Parish Council Minutes May 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting and AGM held on 14th May 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson; and 7 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Latham, Cllr Howey, Cllr Thompson for the main part of the meeting and from Peter Nitsch.

2. Cooption/Standing Orders: Peter Nitsch had agreed to be coopted back onto the Council and this was agreed by members. The use of Standing Orders was formally re-adopted, including a new policy on Complaints which had been circulated to members earlier.

3. Election of Officers:
a) Chairman: Bob Horton was proposed by Cllr Dunhill and seconded by Cllr Cairns. All members agreed and Cllr Horton formally took the Chair.
b) Planning: the subcommittee was agreed to be Cllrs Horton, Dunhill and Howey.
c) Playpark: Cllr Howey had agreed to continue with this pro tem and it was agreed to ask Cllr Nitsch if he would alternate with her when necessary.
d) VHT: Cllrs Cairns and Heslop agreed to sit on the VHT Management Committee.

4. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

5. Millfield Road: Cllr Horton summarised the position to date and reviewed some of the public discussion which had been held prior to the formal Council meeting. The main questions revolved around the methods of payment for the work that is required to be done. A Fact sheet regarding the possible sale of the tennis club site to help fund the tennis club move and repay the road/bridge loan will be circulated to all residents. It is in the public interest to have Millfield Road adopted by the County Council as it has long been both a divisive issue in the village, and is now, a well used through route providing multiple access to a variety of village facilities. The contract has been awarded provisionally to Seymours, subject to funding being available. In the short term, the best option is to have a ten-year interest free loan from the District Council and a meeting will be held next month to discuss the issues involved there. In the meantime, based on the figures provided by Tynedale Council for the precept payment, the estimated increase in Council Tax for Band D properties would be ~2.56% per annum. Cllr Heslop proposed accepting the loan, in principle, on the basis of the estimated figures and in the interests of the community. The members agreed unanimously with this. It was noted that Seymours would be drilling a bore hole to test the ground prior to doing any design work.

Cllr Cairns asked what other options there might be and also what would happen if the funding was not to be provided. Cllr Horton explained there was a possibility of selling a small plot of land which would raise income that could go towards the road upgrade and towards the redevelopment of the Tennis Club and other sports facilities. This option, however, was much more problematical and could not be relied on in the short term there being only a six month period for acceptance of the tender proper. It would also be very important to consult further with the Parish on this matter as amenity land is concerned. If the road adoption does not go ahead, the most likely outcome is that the road would be closed to traffic because of prohibitive costs to the Parish in insurance and upkeep.

6. Planning: 2007/0248 Listed consent, West House 1 Hollin Hill terrace: Consent under delegated powers
Roselea Cottage: Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate was dismissed.

7. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Apr – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Apr – £39.42
WardHadaway legal exp 06/07 – £2,205.72
NALC subs. – £146.82
Contr. To Insurance for the Nick (Previously agreed) – £200.00

9. Minor matters:
A number of items were raised to be followed up:

The large stones on the weir – a quote would be obtained;
Grass round the planters at the entrances to the village: Cllrs Horton and Dunhill said they would deal with this;
There is still a problem with grass cutting on the cricket pitch but it is in hand;
Speed through the village was discussed. Slaley are looking into the cost of mobile speed monitors which could be moved around a number of local villages;
Cllrs are asked to think of ideas for alternate Parking outside the village shop;
It was agreed to put a bit in the Parish news about dog fouling in the Sandy Bank area;
Knotweed is a problem near the Stepping Stones. Although the Enviroment Agency know about this, it was suggested a quote be asked for from our knotweed contractor;
The County Council would be asked to place mirrors opposite the two exits to Wentworth Grange, at our expense;
The Clerk would write to Milecastle Housing again about the illegal parking in the turning circle in Dene Close;
The Chairman noted formal thanks to Elaine Ryder for her hard work over the last four years and a bunch of flowers would be sent from the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 8.45

Parish Council Minutes April 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th April 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson; 6 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, and Cllr Latham.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Fly Tipping: A sign was being put up at the top of Whiteside Bank and the Clerk had written to the County requesting they look into the siting of a gate there as well as one at the A68 side of the problem area.
b. Wellington: A hearing was being held by Tynedale into the objections on 23rd April in the afternoon. None of the councillors would be available for this. It is thought that other concerned residents would be attending, however.

