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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting and AGM held on 14th May 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson; and 7 members of the public.
1. Apologies were received from Cllr Latham, Cllr Howey, Cllr Thompson for the main part of the meeting and from Peter Nitsch.
2. Cooption/Standing Orders: Peter Nitsch had agreed to be coopted back onto the Council and this was agreed by members. The use of Standing Orders was formally re-adopted, including a new policy on Complaints which had been circulated to members earlier.
3. Election of Officers:
a) Chairman: Bob Horton was proposed by Cllr Dunhill and seconded by Cllr Cairns. All members agreed and Cllr Horton formally took the Chair.
b) Planning: the subcommittee was agreed to be Cllrs Horton, Dunhill and Howey.
c) Playpark: Cllr Howey had agreed to continue with this pro tem and it was agreed to ask Cllr Nitsch if he would alternate with her when necessary.
d) VHT: Cllrs Cairns and Heslop agreed to sit on the VHT Management Committee.
4. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
5. Millfield Road: Cllr Horton summarised the position to date and reviewed some of the public discussion which had been held prior to the formal Council meeting. The main questions revolved around the methods of payment for the work that is required to be done. A Fact sheet regarding the possible sale of the tennis club site to help fund the tennis club move and repay the road/bridge loan will be circulated to all residents. It is in the public interest to have Millfield Road adopted by the County Council as it has long been both a divisive issue in the village, and is now, a well used through route providing multiple access to a variety of village facilities. The contract has been awarded provisionally to Seymours, subject to funding being available. In the short term, the best option is to have a ten-year interest free loan from the District Council and a meeting will be held next month to discuss the issues involved there. In the meantime, based on the figures provided by Tynedale Council for the precept payment, the estimated increase in Council Tax for Band D properties would be ~2.56% per annum. Cllr Heslop proposed accepting the loan, in principle, on the basis of the estimated figures and in the interests of the community. The members agreed unanimously with this. It was noted that Seymours would be drilling a bore hole to test the ground prior to doing any design work.
Cllr Cairns asked what other options there might be and also what would happen if the funding was not to be provided. Cllr Horton explained there was a possibility of selling a small plot of land which would raise income that could go towards the road upgrade and towards the redevelopment of the Tennis Club and other sports facilities. This option, however, was much more problematical and could not be relied on in the short term there being only a six month period for acceptance of the tender proper. It would also be very important to consult further with the Parish on this matter as amenity land is concerned. If the road adoption does not go ahead, the most likely outcome is that the road would be closed to traffic because of prohibitive costs to the Parish in insurance and upkeep.
6. Planning: 2007/0248 Listed consent, West House 1 Hollin Hill terrace: Consent under delegated powers
Roselea Cottage: Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate was dismissed.
7. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-
M F Anderton/Salary/Apr – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Apr – £39.42
WardHadaway legal exp 06/07 – £2,205.72
NALC subs. – £146.82
Contr. To Insurance for the Nick (Previously agreed) – £200.00
9. Minor matters:
A number of items were raised to be followed up:
The large stones on the weir – a quote would be obtained;
Grass round the planters at the entrances to the village: Cllrs Horton and Dunhill said they would deal with this;
There is still a problem with grass cutting on the cricket pitch but it is in hand;
Speed through the village was discussed. Slaley are looking into the cost of mobile speed monitors which could be moved around a number of local villages;
Cllrs are asked to think of ideas for alternate Parking outside the village shop;
It was agreed to put a bit in the Parish news about dog fouling in the Sandy Bank area;
Knotweed is a problem near the Stepping Stones. Although the Enviroment Agency know about this, it was suggested a quote be asked for from our knotweed contractor;
The County Council would be asked to place mirrors opposite the two exits to Wentworth Grange, at our expense;
The Clerk would write to Milecastle Housing again about the illegal parking in the turning circle in Dene Close;
The Chairman noted formal thanks to Elaine Ryder for her hard work over the last four years and a bunch of flowers would be sent from the Parish Council.
The meeting closed at 8.45