Proposal to build a house on land south of Church Lane – Application number 20/01932/FUL
The planning application for Fold House is now available online.
To view the application please click on the following link and search using the application number above:
The Parish Council does have one paper copy of the application and if you are unable to view it online please contact the Clerk (682348) to arrange to borrow the documents for a period of 24 hours.
We would encourage people to respond with valid planning framework comments (see below), and if you would like to submit anything by way of a response, either in support or objection, then you should comment in the following ways:
- via the planning portal website as detailed above
- by sending an email to
- by writing to The Planning Department (West Area Team), Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth NE61 2EF
Comments should be received by Wednesday 26th August although we understand that there is a little flexibility with that date should residents be away.
Please note: The Parish Council has been given an extension and is able to submit its comments on 15th September following the Parish Council meeting on Monday 14th September when it will be discussed.
The council can only take land use planning issues into account when it makes a decision on an application. These will vary depending on the proposal and the site circumstances, but may include:
- The council’s planning policies
- Central government planning guidance
- The size, appearance, layout and density of the proposed development
- Daylight, sunlight and overshadowing
- Overlooking or loss of privacy
- Means of access, parking, servicing, traffic generation, highway safety
- Impact on landscape and ecological habitats
- Effect on listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeology
- Noise and disturbance
- Air quality and odours
- Contamination
- Flood risk
- Renewable energy, sustainability of proposed development
- Crime prevention and community safety
The following are matters which the council cannot take into account, these include:
- Private property matters such as boundary and access disputes, rights to light, restrictive covenants, capacity of private drains, damage to property during construction
- Effects on property value
- Trade competition
- Loss of view
- Building regulations matters such as structural safety and fire prevention and matters covered by other laws such as alcohol or gaming licences
- The applicant’s personal conduct, history or motives