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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in the Supper Room of the Parish Hall on 8th November 2010 at 7.45pm
Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Dunhill and Eakins. County Councillor Dale was present and 5 members of the public.
During public questions, Cllr Dale declared an interest when a possible planning issue was raised.
1. Apologies: None. It was noted that Cllr Heslop had resigned and the Chairman had written a letter to thank him for his service.
2. Declaration of Interests: included to act as a reminder for Councillors: None recorded.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
4. Handyman Report: The mirror at the bottom of Sandy Bank had been cleaned but still needed replacing. The Clerk would arrange the purchase of a mirror similar to that recently sited at Hollin Hill Terrace.
The seat at the bottom of Whiteside Bank had also been properly stripped and treated. This had taken longer than the agreed hours and the cost was a concern as there are 14 seats and benches in the village. Following discussion, it was noted that although the initial treatments would be difficult, once done it would be much easier to clean and retreat in the future.
Mrs Stephenson had done research on suitable materials to repair the small slide in the Play Park. The costs were over the budget agreed by the Council but it was agreed to allow her to go ahead and order materials the same as those already in use on the play equipment. She would let the Clerk know in writing the costs. LS/MA
5. Matters arising: a) Northumbrian Water: The Clerk had talked with the Engineer on the repair of the pipeline and he had explained there would be no loss of pressure or water supply to homes and the Parish hall. The two ends of the old pipe would become fire hydrants so there will be two extras hydrants for the emergency services to use, if needed, one on either side of the bridge. The repairs were in process of being undertaken, consent having been given verbally to the engineers.
b) Fly tipping: Cllr Dale had written to Allendale Estates about flytipping up the old A68 and it seems they had not looked in the correct place. She would follow this up again and confer with the County Council about a gate across the road to prevent vehicles going far enough up the Bank to tip goods. ADe
c) Cleaning the gullies in Sandy Bank had been ineffective so the County will reconsider the problem. They will also look for other blockages. There are problems on the Slaley Road near Beauclerc and the A695 floods frequently.
6. Vexatious Communications Policy: The draft had been displayed and subject to small amendments, Cllr Dunhill proposed a resolution to adopt the policy and Cllr Reid seconded the proposal. All agreed. The approved Policy will be placed on the website.
7. Complaints Procedure: The draft had been displayed on the Council notice board. Cllr Mills proposed and Cllr Eakins seconded acceptance of the Procedure. All agreed. The approved policy will be placed on the website.
8. Parking at the Millenium Hall: Cllr Dunhill raised the issue of users of the hall parking on the pavement and sometimes half on the pavement and half on the road thus partially blocking it. This is the narrowest part of Church Lane. Ways of limiting such parking were discussed and in the short term it was agreed to write to the Pre School expressing concerns and review the matter in a few months. MA
9. Recycling: Cllr Eakins had talked with Paul Jones at the County Council about a long list of possible materials that could be recycled. Many could not be considered in the village but clothing and textiles were recyclable in a Charity skip in the Wellington car park; there is however no market for Tetrapak cartons. It was suggested that Mr Jones be invited to talk at next year’s Annual Parish meeting. Cllr Dunhill also suggested that recycling be put on the Agenda for the East Tynedale Forum meeting. MA
10. Planning:
a) Considered by the Parish Council:
20100703 New property at Grovefield, Sandy Bank: Objection
20100786 Extension at 1 Ford Terrace: No objections
b) Under consideration by the Parish Council:
20100932 Retrospective planning permission for signs at Wellington Hotel
20100940 Retrospective listed consent re signs at the Wellington
20100914 Woodbine House/Cottage Garage conversion and first floor rear extension
11. Correspondence: General file, including a list of correspondence received in the last month. (List placed on Notice Board with minutes)
12. Finance:
a) The receipts and financial statement were accepted. The budget was similar to the previous month.
b) The following payments were authorised:
Dr D Laffey To reimburse costs of mirror at Hollin Hill – £277.61
L Stephenson Items for handyman – £23.69
Tom Smith Weir Footbridge repairs – £1,153.85
M F Anderton – Salary/Expenses October – £448.96
SLCC Books – £113.75
RM Cricket Club Grass cutting – £840.00
Darren Johnson Handyman fees – £70.00
Doody & Co. White lining on Millfield Road bridge – £235.00
Royal British legion Donation and wreath – £40.00
It was agreed to discuss next month moving the reserve accounts to higher interest offering banks.
Cllr Eakins and the Clerk would meet to discuss the budget and a draft would be circulated to councillors before the next meeting when the precept has to be agreed. Any large items of expenditure should be notified to Cllr Eakins or the Clerk.
13. Minor matters: a) Cllr Eakins name was put forward to replace Cllr Heslop as the Parish Council representative to the VHT and this was agreed;
b) A Personnel sub-committee would be set up of Cllrs Mills, Reid and Eakins. A minimum of two would sit when required;
c) BT is conducting a review of Broadband in the country. By signing up on line, it might be possible to influence them to increase speeds. The closing date is 31st December and notices will be put up in the village to encourage as many people as possible to take part;
d) Cllr Reid suggested asking the Parish News if they would include contact details of the Chair and Clerk on their lists; MR
e) Cllr Dunhill reported a damaged panel on the bus shelter on the south side of the main road opposite the Wellington. The Clerk would investigate repairs; MA
f) A complaint had been received about the A-board on the pavement outside the Wellington. The Clerk would write asking that it be removed; MA
g) The Clerk would follow up the tree cutting done on the far side of the Weir where 3 large tree parts are stuck and may cause a problem if the Burn overflows.
The meeting closed at 9.35pm