Parish Council Minutes – March 2013

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 11th March 2013 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Carew, Howe, Reid, Dunhill, Singer and Sehgal. County Cllr Dale and 5 members of the public (including 2 from the Tennis Club) were present.

  1. Apologies: None
  2.  Declarations of interest: None
  3. Minutes of the meeting of 11th February 2013 were agreed as a true record, subject to 15 minor amendments.
  4. Matters arising:

a)      Trees: A price of £230 to remove 2 trees and a dead tree at the Tennis Club was agreed. It was also agreed to put a small piece of fencing behind the removed trees at Church Close to secure the adjacent garden.

b)      Tennis Club Plans: The Club were waiting on tender details for the proposed work after which a detailed costed plan would be put to the Parish Council.

c)      Speed signs: The wrong parts, which had been in place since the signs had been installed, had been replaced. Swarco would be asked to extend their warranty. MA

d)      Annual Parish Meeting:  Tuesday, 23rd April, Tuesday in the Millennium Hall was chosen to fit in with room availability.                                                                          MA

e)      Moles in Play Park: the mole catcher initially asked to do the work had been unavailable. Alternate names were being looked at. Cllr Dale offered to help with this as well.                                                                                                                                         MA/ADe

f)       Parish Plan review: The working party had concentrated on the response to the NCC’s Sore Strategy Preferred options consultation so no further progress had been made on the Parish Plan.

g)      Handyman’ payment: this had been changed to a standing order.

5.    Handyman report: The price for another bench below Bobby’s identical to the existing one was £500 from Jackson’s with £220 for fixing plus bolts. Cllr Carew asked that no further donations of benches be made without a maintenance fund. The ownership of the fence and wall in Dene Close and of the fence on the road to the station was discussed as repairs were needed to both. It was agreed to make enquiries including ownership of the land behind the Wellington.           MA/Ade

Quotes had been obtained for repairing the Spinney wall:  £740 if done before Easter; £320 for the station wall if only part was done but £1050 to repair the whole length – and fill in three holes.

A sewage leak from the manhole near the Tennis Courts had been reported; and the surface  of Millfield Road had been damaged when the lampposts had been painted. Cllr Dale agreed to look into both matters.                                                                                                               ADe

6. Core Strategy review: The response had been prepared by the working group who were congratulated on the paper produced. Subject to several minor amendments to be sent to Cllr Dunhill as soon as possible, the Clerk would post the response by the required date.          AD/MA

7. Protecting Council Reserves: The County Council had been unable to advise on this. It was agreed to look at suitable instant access accounts with the Cooperative Bank.                        MA

8. Allotments: A suggestion to use the football part of the Sports Field for allotments would be referred to the Parish Plan review when the village would be invited to give an indication of need.

9. Path between Broomhaugh and the station: Cllr Dale had received a complaint about the surface of this but the County Council’s Footpath Officer had inspected it and decided there was no significant problem.

10. Planning:

Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

13/00228/FUL             Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

11. Finances: a) the financial statement for February was accepted. Having reviewed the budget figures to the year end, it was agreed there were sufficient funds to repair the walls in the Spinney and at Dene Close. Cllr Howe agreed to give the contractor details for a lime based mortar mix.                                                                                                                                                 PH

b) the following payments were authorised:

Homevend/30                                                                         75.00

NCC/Work on Nick                                                                  4882.80

MFAnderton, salary/Feb.                                                        433.64

Northumbrian Water                                                              10.48

Communicorp (subs. for Clerks & Councils Direct)                12.00

12. Minor Matters:

a) Election forms were distributed to Councillors.

b) Footpath 16: the poor condition of the footpath from Broomhaugh to Roe House was raised again and Cllr Dale would be informed.                                                 MA


The meeting closed at 10.05pm





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