Parish Council Minutes – February 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 11th February 2013 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Carew, Howe and Sehgal. County Cllr Dale, 5 members of the public, one member of the press and three representatives of the Tennis Club were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Reid, Dunhill and Singer

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to the inclusion of ‘At’ at the beginning of 5b and removing ‘and’ in 5g.

4. Matters arising:

  1. Trees: The County Council had the tree near Church Close cut down on 28th December. The price for the other trees was reduced to £700 and it was agreed the work should go ahead to protect the wall. The County would remove stumps in the future.
  2. Long Rigg- Still waiting for a reply from the Residents Association.
  3. The Nick – the work had been completed. Cllr Dale had contributed her share of the work on the Slaley Road. The Parish Council was still awaiting the invoice for the work on the Nick itself. The Sandy Bank Residents Association had agreed to contribute £500 to the cost.
  4. Cllr Dale reported on several footpath and road issues:

The footpath past Riding Lea would be upgraded in 2014;

The proposed new footpath at the west end of the village – one Land Agent acting for the owners had refused permission for a permissive footpath over part of the field;

The County Council would put a warning sign at the entrance to the small railway bridge at Broomhaugh;

The 2013 LTP programme includes the resurfacing of the A695 at the west end of the village;

£50,000 has been set aside to improve the junction of the A695 with Sandy Bank.

5. Tennis Club: Rob Archer, Steve Plaskitt from the Tennis Club and Kathie Keady from North Country Leisure summarised the plans the Tennis Club following winning a grant of £38915, which, with money they already in hand gives them almost £52,000 to spend. The double court will be resurfaced; the single court, which will be multipurpose, will be resurfaced and will have new fencing. An application for funding for signage has also been made. The Club is seeking tenders from 3 contractors to include temporary access to the double court across the Burn. Access to the double court will be improved by raising the slope at the North end of the wooden bridge and the path be renewed. There will be a management plan for the single court, which will be locked when not in use.

6. Handyman report: January’s report was for work in the Play Park and February’s report covered tidying the Spinney and Dene Terrace and treating the last bench in the Play park. It was unanimously agreed to pay the Handyman by Standing Order. MA

7. Parish Plan review: In the absence of Cllr Dunhill, Jason Tennet, as a member of the Working Party, reported on progress to date. Advice had been taken that the review would generate an updated document to the 2002 Parish Plan but it would not be a Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan would have to be aligned to the Northumberland’s Core Strategy that is currently being rewritten.

8. Skateboard request: A request from a 9-year old resident for a skateboard park in the village would be included among suggestions to be considered by the Parish Plan Working Party. for further consideration. Cllr Dunhill would reply to the applicant. AD

9. Core Strategy Consultation: The Parish Plan Working Party is currently reviewing the Core Strategy on behalf of the PC. A draft document will look be presented to the Parish Council at the next meeting on 11th March and if agreed will be submitted to the County Council by the 20th March.

10. Cycle Storage: The expenditure of the £300 cost of installation of the free cycle racks provided by the County Council was formally ratified.

11. Bus Shelter: The window has been altered in the bus shelter at the east end of the village on the south side of the road at a cost of £320. A new bus shelter at the west end of the village has been included in the 2013/14 budget.

12. Pedestrian Crossing: Cllr Reid asked if the County Council would consider a crossing for the A695 again in view of publicity for a similar proposal in Otterburn. It was agreed to defer further consideration until the outcome of the Otterburn proposal was known.

13. Flashing Speed Signs: These have not worked for nearly two months. Similar signs from teh same manufacturer work in Stocksfield and an explanation of the discrepancy is to be asked from the manufacturers. MA

14. Planning:

Considered by Northumberland County Council and refused permission:

12/0333/FUL -Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

12/03004/CCD – Advertisements at Broomhaugh roundabout

15. Finances:

a) the financial statements for December and January were accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

NCC- Planning Variation for Car Park sign – £97.50

Homevend/28 (Handyman) – £75.00

RM VHT/rent – £48.00

NCC/ grass cutting for 2012/13 – £1,450.12

Homevend/29 (Handyman) – £75.00

M F Anderton/Salary January – £433.64

M F Anderton/Expenses for December (mileage for NALC CM) – £37.70

Gordon Dodd – to change window in bus shelter – £320.00

Gordon Dodd – to place cycle stands – £300.00

Linden Stephenson – materials – £15.60

c) Cllr Reid had expressed concern that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme did not apply to the Council’s Bank of Ireland savings account although the Clerk had been advised by the Bank that the account was covered by the scheme; doubt remained whether the £85,000 compensation limit applied to each Council’s account or to the totality of Councils’ accounts. Cllr Dale suggested asking the County Council’s Finance Officer if he could clarify the position and the Clerk would forward the details to her. MA/ADe

16. Minor Matters:

a) The Clerk would provisionally book 17th April for the Annual Parish meeting would be booked. MA

b) The Clerk would contact the Mole man would be chased to expedite work in the Play Park.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm


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