In 1965 Women’s Institutes throughout the country made scrapbooks illustrating the life of their village that year (the beautiful book made by the Riding Mill WI is kept in the county archive at Woodhorn). Several years later Marion Cooke decided to follow up the scrapbook by writing a book about the history of Riding Mill. After years of research, with no internet to help her in those days, she published her fascinating book in 1987. The exhibition in the Parish Hall in November 2018 for the weekend of Remembrance seemed to generate interest in the Riding Mill of years ago and it was thought that there would be many people who would like to have a copy of Marion’s book.
With the permission of her daughters we have had 200 copies of Riding Mill – A Village History reprinted. They will go on sale in the Cafe in the Foyer from Monday 21st October at a cost of £8 or contact Susan Law, 682397 or Mike Bridges, 682359. Any profits made will be used for future projects of the Regeneration Group.