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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th October 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Howey, Nitsch and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham, 6 members of the public and one member of the Press.
1. No apologies were received.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
Brambles: Cllrs: Howey, Dunhill and Horton walked around the village in particular up Sandy Bank. Although they felt there was not a significant problem, some serious trimming was deemed necessary and it was agreed to write to the home owner most concerned. We will also request the County Council to keep a better overview on trees/branches etc. in some dangerous areas.
4. Millfield Road update: Cllr Horton explained the options for financing the work to be done. If the land where the tennis club is based is sold, the money raised would cover the road/bridge works and the move of the tennis club. The solicitors were looking into this but it was decided to talk directly with the Charity Commission to clarify what could be done under the Open Spaces Act which is germane to the land. It is in order for the land to be sold as long as it is done with due respect to public consultation, notice over 30 days and fair and impartial advertising of the land. The loan from Tynedale Council is probably going to be agreed but they have not officially informed the Parish Council as yet. There would be a delay of 12-18 months before the loan repayments would begin, which would allow for other options to be implemented. These options, the costs to the public where relevant, etc. will be sent to all members of the Parish in the form of a fact sheet, with a return slip allowing individual preferences to be accounted for. There are also possible changes to consider to the local councils which could derail any actions if there is a long delay. A draft document will be developed by the councillors for circulation before the end of the month. The question of security to prevent fraud will also be addressed. The clerk will consult with Tynedale’s electoral office regarding this. It is also possible the land would accrue greater value with outline planning permission and it was agreed to get three quotes for Estate Agents and three for planners to look at the issue. The cost of obtaining such permission would be small relative to the final gains.
5. Trees: When the councillors walked round they looked at some of the other areas of amenity land. Some trees in the Playpark needed cutting down and large branches were also causing a problem near the weir. Quotes were obtained and the work done. (Mrs Soulsby interjected about the witch elms that would also go bad, and this would be looked into.) The Marchburn Woods need major management and quotes for that work would also be sought. The suggestion of including a picnic area in the big wood was also discussed. The trees in Dene Terrace and those belonging to the Spirit Group (the Wellington) were likely to cause damage. Further letters would be written and councillors would also talk with the landlord. Milecastle would be contacted concerning the cherry trees.
6. Weir stones: Amongst all the tree quotes, one was received for recovering and re-fixing the big stones in the Weir. At – £240, this was considered good value for money and would be accepted.
7. Planning:
2007/0857 6 Meadow Park Conditional permission
2007/0534 Land at sewage plant Conditional permission
8. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
9. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors. (This was based on Current account changes only because of the postal strike)
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-
M F Anderton/Salary/Sep – £362.23
M F Anderton/Expenses/Sep – £52.33
CWC/knotweed – £323.13
Whiteacre tree surgs. – £275.00
Viking/statny – £43.36
Quote for Weir stones – £240.00
10. Minor matters:
Cllr Howey has looked at Neighbourhood watch stuff and will act as coordinator for Dene Terrace area. A request for other interested parties to contact Alison will go in Parish News and on the website. (When delivering the consultation document, it would be useful to use the opportunity to include items such as Neighbourhood watch leaflets). The delivery of the leaflets will be undertaken by the Councillors, to ensure that all residents receive the document. Mowing around the planters was discussed, and whose responsibility it was, and Councillor Horton volunteered to strim around them for the time being. It was also noted that the plants in the East planter did not get much sunlight, and the W.I. would be approached to replant with shade loving plants. The Parking letter in Broomhaugh had been circulated but it is felt necessary to also contact the Methodist Church and the Drama club as they caused much of the parking problem. During the course of the meeting a formal warning was given to Mr B Young regarding his disruptive behaviour. The next Parish Council meeting would be moved from 12th November to 19th November.
The meeting closed at 8.55.