Parish Council Minutes – May 2013

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 8th September. These Minutes also give the dates for all meetings up to May 2014.


Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting and Annual Meeting of the above Parish Council, held on Monday, 13th May 2013 in the Parish Hall at 7.45 pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair for items 1 to the beginning of 5), Reid (in the Chair for items 5 onwards), Dunhill, Howe, Carew and Singer. County Cllr Dale was present only before the meeting. 7 members of the public were in attendance including 3 from the Tennis Club.

  1. Declarations of acceptance: All councillors signed the forms of acceptance
  2. Apologies: None
  3. Thanks to retiring Councillor: The council was grateful to Lucy Sehgal for her time.
  4. Approval of Standing Orders: It was agreed to approve these.
  5. Elections: Chair: It was agreed to elect Cllr Reid as Chairman;

It was agreed to elect Cllr Howe as Vice Chair;

The Chairman proposed to delegate to Councillors the Chairman’s authority to take decisions in their respective areas subject to the usual confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting, and this was agreed as follows:

VHT representative – Cllr Carew

Parish Plan review – Working group Cllr Dunhill

Planning Sub Committee– Cllrs Dunhill, Howe and Singer

Website monitoring – Cllr Dunhill

Legal/FOI matters – Cllr Mills

Appraisals – Cllrs Carew and Singer

Handyman/Amenity matters/Playpark inspections – Cllr Dunhill

Minutes – Chairman of the meeting

Accounts – Cllr Howe

  1. Declarations of interest: None
  2. Minutes of 23rd April 2013: These were agreed as a true record
  3. Matters arising – a) Changing bank accounts: it was agreed to defer a decision and consider splitting the reserve between 2 or more banks.

b) Flashing speed signs: It was noted these were working correctly and the warranty had been extended until the end of March 2014. The Clerk would write to Swarco concerning reducing the trigger speed to 30mph.                                                MA

c) Moles: it was agreed to find a suitable person for mole catching.           MA

9.  Handyman report: The monthly report was noted. It was agreed to accept a quote of £190 for making a gap in the wall on Dene Terrace. £320 has already been agreed for repointing the rest of the wall. The Parish Council indicated it would listen to a request for an increase in payment if it was needed.

10. Tennis Club Plans: The update report was noted. The Parish Council agreed to let the club modify the back of the in-goal area on the single court by extending into the Council’s land. It was agreed to ask Wardhadaway to renew the lease and remove the final clause on reinstatement subject to legal advice.                                                                 MA

11. Parish Plan review: The Working Group had met and would prepare a report for the Council in the near future.

12. Walls: Covered by item (9) above.

13. Storage for VHT: It was noted the VHT intended to extend the Hall to make increased storage space.

14. Bus shelter: an updated quote had been received from the County Council for the work. An alternative style of shelter had been suggested. The Clerk would explore the option before work is begun.                                                                                    MA/EC

15: Dates of Council meetings: It was agreed to hold Council meetings for the next year on the second Monday of June, July, September, November, December for 2013 and February and March for 2014. The APM for 2014 would be held provisionally on the same day as the PC meeting in May 2014.

16. Planning: The following applications had been considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

13/00323/VARYCO     Parish Hall Car Park sign

13/00493/FUL             Conservatory at 5 Oaklands

13/006660/PRUTPO    Tree prune at 8 Meadow Park

It was agreed temporarily to tape over the part of the car park sign related to flooding and order a new sign with the correct wording.                                                               PH/MA

17. Finance:

a) It was agreed to accept the receipts and finance report, including that; the Clerk was testing a new accounts system and would report back.                                                       MA

b) The following payments were authorised:

Grant to VHT for 2013/14 (s. 137)                                          2000.00

Homevend/32                                                                             75.00

Dennis Castelow (repair to weir bench)                                     30.00

Viking/paper/toner cartridge                                                     70.51

SLC/training course                                                                   90.00

PB Basnett (internal auditor)                                                  157.50

Aon Insurance (annual premium)                                           2782.92

Gordon Dodds, repointing wall in Spinney                             770.00

Gordon Dodds, pointing of wall at Dene Terrace                  760.00

Dodwell Bros. Ltd; release of retention                                 276.92

MFAnderton/Salary April                                                        433.64

MFAnderton, expenses re training course                             199.75

NALC – annual subs.                                                               172.20

It was agreed not to accept a 5% reduction on the insurance premium for committing to three years.

c) Assets register: The Assets Register was noted. It was agreed to clarify the lists further for Councillors                                                                                                                        MA

d) Risk Assessment: this was accepted by councillors. It was agreed to amend the banking risk from L (low risk) to M (medium risk).

e) The Governance Statement on the annual return – It was approved.

f) 2012/13 annual Accounts and Annual Return: These were approved

18. Minor matters: The Clerk would draw the attention of Network Rail to apparent incomplete work on the station bridge refurbishment and that trees were growing round their electricity cables.

The meeting closed at 10.00


19. Confidential Matters: Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of these items( to discuss the Clerk’s terms and conditions).

Date of next meeting: Monday 10th June 2013.


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