Northumberland County Council has begun two consultations on the following issues
1) Proposed changes intended to remove an inconsistency between “two-tier” and “three-tier” schools in the way eligibility for free school transport is determined from the start of the academic year 2014/15;
2) Proposed changes to the policy on transport to schools that have been chosen for reasons of religion or belief from the start of the academic year 2015/16 onwards.
The above consultations are in addition to the ongoing consultation on proposals for Post-16 transport provision which closes on 19 May 2014.
The consultations on walking distance eligibility and transport to schools for reasons of religion or belief are open until 10 June 2014; the link provided below will take you to the Home to School Transport page on the Council’s website, where you can download the relevant consultation documents which provide further information and reasons for the consultation. A link to the web-based questionnaires is also provided within the Consultation Documents and on the Home to School Transport Page itself.