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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Council meeting of 10th September 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Cllrs Reid (in the Chair), Mills, Dunhill, and Carew. County Cllr Dale and 6 members of the public were also present
1. Apologies: Cllr Howe
2. Declarations of interest: None
3. Minutes of the meeting of July 9th 2012 were agreed as a true record.
4. John Eakins: Cllr Eakins had given his resignation due to moving out of the area, which was regretfully accepted. He was thanked for his work for the council, particularly in respect of computerisation of accounts.
5. Matters arising:
a) Double yellow lines: All formal notices have been completed but the lines are yet to be introduced. Cllr Dale was asked that the County Council be reminded about the promised markings on the road at Broomhaugh.
b) Flashing lights: the signs are working well currently. It was noted that traffic speeds up out of the village.
c) Trees: The laurels at the Wellington had been cut back. One tree is to be cut back by the County at Church Close. No ownership of the land on which the other tree there could be found so the Parish Council agreed to have it cut back. The Clerk would obtain a quote. Mr Proud had also cut down some of the council’s trees overhanging his garden. MA
d) Weir: Now that the ground has settled the seat would be replaced. Quotes for bases for that seat, and for a second seat below Bobby’s would be obtained. It was agreed to remove the fencing. Cllr Reid reported that Board members from the Tyne Rivers Trust were to make a formal visit on 18th September to view the work. Environment Agency representatives would also be present. The proposed Information Board would be discussed. MR/MA
e) TRT/Working group on Weeds: Very few people turned up to deal with the Himalayan Balsam. A regular working group is needed and it was agreed to ask for volunteers early next year in the Parish News.
f) Northumberland Core Strategy Response: It was agreed to write supporting existing responses, emphasising the need to maintain the Green Belt. MA
g) Long Rigg: The Council was giving consideration to the request by the Long Rigg Residents Association to acquire the road.
h) Affordable Housing: A further letter had been circulated to Councillors. No further action on affordable housing is to be taken at this time.
6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted. It was agreed to extend the Handyman’s contract for a further 12 months. MA
7. The Nick: Following a meeting of interested parties, the County Council put together a specification with costs to alleviate the water problem. Cllr Dale will deal with the public part of this and it was agreed to get quotes for the work in the Nick itself as soon as possible. The Residents Association will be informed of progress. MA
8. Speed Detection in East Tynedale: The Parish Council had been asked to contribute to a mobile speed detection unit for use in Tynedale by the Police. Cllr Dale had agreed to contributefor this out of her allowance. She was also putting together a Road Safety Group for the East Tynedale area. The Parish Council supported the initiative. MA/Ade
9. Local Transport Plan 2013/14: The annual call for items for this had been received. Cllr Dale had asked that safe pedestrian access up Sandy Bank be added; resurfacing of the Slaley Road from Beauclerc to the A695 was requested. MA
10. Planning:
(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council:
still pending decision:
11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead
(b) considered by the County Council and granted permission:
12/00062/FUL Porch at Lyndene, Millfield Road
12/01331/FUL New building at 2 The Bungalows, Broomhaugh
12/01840/FUL Extension at Brookside, Millfield Road
12/01731/FUL Extension at Broomhaugh C of E First School
(c) Under consideration by the Parish Council with no objections:
12/01909/LBC Station footbridge – listed consent
12/01903/CLPROP Extension at 1 Dene Terrace
12/01322/FUL Garage at Silver Birches
11. Finances:
a) the financial statements for July and August were accepted. The total cost for the work on Millfield Road Bridge, including the engineering management contract, tender specification and VAT is £22940.13.
b) the following payments were authorised:
Dodwell Brothers – first stage payment; MR Bridge – £6,840.00
BDO – audit for 2011/12 – £480.00
Northumbria Pest Control (wasp nest in playpark) – £50.00
Dodwell Brothers – final payment; MR Bridge – £11,344.63
Homevend/23- Handyman – £70.00
Eileen Carew – reimbursement for items for Torch relay etc. – £419.63
BT Bell – final payment for managing bridge contract – £667.00
Playdale – repairs to large swing – £1,290.62
VHT/ rent – £36.00
VHT – re plants for Torch relay – £176.40
SLCC – Training day – £30.00
Mills Glass (broken window at cricket pavilion) – £114.00
Northumbrian Water – £12.92
Homevend/24 (Handyman) – £70.00
MF Anderton; Salary/August – £433.64
MF Anderton; expenses July and August – £98.00
Royal mail redirect – £205.00
c) The Audited Accounts for 2011/12 were accepted by the Parish Council.
12. Minor Matters:
a) Brian Singer had expressed an interest in being co-opted as a councillor. The Clerk would forward paperwork to him and explain the role;
b) invitations to attend a number of meetings had been received: Tyne Rivers Trust – AD; Scrutiny Committee – update on Planning October 10 JM?; Joint meeting between NCC and Parish and Town councils – Hexham – 9th October – MA; Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership AGM – also 9th October –it was hoped Malcolm Chainey would be there.
c) Unveiling of Olympic Torch relay plaque in the Parish Hall after church services on 23rd September;
d) Hoodsclose open cast Coal mining application: Cllr Dale asked that the Parish Council would agree to add its response emphasising the potential problems relating to the Transport Management Plan as it might affect the A695 and the need for rumble strips at the bottom of the A68. MA
The meeting closed at 9.15pm