Letter from Northumberland County Council (NCC). Representation forms referred to below can be found in the PC folder in the Parish Hall
Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy:
Pre-Submission Draft – Proposed Major Modifications Consultation
The consultation on Proposed Major Modifications to the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft has been launched by NCC.
The consultation document can be viewed via the link below:
- Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications (live from 15 June 2016).
The Core Strategy is the County Council’s main strategic planning document for Northumberland, covering the period to 2031. This additional stage of consultation is necessary to ensure that the plan is robust and sound before it is submitted to Government. A statutory period of consultation over a six week period will commence on Wednesday 15th June 2016 and run until 4pm on Wednesday 27th July 2016.
The consultation document is the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications, setting out, in table form, the Major Modifications that we are proposing to make to the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft and the reasons for making these changes. Other documents which accompany the Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications include a Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Core Strategy and a version of the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft showing all the proposed Major and Minor Modifications – these are for information purposes only.
It is important to point out that the purpose of this consultation is to obtain views on the ‘soundness’ of the Proposed Major Modifications – i.e. whether, as a result of the changes, the plan will be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.
We are inviting comments only on the Proposed Major Modifications: as such, comments should not revisit other parts of the Core Strategy that are not subject to the Proposed Major Modifications.
All consultation documents and the evidence base for the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Proposed Major Modificationsare available to view on the Council’s website at corestrategy.northumberland.gov.uk.
Hard copies of the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications consultation document can be found in Council Offices, Information Centres and libraries and are also available to purchase from the Council. In addition a CD containing the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications consultation document is available free of charge on request.
Comments on the Proposed Major Modifications should be submitted using the ‘Representation Form’ and must be received by 4pm on Wednesday 27th July 2016.
Copies of the representation form and guidance note to help you make a representation are available to download from the Councils’ website athttp://northumberland-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/planning/core_strategy/csmm. Copies can also be requested by using the contact details above.
The preference is for representations to be made online, via the Council’s website, at http://northumberland-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/planning/core_strategy/csmm. If you have commented before, please use your existing registration details (see above). The Council will also accept comments, using the representation forms, via email to PlanningStrategy@northumberland.gov.uk or by post.
Due to the level of modifications proposed in the consultation document for Hexham and Morpeth, there will be drop-in sessions in these towns on the following days and times:
- Morpeth – Wednesday 6 July 2016, 2pm to 7pm at Town Hall, Market Place, Morpeth, NE61 1LZ.
- Hexham – Thursday 7 July 2016, 2pm to 7pm at Queens Hall, Beaumont Street, Hexham, NE46 3LS.
Planning staff will attend to discuss the consultation document and provide advice on how to reply to the consultation.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Renewable Energy
In addition to the statutory consultation on the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications, the Council is also consulting on a Scoping Report for a future Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Renewable Energy. This consultation document together with representation forms can be accessed via http://northumberland-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/planning/renewable energy/scoping. Again the preference is for representations to be made online, via the weblink above. However, the Council will also accept comments, using the representation form, via email to PlanningStrategy@northumberland.gov.uk or by post.
If you have any questions about either consultation please do not hesitate to contact a member of my team at PlanningStrategy@northumberland.gov.uk or by telephone on 0345 600 6400.