Notification that the Osbit Planning Application will be considered at Local Area Committee – Tuesday 10 September

Notification from the County Council


Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015


I am writing to inform you that the above application is due to be heard at the Local Area

Committee – Tynedale (Planning Only) Dene Park House, Corbridge Road, Hexham, NE46

1HN at 4pm on 10 September 2024.


The committee report will be available on the Council’s website from five days before the date of the meeting onwards and can be viewed at


You have a right to request to speak about the application. If you wish to speak you must

register your intention by contacting the relevant representative in Democratic Services:

 Local Area Committee – Tynedale – Nichola Turnbull Tel. 01670 622617

Or by e-mail; by the deadline of 12 noon the

(working) day before the committee meeting. If the day before the meeting is a bank holiday,

you must register by 12 noon on the previous week day. You need to confirm in your request

whether you will be speaking for or against the application. Please also provide a contact

telephone number (and if possible an email address) as Democratic Services will contact you to confirm your slot.


Proposal Proposed office and staff cafe extension, alterations to car park, landscaping and

associated infrastructure


Location Osbit Power Ltd Broomhaugh House Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AW

Applicant c/o Agent


There will be a total of five minutes for objectors to speak on each application and a total of five minutes for the supporters also. Please note that your presentation can only be verbal and any photographs/ presentation equipment are not permitted in the public speaking section. If more than one person registers to speak in either of these slots, you will need to share the five minutes or agree on a spokesperson. The public speaking register is publicly available from Democratic Services. The local County Councillor for the area concerned also has the opportunity to address the committee for five minutes.


In the event of the application being deferred for consideration at a future committee meeting

you will be required to re-register to speak.


Public Speaking Protocol

If you have any queries about the public speaking protocol or any other administration of the

committee, please contact Democratic Services on 0345 600 6400.

The public speaking protocol is available on the County Council website at



It can also be provided on request from Democratic Services.


If you have any queries about the planning process, you will need to contact the relevant

planning office.

Your written comments concerning this application will be taken into consideration whether or not you elect to speak at the meeting.