discussion about the fence/hedge between the Playpark and VHT garden and the replacement of the fence prior to a new hedge being put in place. This will be considered when the quote is in and when others from the VHT and neighbouring houses have been consulted. It was agreed that the hedge be cut for now on the Play park side.
6. Matters Arising: a) Car Park: This is now complete. Planting will take place in the Spring and a small working group of Cllrs Howe and Reid, Mrs Shepherd, Alan Thomson and Mr or Mrs Steimet from the Police House will decide on trees and shrubs.
b) Weir: This is still deteriorating slowly with the bad weather. The original allocation of £3000 should be kept in the budget for next year.
c) Millfield Road bridge: There was some discussion again on the options and Cllr Reid had reservations about the possibility of a 40 tonne bridge being a viable option unless the road was upgraded and adopted as well. It was agreed that further informed discussions would take place after a meeting which was due to take place with BT Bell.
d) Replacement bench at Bobby’s: Following the generous offers from four families and groups to replace this, it had been decided to accept the offer from the family of Ben Wilson, who died aged 9. The family were in the process of selecting a bench and they had also agreed to retain the plaque from the original bench. The other families and groups had all been personally contacted and thanked for their kind offers.
e) Bus shelter: A site meeting was held with representatives from the County Council, the Clerk and Eileen Carew and Cllr Howe. Because of the location of the footpath, bus stop and the exits from the Slaley Road and the Nick, visibility is poor at the best of times and a stone shelter is out of the question. After measurement, it was agreed that there would be room for a glazed shelter by moving the footpath slightly. The total cost would be in the order of £9/10 thousand pounds. This was felt to be high when considering the strain on next year’s budget. It was agreed in principle and it was noted that as £3500 had already been included in the budget, grants could be sought to make up the difference. MA
As an adjunct, it was noted the footpath at the bus stop was in poor condition and this was referred forward to the Highways authority.
f) Parking at the Millennium Hall: the new double yellow lines process was ongoing albeit slowly
g) The fence at the Playpark: a quote is being sought for this to take to the working group
h) Celebrations: The Olympic Torch, the Jubilee and the Festival of the North east are all taking place in the next 2 years. No volunteers had responded to the plea in the Parish News to help organise events around the Torch in the village. Cllr Mills suggested finding out what the school were doing and Cllr Eakins suggested the Councillors ring a few people who might be willing to help by organising a group. Cllr Eakins would coordinate this. JM/JE/ALL
i) Street lighting at the new Car park: Cllr Dale reported that the County Council was looking at lighting on a health & safety basis. Standard lights were very expensive and the car park had been designed with additional lighting in place. It could be possible to have lower height lighting. The Clerk would make enquiries as to options. MA
j) Cllr Dale raised the issue of a request for a new grit bin near Beauclerc. She had been told this would be the responsibility of the Parish Council now but it was not part of the Charter. The Clerk would follow up on this. MA
7. Speed into village: The flashing road signs were now working but subject to a few teething problems. They were set at 34mph before registering in line with County Council Policy. Cllr Dale would forward the email explaining this. Cllr Dunhill would like to see a ‘gateway’ into the village especially at the eastern end of the village as a further deterrent to speeding motorists. Cllr Dale suggested that Dale Romney be contacted from the County Council to discuss the options and the costs that might go with such options. ADe/MA
8. Blind entrance at Wentworth Grange: Following the recent roadworks, the verge near the south bus stop had been tarmaced over having the effect of completely removing the footpath and letting people park more easily. Visibility is already very difficult at that junction. Cllr Dale was due to meet to discuss this matter and would report back. The Council felt that it should be easy to mark up the footpath properly on the tarmac. Cllr Dunhill suggested looking into the purchase of part of the adjacent field to provide car parking. MA
9. Planning:
11/02191/LBC Listed Building consent at the Lodge, Shepherd’s Dene; this was granted under delegated powers
11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead, Sandy Bank – still pending according to the Planning website
11/02202/FUL Extension at Lyndene, Millfield Road withdrawn
10. Correspondence: a) the general file contained two large consultations for Councillors to consider.
b) Vodafone Mobile Trial: this related to G3 mobiles and was to make expressions of interest through the local MP. Cllr Dale had forwarded the village as being interested in participating in the trial.
c) The Hexham Courant had asked for a short report to go into next year’s Tynedale Visitor. Cllr Dunhill agreed to do this.
11. Finance: a) The financial statement was accepted – it was in line with the budget and as expected.
b) the following payments were authorised:
Northumberland Rivers Trust (re Weir) – £800.00
MFAnderton/Salary/November/Dec. and expenses November) – £918.68
Homevend (Handyman/16) – £70.00
SLCC annual subs 2012 – £97.00
Marchburn Lane Residents Assn. (ex gratia) – £50.00
RM Cricket Club/grass cutting – £746.00
Sign & Design (keys) – £48.00
Northumbrian Water – £12.04
Debmat (car park) – £16,741.20
c) Budget and Precept: The figures were reviewed again. The footbridge over the Weir and the bus shelter could be considered over two years. Accepting a deficit budget again, the Council agreed that the Precept would be £47,000. Whilst a large increase in percentage terms, it is relatively small at the Band D level
12. Minor matters: Cllr Mills had written a short note for the Parish News referring to the vandalism and to the bench at Bobby’s.
The meeting closed at 9.59pm