You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th September 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Howey and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham and 8 members of the public.
1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch
2. Resignation of Cllr. Cairns: Owing to personal reasons, Cllr Cairns tendered his resignation. He intimated that he would possibly be available in the future to rejoin should there be space.
3. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising: It was noted that the walks and rides in the village for the web-site were now up. Photos are to be added and some historical material.
5. Site Allocations: Three sites had been suggested for Broomhaugh & Riding. There have been a number of very detailed objections to all the sites and Cllr Horton suggested that the Parish Council also formally write supporting the objections. This was agreed.
6. Brambles: Cllr Heslop raised the issue of the brambles up Sandy Bank which were posing a safety hazard. Although they are largely the responsibility of several homeowners, it was felt that Councillors should agree to a contractor who could do the work and have the cost apportioned. Councillors agreed, in the first instance, to have a walk round and assess the scale of the problem.
7. Squirrel’s Club: The Parish Council have received a request from the Squirrel’s Club for financial assistance. Cllr Horton reviewed the roles of the Club which acts as a breakfast and post – school club for children in the village. It is very recent, established early in 2006. The carers are qualified and the charges to parents have recently been raised to be in line with other similar clubs. The increased charges will take the club finances into equilibrium. The request for funding is to help them to reach that level, which they expect to get to by Christmas this year. It was pointed out the existence of the club helps to draw children into the first school which is all good for the community. The costs are largely for staff salaries. After discussion, the Council agreed to make an interest – free loan of – £1000, out of the deposit account, which could be repaid from the start of 2008 at a rate agreed from that time.
8. Planning:
2007/0587 Oaklands Lodge Conditional permission
2007/0682 Construction on land next to Holmfield Conditional permission
2007/0769 Detached store at Hill House, Riding Hills Refused
2007/0772 Extension at Hill House, Riding Hills Conditional permission
9. Correspondence:
i. General, for circulation
ii. NCC/Transport reps.: it was agreed to continue to write to the Clerk as any issues would need to come before the parish council
iii. NCC/Parking: Following further discussion about parking outside the village shop, a letter had been received from the County Council which indicated that it was permissible to set down, deliver and pick up. (This contradicts the Police response). It was agreed to put a copy of the letter in the parish notice board.
10. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-
M F Anderton/Salaryl/Jul – £362.23
M F Anderton/Expenses/Jul – £91.98
NCC/ to fix bench – £575.75
MFA/Sal/Aug – £362.23
MFA/exp/Aug – £45.51
VHT/rent – £22.00
Carter Bus.Sys./photocop. – £17.17
Northumbria Water – £10.62
Squirrels Club – £1,000.00
M F Anderton/extra month towards extra hours – £362.23
11. Minor matters:
Cllr Howey had information on a funding challenge which might be useful to the VHT, or the Tennis Club or the Cricket Club and it was agreed to circulate to them. Cllr Heslop suggested there should be an extra light on the Station footpath and the Clerk would also remind Tynedale about the sweeping schedule for the path. He also raised the issue of parking in Broomhaugh. It was agreed to write to each household reminding them of the tacit agreement relating to parking in the road. A note could also go in the Parish News. The Council agreed to renominate the Clerk to sit on the NALC committee.
The meeting closed at 8.45