Education Consultations – March 2018

There are three consultations currently being undertaken which residents may wish to comment upon:

  1. Northumberland County Council – Education in the West
  2. Hadrian Learning Trust – proposals for significant changes at Hexham Middle School and Queen Elizabeth High School
  3. Northumberland County Council – Consultation on Post-16 School Transport in Northumberland

To view the consultation documents please click on the link below each summary:

  1. Northumberland County Council is currently undertaking a consultation on education in the West of the County. The consultation is considering the future of Haydon Bridge High School, the possible change to a two-tier education system and the possible closure of a number of first and middle schools.

Closing date for comments: 9th April

  1. Hadrian Learning Trust – proposals to change the age range to form an 11-18 secondary school. Also, if NCC decides to close Haydon Bridge High School, should the school expand to accept these children.

Closing date for comments: 3.30 pm on Thursday 29th March

  1. Northumberland County Council – Post-16 School Transport. The County Council proposes to remove the need for students to pay for post-16 school transport providing they meet all the eligibility criteria.  However, they do wish to introduce a £50 administrative fee payable on submission of an application for post-16 transport.

Closing date for comments: 9 am on 2nd April