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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th June 2008 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Mills, Tulip, Dunhill, Williams, Heslop and Reid. Also present were County Councillor Dale, District Councillor Latham, 5 members of the public and one member of the Press.
1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch.
2. Cooption of Councillor: Mrs Linden Stephenson was co-opted onto the Council. Cllr Stephenson said that she had attended Parish Council meetings since 1999 and felt that she was now in a position to be able to offer her services to the community to the best of her ability.
3. Minutes of 12th May: The minutes were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising: with a nearly full Council now available, it was proposed that Cllr Reid be nominated as Vice-Chair of Council. This was agreed. It was noted that the usage of the public phone boxes possibly being closed were: one call in the last 12 months at the Broomley one and 440 at the Riding Mill PO box which was considered be significant. Letters had gone to Network Rail about the bridge downgrade; to the County Council about roadside mirrors and also to the County about the crossing.
5. Matters arising from the APM: It was agreed to publish the provisional minutes onto the web-site and also to give them to the Parish News who could publish sections as space allowed over the next few months.
6. Millfield Road: As was noted from the Hexham Courant, followed by a formal letter, Tynedale Council had turned down the request to turn the loan into a grant. They suggested forwarding the matter to the County for consideration. Cllr Tulip suggested that a direct appeal to the County be made and a meeting be set up at County Hall with the help of Cllr Dale. Cllr Heslop reinforced the idea that the County should deal directly with the matter, at their expense. In the meantime, the loan is ring-fenced at Tynedale should the Parish Council wish to take it on. It was also noted, in response to a specific question, that the Parish Council’s public liability insurance of – £5,000,000 still covered the bridge, providing that adoption proceedings were still being pursued.
7. Trees: Two confidential quotes had been received to undertake significant management of the woods behind Long Rigg known as Millbanks Wood. No work has been done in there in recent times and many trees are in a dangerous state. Councillors felt they would like to have an expert overview of the two quotes in terms of work and costs and the clerk agreed to approach the expert Tynedale Council were using and also to approach the Forestry Commission. Cllr Stephenson offered to liase with the experts when they came to view the woods. It was also agreed that a small cost to the expert would not be unreasonable should it be necessary at this stage.
8. Planning:
2008/0212 Parish Hall Consent under delegated powers
2008/0121 Kingmead, Sandy Bank Consent under delegated powers
9. Correspondence:
a) General – for circulation.
b) LGR: The Clerk reported on two meetings she had recently attended which related to changes in Governance structure and Belonging Communities and the forums. The picture is still very confused and with the deadline for changeover approaching rapidly there are concerns. The highlighted points are attached to the minutes for reference.
c) Planters: A letter had been received from the WI concerning grass cutting round the planters. It was noted that more regular cutting than that provide by Tynedale was needed. A member of the public, Mr Michael Hinds, very kindly volunteered to take the job on.
10. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all Councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-
M F Anderton/Salary/May – £382.13
M F Anderton/Expenses/May – £9.26
Grant to VHT Development Fund – £3,200.00
Spares for Playpark – £29.38
Internal Audit – £128.40
W. Robe (planters) – £31.55
Northumbrian Water – £14.03
Mills glass – £91.69
Viking – £57.49
c) Approval of 2007/2008 Accounts and governance statement: Cllr Reid had some queries concerning Parish Council policies which he felt were relevant to approving the governance. It was pointed out that his concerns did not apply to these accounts. The accounts were approved together with the governance statement.
11. Minor matters: Cllr Heslop suggested writing to the VHT development Committee to congratulate them on the Garden/Scarecrow event as it was a huge success. The trees on the station footpath still need cutting back and a light is needed. The Clerk would write again on these matters and also let Cllr Dale know the details so she could chase matters up at County Hall. The footpath by the river also needs clearing and Cllr Dunhill mentioned another one past Red Hemmels. The footpath alongside the railway line is probably the responsibility of Network Rail. There are holes in the Playpark hedge, Councillors will look at the problem. A complete new fence is not needed. The Clerk would contact the Environment Agency about moving the stones in the weir. Cllr Heslop suggested new councillors should walk the Parish to familiarise themselves.
The meeting closed at 9.00