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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th October 2010 in the Supper Room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Mills (in the chair), Reid, Dunhill, and Heslop. Also present were County Cllr Anne Dale, 4 members of the public and a member of the Press.
1. Apologies: Cllr Eakins.
2. Minutes of last meeting: Cllr Heslop asked that item 10(c) be deleted from the minutes but Cllr Mills refused his request. When he continued to argue with Cllr Mills, she told him that if he could not behave appropriately he should leave the meeting. He then left. The minutes were then agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising: a) Northumbrian water: Northumbrian Water had given 6 weeks notice of intent to modify the pipeline currently under the Millfield Road bridge. It was decided to postpone giving permission pending consultation with the immediate residents. In the meantime, the Clerk would query the supply to the Parish Hall and nearby properties and whether there would be a loss of water during execution of the proposed works. Some indication of the frequency of washout procedures was required. MA
b) Handy-man: It was agreed that Mrs Stephenson would continue to supervise the Handy – man. She was authorised to spend up to a limit of £50 for materials. For larger sums however, authorisation from the Clerk and/or a Councillor would be needed. So far, jobs done include: re-siting the dog waste bin and post; branch trimming around the Millfield Road bridge; cleaning the footbridge to the Tennis Courts to prevent the boards from rotting. Authorisation was given for marine plywood and Sadolin.
c) Spinney: Work is continuing. The temporary acknowledgement of the original gift will be replaced with a permanent plaque. MA
d) Traffic Safety Mirrors: The replacement mirror at Hollin Hill Terrace would be added to the Parish Council’s insurance policy, when the cost had been reimbursed. The Council feel that all mirrors should be their responsibility. It was agreed to purchase a new mirror for the foot of Sandy Bank. Cllr Dale explained that the County Council would not accept liability for people misreading mirrors and therefore would not supply them. MA
4. Policy on Vexatious Communications: Cllr Mills explained the main points of the new policy naming 5 criteria. If the Council decides any of the criteria has been met, the vexatious communicator will be notified accordingly. It was suggested that the draft be publicised on the web site and on the Council notice board for a two week period to enable constructive comments to be made.
5. Complaints Procedure: The procedure by which the Council deals with complaints from members of the public, based on NALC guidance, was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Reid but no vote was taken as it was deferred to the next meeting. Cllr Dale agreed to establish whether parish councils can have access to the County’s Ombudsman. It was agreed to put this procedure on the website and Council notice board for a limited public consultation and to ask Mr Henry, solicitor at County Hall to check the legal content. JM/MA/ADe
6. Planning:
(a) Considered by the Parish Council:
20100509 Rebuild at Saward, Long Rigg: No objections
20100652 Barn off A68 south of Broomhaugh: Objected
20100695 Extension at Riding Hills Farm: No objection
20100722 Extension at Old Tavern House: No objection
(b) Under consideration by the Parish Council:
20100703 New property at Grovefield, Sandy Bank
20100786 Extension at 1 Ford Terrace
(c) County Council determinations:
20100617 Listed consent for replacement windows at Broomhaugh Farmhouse Refused consent
20100490 Extension at West Cottage, Shepherd’s Dene Conditional permission under delegated powers.
7. Council’s treatment of Correspondence: The Parish Council has a problem with the amount of correspondence which it receives, including letters, emails, short and long consultation documents. It was agreed that the Clerk would summarise these in the correspondence file for Councillors. Comments were made about the length of some consultation documents, the amount of paper needed to print them off, the reluctance of the higher authorities to consider this and of their timing of many consultations; eg. over the holiday periods. It was agreed to write to the Chief Executive of the County about this. MA
8. Correspondence: a) General
9. Finance:
a) Budgetary review: The financial statement and receipts were accepted. There was no change in the budgetary information from the previous month.
b) The following payments were authorised:
M F Anderton – Salary/Sep – £420.36
M F Anderton – Expenses/Sep – £47.76
Darren Johnson (handy man) – £70.00
Velocity UK ( Millfield Road bridge resurfacing) – £581.63
SLCC ( Conference fee) – £41.12
Linden Stephenson (reimbursements of materials for handyman) – £24.04
Andy Dunhill (reimbursement of leaflet printing costs) – £43.27
20. Minor matters:
Cllr Mills will attend the joint meeting of the NCC and parish and town councils on 12th October;
a) It was reported that the Council had delivered a statement on Millfield Road and Bridge to all residents;
b) Cllr Dale had received a request for repair of pavements in Church Close. This would be added to the Local Transport Plan; MA
c) Cllr Dale had also dealt with a gully issue in Sandy Bank;
d) A holly bush on the corner of Sandy Bank would be removed by the County Council;
e) Fly tipping – Whiteside Bank is still a problem. Cllr Dunhill agreed to monitor it and Cllr Dale would investigate a gate across the road: AD/ADe
f) Flashing road traffic signs – Cllr Dunhill will look at details of costs and siting with Cllr Eakins; AD/JE
g) Cllr Heslop had already offered to tidy the War Memorial and to lay the wreath:
h) The Clerk agreed to have spare keys cut for the notice boards for Councillors.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm