Parish Council Meetings

Parish Hall

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council meets monthly (except for August), on the second Monday in the month (unless a Bank Holiday). 

Forthcoming meeting dates:

  • Monday 9th December 2024
  • Monday 13th January 2025
  • Monday 10th February 2025
  • Monday 10th March 2025
  • Monday 14th April 2025
  • Monday 12th May 2025
  • Thursday 15th May 2025 – Annual Parish Meeting
  • Monday 9th June 2025
  • Monday 14th July 2025
  • Monday 8th September 2025
  • Monday 13th October 2025
  • Monday 10th November 2025
  • Monday 8th December 2025


They are normally held at:

Church Cottage
Church Lane
Riding Mill
NE44 6DS


The Supper Room, Parish Hall
Millfield Road
Riding Mill
NE44 6DJ


Meetings start at 7.30pm. Public participation is on the agenda of all Parish Council meetings. All residents are welcome to attend any meeting and may speak from 7.30 to 7.45pm.

Please note: The dates of Parish Council Meeting are subject to change or subject to cancellation. Any such amendments will be made at Parish Council meetings and updated on this website.



Parish Council Minutes – April 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of the 23rd April 2013 held in the Millenium Hall at 7.10pm

Present: Clls Mills (Chairperson) Reid, Dunhill, Carew (taking Minutes), County Cllr Dale and 8 members of the public.

1. Apologies Brian Singer, Peter Howe

2. Declarations of interest. None

3. Minutes of Council meeting of 11th March 2013 were agreed with amendments to item 7 to read:

Protecting council reserves; The County council had been unable to advice on this. It was agreed to look at suitable instant access accounts with the cooperative bank.

4. Matters arising

2 trees at the entrance to the double courts at the Tennis Club have now been cut down.

5. Tennis Club plans

The report from the Riding Mill Tennis club sent to the PC on the 8th April was discussed.

Contracts have been awarded to G Lillico and Pavescape Ltd

Discussions are still underway re access for works to the single tennis Court and permission would need to be given from BT, the owners of the road, and the nearby householders.

The Tennis Club has also requested a small extension of land at the single tennis court. Cllr Dunhill has agreed to look into this.

Although the PC has agreed to extend the Lease to the Tennis club to 30yrs the PC have also been requested to check a clause in the lease stating that if the tennis club was no longer viable the existing Tennis club members would be responsible to make good the tennis club land.

6. Mole catching

Cllr Dale has agreed to follow this up.

7. Parish plan review

The Sub-committee are progressing well with the village plans and are considering the best ways to publicise ideas and obtain the views of residents.

8. Sewage Manhole

The Nothumbrian Water Co responded very quickly to the request for this to be repaired and all work has been completed.

9. Elections

Only 6 members of the Village residents have applied to become Parish Councillors therefore no formal elections will take place.

10. Handyman report

The damage to the bench at the weir has been skilfully repaired by Dennis Castelow

11. Road safety in the rural community

No further progress has been made on the reduction of speed through the village

12. Grass cutting

Because of poor weather in 2012 the grass was not cut as regularly as contracted. The PC demanded a rebate from the contractors .

13. Marchburn Lane and Bridge.

The Marchburn Residents association have contacted the owners of Tree Tops and the building contractors re their concerns about the heavy vehicles used to complete the extensive building work to their property. The Parish council have also agreed to contact the owners

14. Planning permission was considered by the parish council with no objections

13/00323/VARCO Parish Hall Car Park sign

13/00493/FUL Conservatory at 5, Oaklands Rise

13/00660/PRUTPO Tree prune at 8, Meadow Park

15. Finances 

The financial statements for March and the budget for training of £600 were accepted.

16. Minor Matters 

A request was made to cut down and prune 2 trees in Marchburn Lane, one that is very near telephone wires. BT will need to be contacted.

A resident has reported that the road surface on the approach to the east end of Millfield Rd bridge is showing some signs of wear, and has suggested this may be due to drivers positioning their vehicles when approaching to cross through the Bollards on the bridge.

Payments to authorise for April 2013.

VHT-rent £48.00

Stuart Burn(trees) £230.00

SLCC (books) £32.90

Aon UK Limited (extra premium for bicycle stands) £5.84

Linden Stephenson re materials £35.94

Homevend/31( by S/O ) £75.00

Date and time of next meeting Monday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Meeting finished at 8.30pm

Annual Parish Meeting 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh and Riding Mill Parish Council

Annual parish meeting held on 23rd April 2013 in the Millennium HalL, Church Lane at 6pm

Present Cllrs Mills (chairperson) Reid, Dunhill, Carew (taking minutes) and County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public

1. Apologies

Brian Singer, Peter Howe, and Jen Stephenson

2. Minutes of the 2012 Annual Parish meeting were agreed to be a true record

3. Chairman’s report

1. The PC has had another busy year. Although the number of councillors rose to 7 through co-option during the past year we already know as the date for nominations has passed that we will only have 6 councillors for the next 3 years. Lucy Sehgal has decided not to stand for re election and John Eakins resigned due to his move to Cumbria.

The PC will welcome any applications for co-option as there will be 3 places available to bring the strength up to 9, the full number of Councillor places on the council.

2. After 2 years of co-operation between the PC and the Tyne Rivers Trust the works to the Weir were completed in 2012 by the contractors working under the guidance of Prof Malcolm Newson, Chairman of the Tyne Rivers Trust. The area looks very picturesque and conforms to the requirements of the Enviroment Agency in respect of fish, and eels. Shortly there will be an interpretation board set up specifying the wildlife that can be seen there. The temporary fencing has been removed and a new seat has been installed to facilitate enjoyment of a quiet corner of the village .

3. The PC has had remedial work carried out by Dobson Brothers to the Millfield Rd Bridge, which should carry the bridge forward for some 10-15yrs. This requires the maintenance of the weight limit on the bridge of 3 tonnes.

On the website the PC had invited comments from the village on the long term options for the bridge, but none were received.

4. The PC together with the help from the County Council and in particular with help and financial support from the County Councillor has dealt with a problem of water running down the Nick.

A contribution was also given by Sandy Bank Association.

The PC had potential liability for any water freezing that could cause a hazard on the Nick, the Slaley Rd and the A695.Water running down the Nick now drains through the Nick and into Highways drains.

5 (i) The Interactive Solar powered speed warnings to remind traffic of the speed limit through the village were very disappointing only working intermittently. Perseverence with complaints to the suppliers has revealed that incorrect parts were installed originally, and this has now been rectified.

The solar warnings now appear to be functioning correctly

(ii) The County Council has had double yellow lines painted on Church Lane near the Millennium Hall and onto Whiteside Bank as well as at the main road end of Millfield Rd “Slow” signs to be painted on the Main Rd at Broomhaugh have been promised but have not yet been done.

(iii) Bicycle stands have been installed at the Village Hall and in the Old Playground.

6. The Main event of the year was the Olympic Torch journey through the village in June. There was a good turnout for the day with co-ordination by the PC and the VHT. The village held a sports day, and scarecrow competition as well as providing refreshments throughout the day for all the visitors.

The village was decorated with Bunting and a tricolour of flowers to coincide with the Queens Jubilee celebrations enjoyed by many at the Village Hall and organised by the Village Hall committee.

7. The Tennis Club’s application for a grant to improve its double courts and to turn the single court into an all purpose games area has been successful. The Tennis Club committee have put forward the plans to the PC who as landlords have supported the club’s application and have also given financial support.

8. The Residents of Longrigg have approached the PC re the possibility of taking over the road to enable them to manage its maintenance.

9, The Northumberland County Council has drafted a Core Strategy document for the County and a working party prepared a thorough response which the PC approved. The village plan is to be reviewed both as a routine and in the light of the Core Strategy.

10. The Handyman has continued to maintain the PC’s assets and carry out work on the trees, benches etc. All the PC’s many benches have now been renovated, and work has been carried out on trees, quite a few of which have had to be felled or trimmed.

11. The Planning sub- committee has considered 9 applications referred by the CC Planning Dept.

The PC itself has applied to the Planning Dept for permission for the village hall car park sign to be amended to delete the reference to flooding.

12. Monitoring of the Play park continues each week; one ongoing problem is molehills which spoil the grass surface of the park. Unfortunately very wet weather earlier in the year has increased activity of the moles.

13. Finally there is a list of people whom I would like to thank for their help and work for the village, in particular Linden Stephenson for her work with organising the Handyman.

She has spent much time and researched the cost of various necessary works including felling trees and repairs to walls on the Old Playground and in Dene Close

Once again I must mention a debt of gratitude owed to Anne Dale our County Councillor over the past year. She has always been quick to take up problems in the village where the County Council are involved, ready with funds to support the village plans and punctilious at attending our meetings. Apart from matters already mentioned Mrs Dale provided the funds to restore the Millfield Rd street lamps.

And of course I would like to thank my fellow councillors for their hard work and support given this year. Without them the achievements of this year would not have been realised.

4. Report from the Village Hall Trust 2013

Linda Shepherd, Chairman of Riding Mill Village Hall Trust

The Village Hall Trust continues to thrive thanks to the support and help we receive from lots of people, both in and out of the Village.

Use of the Hall has grown yet again. The Millennium Hall has 2 extra regular clubs and the Parish Hall has 3! We have had 2 weddings, both in the same week, and the halls have been used for many other functions too.

St James used the halls more frequently last summer in their Year of Eventfulness

Pam Pryor keeps busy taking bookings and very few days go by when both halls are not occupied.

The Cafe in the Foyer is as popular as ever and thanks must go to all of our volunteers

Later in the year we will be having a Garden walk about, a Village Show and a Craft Fair.

A jumble sale will be held on the 11th May

The flat is still rented out successfully and this money pays Val Thompson’s ( The caretaker) wages.

Finally I would like to thank Val and Alan Thompson, Elaine and Martin Raeburn, Rosie Cummings who is the treasurer, Pam Pryor who is the Trust secretary, the Trustees, a growing band of people who help to make our halls as good as they are and any organisation which helps financially towards the upkeep of the Halls

5. Broomhaugh CE First School April 2013, Jen Stephenson

I hope this report gives you an idea of school life at the moment and I must apologise for not being able to attend the Meeting in person—Parents evenings and Governors Meetings have unfortunately taken over my time.

At present the number on the roll is 72 children. The capacity for school is 75 and I feel that to only have 3 spare places is quite an achievement. Obviously though things in a small school can change very quickly and just one family leaving school can have a huge impact. In September as far as predicted numbers go we are full.

As a lot of the funding from Northumberland County Council is dependent on pupil numbers we are pleased that the numbers will be healthy. However it is a continual worry that funding is reduced costs are rising and schools are being asked to pay more and more for services.

We continue to provide the children with a stimulating interesting curriculum that includes visits to other establishments e.g. Seven Stories in Newcastle, Discovery Museum, Roman Wall etc.etc. We feel that these visits can enhance the children’s learning however ,we are always aware that these trips do cost families a fair amount .

The School also participates with other events that are held with other schools in the area, for instance next week we are taking part in a Music Festival that is being held at Hexham Abbey one evening. Children seen very happy at school- in fact we always seem to have a problem of children not wanting to go home in the evenings and wanting to come to school when they are poorly!

School Staff do provide clubs for the children to join in after school activities such as Choir, Craft clubs , Sports club etc which are also well attended

The PTA work hard for us and this year they have offered to pay for new markings on the playground and will need to raise more than £2000 to fund this.

The Squirrels after school club continues to run, providing the services of after school care for working parents.

We are continually grateful for all the support and interest that the parents of our children, Governors and villagers show in the School and would like to thank the Parish council for their continuing interest.

6. County Councillor Report (TO FOLLOW)

7. Financial Statement

A Draft Financial Statement was presented

Mr Brian Young asked as to where and how many Bank Accounts were held by the Parish council.

As the PC is in the process of changing the bank Accounts clarification will be given by the Parish clerk.

Mr Young also asked if the Parish Council had waved any fee re the Release of covenants in the past year. The reply was that no covenants had been released.

The Meeting closed at 6.45pm 



Parish Council Minutes – February 2013

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 11th February 2013 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Carew, Howe and Sehgal. County Cllr Dale, 5 members of the public, one member of the press and three representatives of the Tennis Club were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Reid, Dunhill and Singer

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to the inclusion of ‘At’ at the beginning of 5b and removing ‘and’ in 5g.

4. Matters arising:

  1. Trees: The County Council had the tree near Church Close cut down on 28th December. The price for the other trees was reduced to £700 and it was agreed the work should go ahead to protect the wall. The County would remove stumps in the future.
  2. Long Rigg- Still waiting for a reply from the Residents Association.
  3. The Nick – the work had been completed. Cllr Dale had contributed her share of the work on the Slaley Road. The Parish Council was still awaiting the invoice for the work on the Nick itself. The Sandy Bank Residents Association had agreed to contribute £500 to the cost.
  4. Cllr Dale reported on several footpath and road issues:

The footpath past Riding Lea would be upgraded in 2014;

The proposed new footpath at the west end of the village – one Land Agent acting for the owners had refused permission for a permissive footpath over part of the field;

The County Council would put a warning sign at the entrance to the small railway bridge at Broomhaugh;

The 2013 LTP programme includes the resurfacing of the A695 at the west end of the village;

£50,000 has been set aside to improve the junction of the A695 with Sandy Bank.

5. Tennis Club: Rob Archer, Steve Plaskitt from the Tennis Club and Kathie Keady from North Country Leisure summarised the plans the Tennis Club following winning a grant of £38915, which, with money they already in hand gives them almost £52,000 to spend. The double court will be resurfaced; the single court, which will be multipurpose, will be resurfaced and will have new fencing. An application for funding for signage has also been made. The Club is seeking tenders from 3 contractors to include temporary access to the double court across the Burn. Access to the double court will be improved by raising the slope at the North end of the wooden bridge and the path be renewed. There will be a management plan for the single court, which will be locked when not in use.

6. Handyman report: January’s report was for work in the Play Park and February’s report covered tidying the Spinney and Dene Terrace and treating the last bench in the Play park. It was unanimously agreed to pay the Handyman by Standing Order. MA

7. Parish Plan review: In the absence of Cllr Dunhill, Jason Tennet, as a member of the Working Party, reported on progress to date. Advice had been taken that the review would generate an updated document to the 2002 Parish Plan but it would not be a Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan would have to be aligned to the Northumberland’s Core Strategy that is currently being rewritten.

8. Skateboard request: A request from a 9-year old resident for a skateboard park in the village would be included among suggestions to be considered by the Parish Plan Working Party. for further consideration. Cllr Dunhill would reply to the applicant. AD

9. Core Strategy Consultation: The Parish Plan Working Party is currently reviewing the Core Strategy on behalf of the PC. A draft document will look be presented to the Parish Council at the next meeting on 11th March and if agreed will be submitted to the County Council by the 20th March.

10. Cycle Storage: The expenditure of the £300 cost of installation of the free cycle racks provided by the County Council was formally ratified.

11. Bus Shelter: The window has been altered in the bus shelter at the east end of the village on the south side of the road at a cost of £320. A new bus shelter at the west end of the village has been included in the 2013/14 budget.

12. Pedestrian Crossing: Cllr Reid asked if the County Council would consider a crossing for the A695 again in view of publicity for a similar proposal in Otterburn. It was agreed to defer further consideration until the outcome of the Otterburn proposal was known.

13. Flashing Speed Signs: These have not worked for nearly two months. Similar signs from teh same manufacturer work in Stocksfield and an explanation of the discrepancy is to be asked from the manufacturers. MA

14. Planning:

Considered by Northumberland County Council and refused permission:

12/0333/FUL -Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

12/03004/CCD – Advertisements at Broomhaugh roundabout

15. Finances:

a) the financial statements for December and January were accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

NCC- Planning Variation for Car Park sign – £97.50

Homevend/28 (Handyman) – £75.00

RM VHT/rent – £48.00

NCC/ grass cutting for 2012/13 – £1,450.12

Homevend/29 (Handyman) – £75.00

M F Anderton/Salary January – £433.64

M F Anderton/Expenses for December (mileage for NALC CM) – £37.70

Gordon Dodd – to change window in bus shelter – £320.00

Gordon Dodd – to place cycle stands – £300.00

Linden Stephenson – materials – £15.60

c) Cllr Reid had expressed concern that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme did not apply to the Council’s Bank of Ireland savings account although the Clerk had been advised by the Bank that the account was covered by the scheme; doubt remained whether the £85,000 compensation limit applied to each Council’s account or to the totality of Councils’ accounts. Cllr Dale suggested asking the County Council’s Finance Officer if he could clarify the position and the Clerk would forward the details to her. MA/ADe

16. Minor Matters:

a) The Clerk would provisionally book 17th April for the Annual Parish meeting would be booked. MA

b) The Clerk would contact the Mole man would be chased to expedite work in the Play Park.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm


Parish Council Minutes – December 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 10th December 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Carew, Singer and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllr Howe

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Cooption of Councillor: Cllr Mills proposed and Cllr Reid seconded that Lucy Seghal be coopted as a Councillor. This was unanimously agreed with effect from the signing of the requisite form.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 12th November 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to noting in 5(b) that Cllr Dale had reported that the County Council would remove one of the trees; and that in (8) – Cllr Reid, not Dunhill – would order the bicycle stands.

5. Matters arising:
a) Trees: After the County Council have removed one tree in Church Lane, the other two trees near Church Close will be removed by the Council’s tree surgeon, at a price cap of £800. Cllr Dunhill will liaise on this. AD
b) Footpaths: A meeting between Cllr Dale, Tim Fish (NCC Footpaths Officer), Cllrs Dunhill and Reid and two members of the public – Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith the desirability was discussed of a new footpath from Riding Mill to Grey Court on the Corbridge Road. An informal meeting with the land owner’s agent will be held. A Footpaths Working Group should be set up as part of the Parish Plan revision. Funding a new footpath might be provided from resources to be explored by Tim Fish. The Clerk would send Cllr Dale details of the very muddy footpath by Wentworth Grange to refer to the County. It was reported that the pavement on the north side at the west end of the village was overgrown again. MA/ADe
c) Speed Camera: The mobile unit has now been bought for use on the A695. Cllr Dunhill represents the Parish Council on the Working Group responsible for managing its use. AD
d) Long Rigg: The Long Rigg residents Association would revert to the Council on the amount of the Council’s preliminary legal costs.
e) The Nick: Work is due to start on the repairs. Response to Cllr Mills suggestion that the Sandy Bank Residents Association pay £500 towards the cost was awaited.
f) Parish Plan: the Working Group – Cllr Dunhill, Penny Hawley, Jason Tennet, Paul Goldsmith – had met to discuss items for inclusion; and would meet again in January. Cllr Dale had made enquiries at County Hall about the possibility of downgrading the A695 and suggested it be included in the Parish Plan revision.
g) Cycle storage: Cllr Reid had ordered 2 pairs of stands. He would check the value for insurance purposes and Mr Dodd would be asked for a quote for fixing them – to be agreed by email and subject to later ratification.(~£300 was quoted). MR
h) Flashing lights: there are still problems with the signal lights not working. However it was noted that the weather had been very poor with no sun to charge the systems. It was agreed to notifiy Swarco so there is a record of problems but without asking them to come out. MA
i) Bees: Following a request that either the keeper of the bees near the Ross’s bench on the old A68 or the bench itself be moved to obviate the threat of bee stings, the Rosses’ letter for the Parish magazine was altered to seek suggestions from the village for a fresh site for the bench. JM/MA
j) Super fast broadband: A letter would be delivered to all villagers to encourage them to sign up. Generally there was a very positive reception. The letter would be put onto the website. AD

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Only 3 benches still require intensive treatment. Light treatment only will be necessary in the future. The cost of a second bench below Bobby’s shop would be sought. MA

7. Bus shelter alteration: Cllr Reid suggested that the bus shelter at the east end of the village, on the south side, be altered by enlarging the window substantially so that passengers can see an approaching bus from inside the shelter. Mrs Stephenson would get a quote for the work. It was also suggested writing to the bus company asking buses to stop anyway at the bus stop in case people were inside. MA

8. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

12/01800/VARYCO Alteration to plans for Grovefield

(b) Under consideration by the Parish Council:

12/03333/FUL Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh

9. Finances: a) the financial statement for November was accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Northumbrian Water £10.58
Homevend/27 (handyman) £75.00
Marchburn Lane Residents Assn. (S.137 ex gratia) £50.00
SLCC subscription for 2013 £100.00
G Dodd, fixing bench at Weir £220.00
MFAnderton, Salary/November £433.64
MFAnderton, Salary/ December £433.64
MFAnderton, Expenses/November £90.15

Cllr Reid asked to see the Bank of Ireland letter again about the security of reserves in the bank as local authorities could be excluded from the compensation arrangements.MA

c) Budget/Precept: Following detailed discussions on the draft figures, it was agreed to ask the County Council for a precept of £35,000 for the year 2013/14. MA

10. Minor Matters:
a) Cllr Mills reported that an application to the County had been made by a local resident for a sign to prevent large vehicles from entering the lane leading to the small rail bridge at Broomhaugh.
b) Cllr Reid reported on the meeting he had attended between the County Council and East Tynedale Forum.

The meeting closed at 10.30pm

The meeting to consider approval of the minutes of the Confidential meeting held on 10th December was not opened but adjourned.


Thinking of becoming a councillor?

Are you thinking of becoming a Parish Councillor? Do you want to serve the community in Riding Mill? Did you attend the

Nominations will be accepted by Northumberland County County from 25th March 2013 until 5th April 2013 and forms will be available from the Clerk after the 13th March 2013.

Please contact the clerk as soon as possible if you are interested or would like further information.

Parish Council Minutes – November 2012

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting of 12th November 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present

1. Apologies: Cllrs Howe and Carew

2. Declarations of interest: None

3. Cooption of Councillor: Brian Singer was co-opted onto the Council.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 8th October 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to deleting ‘still’ in item 5(a); and substituting ‘had been painted’ in 9(d) for ‘would be’ painted.

5. Matters arising:

(a) Flashing lights: The solar panels have been changed for larger units and the warranty has been extended until November 2013. That the sign below Bobby’ shop is not working satisfactorily would be reported to Swarco. MA

b) Trees:  A quote was accepted to remove the two intertwined trees at Church Close for £800, as was a quote for £60 to remove a limb from a tree near the double tennis courts. Cllr Dunhill was given discretion regarding the decision for the 3rd tree at Church Close. Cllr Dale noted that the county council would remove one of the trees. MA

c) Weir: A quote of £220 to install the base and the bench at the Weir was accepted. The Clerk would ask Mrs Stephenson whether a similar quote would apply to a proposed new bench below Bobby’s. MA

d) Northumberland Core Strategy Meeting: The responses received by the County Council were reviewed.

e) Long Rigg: the Parish Council’s solicitors had quoted nearly £1000 for advice on the Long Rigg Association’s proposal to acquire the road. They felt this was too expensive without a commitment in principle from the Parish Council. The Council were not prepared to give a view without legal advice. Following some discussions, Cllr Reid felt that an informal response could be given which would in no way be binding on any subsequent action after legal advice had been received; the Council were sympathetic to the aims of the Long Rigg Association. Paul Goldsmith, who was present, would take these views back to the Association.

f) The Nick: The quote of £4069 given by the County Council for the work for the Parish Council’s account has been confirmed as a final figure. Cllr Dale had allocated funding for the rest of the work involving. The Clerk would confirm to Duncan Roberts at the County Council and with Cllr Howe. MA

g) Yellow lines near the Millennium Hall: these had been finished following the completion of the gas works. Cllr Dunhill reported that drivers were still parking illegally outside the Millenium Hall. The “Slow” sign on will probably not be painted on the Main Road at the East end of the village until the next financial year.

6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted.

7. Parish Plan Update: Cllr Dunhill wished the Plan to be reviewed; although it was agreed to delay an update until after the Council elections next year, a preliminary review would be started with a working party including Cllrs Dunhill and Singer, Paul Goldsmith and Jason Tennant. AD/BS

8. Cycle Storage Facility: An offer of free stands has been received from the County Council.  Near the Parish Hall and in the Old Playground were the preferred sites. Cllr Dale would check with Highways as to their suitability. If so, Cllr Reid would order 2 for each site. MA/ADe

9. Footpath Grants: Cllr Dale had dealt with this. The footpath‘s officer from the County, Tim Fish, would meet with Cllr Dale, Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith. ADe

10. Parking on Double Yellow lines: Cllr Dale would raise with the County Council the enforcement notices served on homeowners parking on the pavement within a double yellow lined area at Riding Cottages as the Police had previously informally allowed parking  there. ADe

11. Planning:

(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:

11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead

12/01316/FUL New access at Shepherd’s Dene

12/01311/FUL Extension at 13 Station Close

12/01156/FUL Extension at 51 Station Close

12/01800/VARYCO Alteration at Grovefield

(b) Considered by the Parish Council with no objections:

12/03004/CCD Advertising signs on Broomhaugh roundabout

Following further discussion, the Council agreed to reverse its comment in (b) MA

12. Finances: a) the financial statement for October was accepted.

b) the following payments were authorised:

Wardhadaway – re Tennis Club and covenants £3,593.00

Wardhadaway – re Millfield Road Bridge £405.00

Tyne Rivers trust – Weir contribution £4,200.00

Tyne Valley RUG – annual subs. £5.00

Homevend/26 £75.00

RM Cricket Club – grasscutting contribution £667.00

MF Anderton, Salary/October £433.64

MF Anderton, Expenses/October £57.69

Following discussion, it was agreed to share the Torch Relay Fund surplus between the Tennis Club (£100), Cricket Club (£50) and the Karate Club (£50) because of their contributions to the events.

c) S.137 donations: It was agreed to make payments of £50 to the following: Royal British Legion, Great North Air Ambulance, Community Action Northumberland, Age UK, Tynedale Sports Council and Tynedale Hospice at Home.

d) Preliminary budget discussions were held. The Clerk would update the sheet accordingly and make some alterations in layout for a final discussion at the next meeting. MA

13. Minor Matters:

a) Cllr Dunhill reported that a meeting to progress Superfast Broad band would be held soon;

b) Molehills in the Play Park needed raking again.

The meeting closed at 10.53

Confidential matters: Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, it was resolved that, because of the nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of these items. (Clerk’s conditions of service).

The Ross Seat – and the bees (Updated).

From John Ross, Cumnor, Oxford

The Ross seat on the Broomley Road, near the A68.

My brother and I set up this seat as a small token around 20 years ago shortly after our parents, Ronald and Peggy Ross of Staward, Long Rigg, died. Since then we have made fairly regular visits to do some maintenance and clearing of undergrowth and we have appreciated the thanks of those who have made use of the seat.

During my visits from Oxford in the past few years in we have had some (unwelcome !) attention as there are now half a dozen beehives just to the north of the seat and I have been stung on a couple of occasions. Maybe other residents have also been bothered by the bees and I suggest there are two options.

  • Option A is to move the seat about 100 yards along the road towards Broomley, to face in much the same direction. It would be a little more exposed here as there are no protecting trees from the westerly wind.
  • Option B is to move the seat about 50 yards to the west, as far as the road goes, before the cutting to the A68. While the seat would be just as welcome, there is not much view from here.

I would be very glad to have comments from any Riding Mill residents as whether option A or B is preferred, or if there are any other ideas we might take up. We are planning to do any work in the summer of 2013.

Please use the ‘Contact Us‘ page to pass your comments on to the Parish Council.