You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Council meeting of 10th December 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, Carew, Singer and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present
1. Apologies: Cllr Howe
2. Declarations of interest: None
3. Cooption of Councillor: Cllr Mills proposed and Cllr Reid seconded that Lucy Seghal be coopted as a Councillor. This was unanimously agreed with effect from the signing of the requisite form.
4. Minutes of the meeting of 12th November 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to noting in 5(b) that Cllr Dale had reported that the County Council would remove one of the trees; and that in (8) – Cllr Reid, not Dunhill – would order the bicycle stands.
5. Matters arising:
a) Trees: After the County Council have removed one tree in Church Lane, the other two trees near Church Close will be removed by the Council’s tree surgeon, at a price cap of £800. Cllr Dunhill will liaise on this. AD
b) Footpaths: A meeting between Cllr Dale, Tim Fish (NCC Footpaths Officer), Cllrs Dunhill and Reid and two members of the public – Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith the desirability was discussed of a new footpath from Riding Mill to Grey Court on the Corbridge Road. An informal meeting with the land owner’s agent will be held. A Footpaths Working Group should be set up as part of the Parish Plan revision. Funding a new footpath might be provided from resources to be explored by Tim Fish. The Clerk would send Cllr Dale details of the very muddy footpath by Wentworth Grange to refer to the County. It was reported that the pavement on the north side at the west end of the village was overgrown again. MA/ADe
c) Speed Camera: The mobile unit has now been bought for use on the A695. Cllr Dunhill represents the Parish Council on the Working Group responsible for managing its use. AD
d) Long Rigg: The Long Rigg residents Association would revert to the Council on the amount of the Council’s preliminary legal costs.
e) The Nick: Work is due to start on the repairs. Response to Cllr Mills suggestion that the Sandy Bank Residents Association pay £500 towards the cost was awaited.
f) Parish Plan: the Working Group – Cllr Dunhill, Penny Hawley, Jason Tennet, Paul Goldsmith – had met to discuss items for inclusion; and would meet again in January. Cllr Dale had made enquiries at County Hall about the possibility of downgrading the A695 and suggested it be included in the Parish Plan revision.
g) Cycle storage: Cllr Reid had ordered 2 pairs of stands. He would check the value for insurance purposes and Mr Dodd would be asked for a quote for fixing them – to be agreed by email and subject to later ratification.(~£300 was quoted). MR
h) Flashing lights: there are still problems with the signal lights not working. However it was noted that the weather had been very poor with no sun to charge the systems. It was agreed to notifiy Swarco so there is a record of problems but without asking them to come out. MA
i) Bees: Following a request that either the keeper of the bees near the Ross’s bench on the old A68 or the bench itself be moved to obviate the threat of bee stings, the Rosses’ letter for the Parish magazine was altered to seek suggestions from the village for a fresh site for the bench. JM/MA
j) Super fast broadband: A letter would be delivered to all villagers to encourage them to sign up. Generally there was a very positive reception. The letter would be put onto the website. AD
6. Handyman report/ Contract: Only 3 benches still require intensive treatment. Light treatment only will be necessary in the future. The cost of a second bench below Bobby’s shop would be sought. MA
7. Bus shelter alteration: Cllr Reid suggested that the bus shelter at the east end of the village, on the south side, be altered by enlarging the window substantially so that passengers can see an approaching bus from inside the shelter. Mrs Stephenson would get a quote for the work. It was also suggested writing to the bus company asking buses to stop anyway at the bus stop in case people were inside. MA
8. Planning:
(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:
12/01800/VARYCO Alteration to plans for Grovefield
(b) Under consideration by the Parish Council:
12/03333/FUL Extension at Burnview, Broomhaugh
9. Finances: a) the financial statement for November was accepted.
b) the following payments were authorised:
Northumbrian Water £10.58
Homevend/27 (handyman) £75.00
Marchburn Lane Residents Assn. (S.137 ex gratia) £50.00
SLCC subscription for 2013 £100.00
G Dodd, fixing bench at Weir £220.00
MFAnderton, Salary/November £433.64
MFAnderton, Salary/ December £433.64
MFAnderton, Expenses/November £90.15
Cllr Reid asked to see the Bank of Ireland letter again about the security of reserves in the bank as local authorities could be excluded from the compensation arrangements.MA
c) Budget/Precept: Following detailed discussions on the draft figures, it was agreed to ask the County Council for a precept of £35,000 for the year 2013/14. MA
10. Minor Matters:
a) Cllr Mills reported that an application to the County had been made by a local resident for a sign to prevent large vehicles from entering the lane leading to the small rail bridge at Broomhaugh.
b) Cllr Reid reported on the meeting he had attended between the County Council and East Tynedale Forum.
The meeting closed at 10.30pm
The meeting to consider approval of the minutes of the Confidential meeting held on 10th December was not opened but adjourned.