You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Council meeting of the 23rd April 2013 held in the Millenium Hall at 7.10pm
Present: Clls Mills (Chairperson) Reid, Dunhill, Carew (taking Minutes), County Cllr Dale and 8 members of the public.
1. Apologies Brian Singer, Peter Howe
2. Declarations of interest. None
3. Minutes of Council meeting of 11th March 2013 were agreed with amendments to item 7 to read:
Protecting council reserves; The County council had been unable to advice on this. It was agreed to look at suitable instant access accounts with the cooperative bank.
4. Matters arising
2 trees at the entrance to the double courts at the Tennis Club have now been cut down.
5. Tennis Club plans
The report from the Riding Mill Tennis club sent to the PC on the 8th April was discussed.
Contracts have been awarded to G Lillico and Pavescape Ltd
Discussions are still underway re access for works to the single tennis Court and permission would need to be given from BT, the owners of the road, and the nearby householders.
The Tennis Club has also requested a small extension of land at the single tennis court. Cllr Dunhill has agreed to look into this.
Although the PC has agreed to extend the Lease to the Tennis club to 30yrs the PC have also been requested to check a clause in the lease stating that if the tennis club was no longer viable the existing Tennis club members would be responsible to make good the tennis club land.
6. Mole catching
Cllr Dale has agreed to follow this up.
7. Parish plan review
The Sub-committee are progressing well with the village plans and are considering the best ways to publicise ideas and obtain the views of residents.
8. Sewage Manhole
The Nothumbrian Water Co responded very quickly to the request for this to be repaired and all work has been completed.
9. Elections
Only 6 members of the Village residents have applied to become Parish Councillors therefore no formal elections will take place.
10. Handyman report
The damage to the bench at the weir has been skilfully repaired by Dennis Castelow
11. Road safety in the rural community
No further progress has been made on the reduction of speed through the village
12. Grass cutting
Because of poor weather in 2012 the grass was not cut as regularly as contracted. The PC demanded a rebate from the contractors .
13. Marchburn Lane and Bridge.
The Marchburn Residents association have contacted the owners of Tree Tops and the building contractors re their concerns about the heavy vehicles used to complete the extensive building work to their property. The Parish council have also agreed to contact the owners
14. Planning permission was considered by the parish council with no objections
13/00323/VARCO Parish Hall Car Park sign
13/00493/FUL Conservatory at 5, Oaklands Rise
13/00660/PRUTPO Tree prune at 8, Meadow Park
15. Finances
The financial statements for March and the budget for training of £600 were accepted.
16. Minor Matters
A request was made to cut down and prune 2 trees in Marchburn Lane, one that is very near telephone wires. BT will need to be contacted.
A resident has reported that the road surface on the approach to the east end of Millfield Rd bridge is showing some signs of wear, and has suggested this may be due to drivers positioning their vehicles when approaching to cross through the Bollards on the bridge.
Payments to authorise for April 2013.
VHT-rent £48.00
Stuart Burn(trees) £230.00
SLCC (books) £32.90
Aon UK Limited (extra premium for bicycle stands) £5.84
Linden Stephenson re materials £35.94
Homevend/31( by S/O ) £75.00
Date and time of next meeting Monday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Meeting finished at 8.30pm