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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of meeting held on 13th February 2012 at 7.45 in the Parish Hall Supper room
Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Howe, Dunhill, Eakins and Carew. County Cllr Dale was present with 4 members of the public and, for item (4), Rob Archer of Riding Mill Tennis Club and Kathie Keady from North Country Leisure.
1. Apologies : Cllr Reid
2. Declarations of interest: Cllr Eakins is a member of Riding Mill Allotment Association.
3. Minutes of the meeting of 12th December 2011 were agreed as a true record with the following amendments: insertion of “or groups” after “families” twice in item 6d and “the County Council” after “meet” in item (8).
4. Tennis Club: Kathy Keady described the poor playing surfaces of the tennis courts and the need to improve them. Sport England’s funding stream “Inspired facilities” could provide a grant for which RMTC is eligible. Matched funding is a requirement (70:30) and RMTC are already raising funds and approaching the one-third match amount. The single court could be made available for other uses such as football or netball. RMTC are hoping to have a temporary bridge as access to the double court gifted to them. RMTC asked for an extension of the lease to 30 years and a letter of support from the Parish Council to which the Parish Council agreed on the basis that the application would be made by RMTC rather than the Parish Council. Cllr Reid had indicated that the use of the single court should include the general public. MA/RMTC
5. Matters arising: a) Car Park: The working group had agreed on the plants for the bed. The siting of the warning sign in the car park had been opposed by a neighbour and the Council would consider moving it to the back corner of the walled bed nearest the Parish Hall depending on the cost entailed. MA
b) Weir: Tyne Rivers Trust (TRT) is having a further look at the proposed work to be carried out and will come back to the Parish Council. Some Councillors favour removing the weir altogether to absolve the Council of any further costs and some wish to keep it in some form.
c) Double yellow lines: The consultation has been carried out and Cllr Dale will circulate the results in Confidence to Councillors. Subject to the Parish Council’s agreement, the work can go ahead.
d) Lighting on Car Park: It was felt there was sufficient light for safety and it was agreed not to seek more lighting. MA
e) Grit bin: The County Council had placed a bin near the bend at Beauclerc as it was a health & safety matter.
f) Entrance to Wentworth Grange: Cllr Dale had spoken to highways and was due to have a meeting with Mr Lee about the signs and the traffic to and from the Grange.
6. Millfield Road Bridge: Cllr Howe summarised the position on Millfield Road Bridge and explained the alternatives for its repair/replacement. The options are to 1) do short term repairs for about – £15000 which will give a 5 year breathing space in safety; (2) make a brand new bridge, in excess of – £200,000 with ~- £80,000 to make the whole road including the bridge adoptable; (3) more expensive improvements of Option 1 to 7.5 tonnes with the same width restriction; (4) close the bridge to all except foot traffic or (5) make a box culvert – which could be more expensive than option 2. It was agreed that in the short term Option 1 should go out to tender and to put Cllr Howe’s article onto the website. MA
7. Water/drainage problems: Cllr Dale reported that the County Council had put the problems near Grey Court and a subsided drain on the A68 onto their schedule of works. At the Nick there are many springs and neither the Environment Agency, nor Northumbrian Water will take responsibility if water runs off private land. The Legal team at County Hall are looking into who ownership of and legal responsibility for the land where the springs arise. Ade
8. Speed through the village: Cllr Reid had raised resetting the flashing signs to a lower speed level than the 34mph currently required by the County Council. It was agreed that the first essential was reliable working. Cllr Dale had spoken with Duncan Roberts from County Hall about the footpath where the new tarmac had been used up. He suggested painting 30mph signs in the road to help warn motorists. Cllr Carew asked that such signage be considered for the west end of the village also. Ade
9. Celebrations/Events: Cllr Carew had organised a well attended meeting that discussed a number of events to celebrate both the Jubilee and the Olympic Torch run including a Sports event on the Cricket Club field, a fun day event organised by the Wellington, a dance at the Parish Hall, themed Olympic scarecrows in the village. Michael Pritchard had agreed to video as much as possible and William Radice had offered to write a poem for a plaque to be placed in the Parish Hall gardens. It was suggested that invitiations be sent to villages through which the Torch would not pass such as Slaley and Healey and Corbridge; parking problem would need stewarding. The Parish Council approved a budget of – £500 to pay for trimmings/bunting etc. EC
10. Fence between Play Park and Parish Hall garden: the working group felt the cost of a brand new fence was too high and they would arrange for the gaps totalling some 12 metres only to be filled. Working Group
11.Annual Parish Meeting: It was agreed, that the APM should be held before the Parish Council meeting on the 14th May at 6.00pm. No guest speakers would be invited and the meeting would be in the Supper Room. It was also agreed to cancel the April PC meeting as it was due on Easter Monday.
12. The Handyman’s report was submitted as usual to Councillors and it was noted.
13. Trees below Weir, opposite Cartref: these were being removed at a cost of – £500.
14. Planning:
1. Considered by Northumberland County Council:
a) the following was granted consent under delegated powers:
11/02324/PRUTPO – Millstones;
b) 11/00903/FUL – House at land west of Kingmead: decision still pending, subject to a S.106 statement;
2. 11/03163/FUL – The Bungalow, Broomhaugh – application withdrawn;
3. Considered by the Parish Council;
12/00062/FUL – extension at Lyn-Dene; No objections
TPOs: the County Council have issued guidance on TPOs which will now go out for an 8 week consultation to Parish Councils.
15. Correspondence: a) Joint NCC/PC meetings. The next date in the West area is Tuesday 13th March at 6pm at Ponteland Community High School. It was suggested that Cllr Reid might attend;
b) A request had been received from a member of the public about (i) a light on the station footpath – this has been explored in the past with no success due to the cost. and (ii) -a mobile Post office stopping in Riding Mill. The Clerk would explore the possibility of the latter. MA
16. Finance: a) the financial statement was accepted. It was noted that the budget had been exceeded. The Fiduciary Guarantee increase had been submitted to the Insurance company. BTBell charges would be checked. MA
b) the following payments were authorised:
Northumberland County Council/dog bin waste – £331.12
BTBell – for meetings and associated work – £585.60
BTBell – for meetings and associated work – £435.60
VHT/rent – £36.00
Handyman invoices (17/18) – £140.00
RM Allotment Assn/ Insurance repayment – £ 68.90
Playdale/cradle swings – £411.36
Playdale – insurance repairs to playpark – £1,331.41
Proforma invoice to Kingdom Teak for benches – £695.95
MFAnderton/Salary Jan/Exp. December – £482.48
Watson sign for Car Park – £174.00
17. Minor Matters: a) It was agreed to insert an addendum into the Parish News clarifying the Police action regarding the Vandalism;
b) Neighbourhood Planning – no action;
c) Website: Dave Porter is proposing changing the Parish website to a CMS ( Content management system) which will reduce costs and be easier to use. Cllr Eakins will invite him to the next Council meeting to talk on the matter. JE
The meeting closed at 10.10pm