Lockdown Images – Spring 2020

We asked residents to share photos they had taken during lockdown in Riding Mill.  It’s clear that everyone has enjoyed the chance to appreciate nature this year during their daily walks:

Ramsons growing  along the footpath at Broomhaugh
Ramsons in Broomhaugh Woods











A heron by the March Burn
The Easter Cross in Riding Mill
Spring Lambs at Riding Grange
Poppy path
75th Anniversary of VE Day
Glorious nature in Lockdown
Clapping (and playing bagpipes) For Carers
Glorious nature in Lockdown 2 – Forget Me Not
Lockdown Birds 2020
Marchburn Cow Parsley 2020
Moths 2 May 2020
Wildlife during lockdown
Hedgehogs during lock down
Hedgehogs during lock down 2
Sewing for the NHS
Moths May 2020


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