Parish Council Minutes November 2011

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Broomhaugh and Riding Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on 14th November 2011 at 8.15pm in the Parish Hall Supper Room

Present: Cllrs Mills (Chair), Reid, Dunhill, Eakins and Howe. Cllr Dale was in attendance and 5 members of the public

1. Apologies: None

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of 26th September: Agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising:

a) Tennis Club: they will meet to discuss grants on 18th November.

b) Weir: A late email from Professor Newsom indicated that some grants would be available towards the cost of work at the weir. It was suggested that the Parish Council provide some matched funding by paying for the work already done by Professor Kerr.

c) Millfield Road Bridge: During the period to May next year when work can start again, it was agreed to look at the long term implications for the bridge. Details were being sought, both on costs of potential work and for holding a referendum in the village on possible options. Following a suggestion at the last meeting that emergency vehicles could be allowed over the bridge as ‘it was like the bridge at Corbridge’, the main text of a reply from Simon Rudman, Bridges Manager at the County Council was read out by the Chair explaining why the situation at Corbridge is not analogous to that at Riding Mill.

d) It was agreed to arrange a meeting with BTBell to further discuss the longterm options. A short article about the proposals should be included in the Parish News now as leaving it till the New Year would be too late. MA

e) Speed signs: these are in place and working.

f) Parish Hall Car Park: This is now under construction.

5. Vandalism/Thefts: There has been significant damage to the Play Park and to a seat at the Weir (recently repaired). Quotes were in hand to forward to the Insurers. Cllr Dunhill reported that a bicycle and a car had also been recently stolen and it was agreed to place a brief warning into the Parish News asking people to be vigilant. MA

6. Handyman Report: Mrs Stephenson provided the regular report on the work being carried out by the Handyman. Undergrowth near the Tennis courts was encroaching on Millfeld Road and Cllr Howe agreed to look into the problem. The Clerk would check that the area was on the grass cutting list for next year. PH/MA

7. Replacement Bench: There had been a gratifying response to the invitation in the Parish News for a replacement bench outside Bobby’s shop. Four families or groups had volunteered. A suggestion of putting two benches together had been raised but the preparation work for a second bench would be expensive and it was agreed to keep to the one bench. Cllr Mills would talk to those who had offered to donate. JM

8. Bus shelter at West end of village: The Parish Council agreed in principle to placing a shelter at the west end (south side) of the A695. However, Cllr Dale suggested there might be problems with the line of sight and the adjoining roads from Slaley and the Nick. The Clerk would ask for a site visit from County Hall to evaluate the situation. MA

9. Parking at the Millennium Hall: Cllr Dunhill reported more instances of bad parking at the Hall. Nothing has been heard from County Hall about the double yellow lines since a site visit in August. Cllr Dale agreed to chase this up. ADe

10. Planning: a) Granted consent by Northumberland County Council under delegated powers:

11/01951/FUL Extension at Hazel Rigg, Millfield Road 11/01722/CCD Solar Panels at Broomhaugh First School 11/01612/FUL Extension at Jacaranda, Long Rigg. b) For consideration by NCC Development Committee: 11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead, Sandybank – Decision pending c) Appeal to the Planning inspectorate: House at Grovefield – Appeal allowed d) Considered by the Parish Council: 11/02220/FUL Extension at LynDene, Millfield Road – no objections 11/02191/LBC The Lodge, Shepherd’s Dene, Listed Consent – no objections

11. Correspondence:

a) Fence round Playpark: A request had been received from the VHT that the fence round the Play Park be completed by the Parish Council for Health and Safety reasons before the VHT plant a new hedge after tidying up the ivy. It was agreed that Councillors would look at the site and the fencer would be asked for a quote before replying to the VHT. MA/Councillors

b) Network Rail: Clarification had been received from Network Rail that they were liaising with the Planning Department of County Hall to ensure the correct materials would be used when the station bridge is repaired next year.

12. Finances: a. The October statement was accepted. It was noted that there was a 10p discrepancy.

The following payments were authorised:

Darren Johnson (invoice 13) – £70.00

Northumbria Water – £15.29

Ruth Hadden – ecology survey – £200.00

Aon Insurance (additional premium for speed signs) – £59.71

Darren Johnson (invoices 14/15) – £140.00

MFAnderton (Salary/expenses/October) – £476.96

SB Tree Services ( tree at double tennis court) – £120.00

Royal British legion (S.137) Poppy wreath – £50.00

Transfer from reserves to cover Car Park payment – £7,500.00

b. Budget: A draft budget for next year’s precept was presented to councillors. There was discussion about what could be saved and what was necessary. Figures for the Weir were required; the new footbridge might have to be deferred. Councillors were asked to submit items that may have been forgotten and further thoughts in time for the next meeting when the precept would be finalised. At present, there is an increase of a third in the budget from last year which will mean a doubling of the precept. Councillors to JE/MA

13. Minor Matters:

a) Olympic torch – details as to when it will come through the village are not yet known. Cllr Reid suggested a request be placed in the Parish News inviting interest from anyone wishing to be involved with celebrations. MR

b) Mobile Library: changes are being proposed to the mobile library service. Users have been consulted separately. Points to note include a consistent venue and length of stay for visits. The council agreed that a date for the van’s visit fixed by reference to a particular day in a numbered week on the month was preferable to a date at three week intervals. There was criticism of the short time scale for consultation and the waste of postage. The Clerk would reply MA

c) The Charter between the Councils and NCC was being circulated for consultation. The Clerk would make any comments. MA

d) Notification of a meeting with NCC about Broadband issues/funding had been received.

e) The spinney – Colin Dickinson had offered probation helpers to clear the Spinney. Cllr Reid would invite him to join the Spinney Group.

f) Charles Heslop would be thanked for laying the wreath on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm