You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting, held on 11th July 2011 at 7.45 in the Parish Hall, Millfield Road.
Present: Cllrs Reid (Chairman), Dunhill and Eakins. Cllr Dale was present with 4 members of the public.
1. Apologies: Cllr Mills
2. Co-option of Councillor: Mr Peter Howe was unanimously co-opted onto the Council.
3. Declarations of interests: None
4. Minutes of the last meeting: all agreed as a true record.
5. Matters arising: a) Weir fence: The safety fence had been erected. Cllr Dales’ initial enquiries had suggested that Planning permission is needed for the work on the weir. The fee will be at a reduced rate of £85 as the Council is a public body. It was agreed to go ahead with this; MR
Following discussions with the Environment Agency, the specifications for the tenders have been revised to take account of a further small notch in the middle of the reduced Weir which would angle down towards the water. This will allow all sizes of fish to pass over the weir. It was suggested the tenders be split with a separate price for the small notch and a separate price for an eel run. Cllr Reid will arrange separate site visits for three tenderers. Cllr Eakins requested that work should not go ahead before grants are confirmed. A possibility of the Tyne Rivers Trust doing the work with a team of specialised volunteers may be a way forward as well.
b) Road signs: The extra cost imposed by the County Council is a new charge and the company doing the work, Dambach, had been informed the Parish Council would cover the cost. Cllr Dale offered to see if she could find the extra £300 from her allowance. The main net cost has been paid from her allowance already.
c): Double yellow lines: this has gone back to square one and a new meeting will be held with Paul McKenna from the County Council; Cllr Dunhill will lead on this as liaison. AyD
d); Car Park status: Andy Pryor has applied for additional grants for this work. Debmat, the company doing the work have been told of the delay. It was agreed however, that if nothing had been heard by the next parish council meeting, the work should go ahead; the Clerk will let Debmat know. Cllr Howe will lead on this as liaison. MA/PH
e): Cllr Dale reported that blocked drains should have been cleared now;
f): The loose utility hole/cover on the A695 near the Wentworth Grange turn has been reported. It belongs to Northumbrian Water. Cllr Dale agreed to chase this up. ADe
g) Millfield Road Bridge: tenders are being drawn up for the bridge repairs. Cllr Dunhill agreed to lead on this.
6. Handyman report: The trees overhanging the March Burn have been trimmed and the ‘Footpath’ sign atthe entrance to the Parish Hall has been relocated. The bench below Bobby’s shop has been cleaned etc. and some small jobs in the Play Park have been done. The bench may need to be replaced in the future. The Clerk will enquire of the donor what their wishes may be. MA
7. Play Park: The annual inspection has been done indicating a number of small faults, most of which Councillors were aware of. Cllr Dunhill will review it in detail.
8. Planning: Considered by Northumberland County Council: Under delegated powers, the following was refused:
11/0076 Dwelling at Grovefield
The following were granted permission:
11/0128 Certificate of lawfulness, 2 The Bungalow, Broomhaugh
11/00471/VARYCO Staward, Long Rigg
11/00695/FUL Double garage at Beauclerc Coach House
The following were considered by the Parish Council with no objections:
11/0071/LBC Listed consent to roof at Shepherd’s Dene
11/00903/FUL House on land west of Kingmead, Sandy Bank
9. Correspondence: Nothing outstanding
10. Finance:
a) The financial statement for June was accepted. Two cheques for a total of £75 had not yet been presented for clearance.
b) The following payments were authorised:
Repayment of transfer from Reserve to C/A – £5,000.00
Darren Johnson (Inv.11) – £70.00
Royal Mail, post redirect – £81.72
MF Anderton, Salary & Expenses(3.50) – £433.39
Wendy Robe (plants for planters) – £36.99
T Smith, repairs to tennis court bridge – £264.00
T Smith, safety fence at weir – £440.52
Playsafety, annual inspection – £82.80
c) S.137 donations: It was agreed to make donations of £50 to each of the following: Community Action Northumberland, Tynedale Hospice, Great North Air Ambulance. Following clarification to be sought, it was agreed in principle to donate £50 to Age UK Northumberland at the next council meeting. MA
11. Minor Matters:
a) Cllr Dunhill suggested putting one of the benches from the play park into the spinney. This was agreed in principle;
b) It was agreed to put the financial statements, including those for the last financial year, onto the web site. Cllr Eakins agreed to do this initially;
c) Cllr Reid reported that he had attended a NCC scrutiny meeting at which windfarms had been discussed and also a Planning Training meeting. The paperwork from the latter was placed in the correspondence file.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm
Date of next meeting 26th September with no meeting in October to allow for holiday commitments.