You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th July 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Howey, Cairns and Heslop. Also present were County Cllr Thompson, a member of the press and 2 members of the public.
1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Ryder, Dunhill and Nitsch.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record with a small amendment in 5(b) where ‘thrash out’ was changed to ‘discuss’.
3. Matters arising:
a. Pre-school: Cllr Heslop expressed concern at some of the public response to the discussions at the last meeting. Cllr Horton reported that he had attended meetings with Pam Niven of the VHT and also with the Pre-School treasurer, following which constructive discussions were taking place and it would seem that this problem is well on the way to being resolved without further acrimony.
b. Tender: 11 enquiries have been received, some of which have already been withdrawn. The County Council are creating a few problem which are being looked into.
c. Website: Cllr Nitsch is doing a lot of background work into this. It is hoped the basics should be up by September. There was a brief discussion about items which could go onto the site.
4. Weir Bridge: Cllr Horton agreed to look at the level of repairs that might be needed before quotes were obtained for the work.
5. Planning
2006/0595 Dower House East/listed: fireplace – Conditional permission
2006/0665 Roselea Cottage, Broomhaugh – Refused
6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.
M F Anderton/Salary/June: – £344.06
M F Anderton/Expenses/June: – £77.99
Transfer part VAT rebate to C/A: – £545.65
Carter Bus. Systems: – £14.01
CWC (knotweed): – £323.13
CWC (Ivy treatment): – £176.25
Cllr Ryder (vouchers for village day): – £50.00
8. Minor matters:
Cllr Heslop reported on the consultation about non-elective orthopedic surgery at Hexham Hospital and that the feeling of the meeting was that transfers of patients to Newcastle was a better option than to Wansbeck. The spare leaflets for the consultation are to be out in the village shop.
Ivy growing through the allotment wall was noted. The clerk would write to the Allotment Association as it is their responsibility.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm and the next meeting is after the summer break on September 11th.