4. Tender: Cllr. Horton updated members and the public on the fact that two tenders had been received and that one looked much better than the other. No formal acceptance had been made yet as the means of funding the matter need to be looked into. The Parish Council also has to have approval from NALC to seek a loan. This was given unanimous approval and the forms would be forwarded. If funding from other sources becomes available, then there is scope to pull out of loan arrangements. The bridge would be to the 40 tonne specification and the road would be upgraded slightly. If the work can be completed this year the adoption should proceed next year. Cllr Ryder thanked Cllr Horton for progressing matters to this stage.

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Allotment Association: In the course of updating the Parish’s risk assessment, liability insurance held by other groups in the village was being checked. The Allotment Association hold such insurance. Since the Parish council had agreed to underwrite that for the Nick for Sandy Bank residents, it was felt prudent to also reimburse the Allotment Association. The sum involved was – £52.25. This was agreed unanimously by all councillors.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Mar – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Mar – £272.20
Hexham Courant/APM notice – £35.54
Insurance 07/08 – £1,792.91
SLCC/PC handbook – £48.00
Clerks & Cncls direct/subs – £9.50
VHT – grant – £2,000.00
Youth club – grant – £1,200.00
Transfer to Playpark – £500.00
Transfer re bus shelter – £500.00
Transfer re roof, Parish Hall – £700.00
Micrograve/ plaques for planters – £46.88
VHT/rent – £44.00
Viking – £41.05

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Ryder asked if someone could take over from her on the Planning sub-committee and Cllr Dunhill agreed to this. Someone was also needed to submit the minutes report to the Parish news. Cllr Horton agreed to do this with Cllr Howey acting as back up. The problem of safety was again raised following a further attempted break-in in Dene Terrace. Although Crime prevention is being covered at the APM, it was agreed to write to Milecastle asking if there was anything they could do. A second litter pick up was agreed to, to be held some time towards the end of October. The state of the land behind the station (Styford estate) was mentioned: – the Clerk would write expressing concern. The possibility of siting more bins in the village, at the station and another dog waste bin near the Stepping stones would be considered.

The meeting closed at 8.30.

Parish Council Minutes March 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part); 8 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, and Cllr Thompson
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
a. Tender: Two tenders had been received and clarification of some points was being made before proceeding to the next stage.
b. Fly Tipping: Little was available in the files on ownership of the land but it was ascertained that Land Factor managed both relevant estates. Cllr Ltham had been in touch with them and they had agreed to replace the gate across the top of the old Whiteside Bank and also put in security post. It was agreed to put up the notice about fly tipping as well.
c. Clean Up day: this was confirmed as 31st March. A skip would be in place in the Old Playground for a week and gloves and bags would be provided by Tynedale.

4. Crime prevention: There have been several incidents recently which have also been reported in the Hexham Courant. Cllr Dunhill noted that the Home Office provided a booklet about home security etc. and it was agreed to circulate copies to some householders. It was also agreed to get more copies to hand out at the APM. It was agreed to invite someone to talk about Crime Prevention/Neighbourhood Watch at the Annual Parish meeting.

5. Planning:
2006/1518 West House, Hollin Hill Terrace, listed – Refused
2007/0005 33 Station Close – Conditional permission

6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Knotweed area: Mrs Stephenson had kindly looked into the options for placing large boulders around this area to prevent parking damage. The attempt to put in posts had been vandalised very rapidly. It was agreed to check with the Insurers about the Health & Safety risks of this and also to check how many knotweed treatments were left to be done as there is no point in placing obstructions until that is complete.

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Feb – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Feb – £96.43
Carter Bus. Systems – £16.06
Val Thompson – £46.90
Northumbrian Water – £9.76

8. Minor matters:
It was noted the planters were now in place at either end of the village and the Parish Council asked that the WI and Mrs Val Thompson be thanked for their efforts in this matter. There was some interest in the speed signs that Slaley were thinking of installing in their village. It was agreed to ask about them and their costs as a possible extra deterrent in Riding Mill.

It was also noted that there was a notice in the window of the Wellington Inn which suggests they want to vary their licence restrictions to allow much longer hours for members of the public to sit outside the pub. This is causing concern to the public who live in the area and objections are being sought to be forwarded to Tynedale as the Licensing authority. The Parish Council also agreed to write expressing concern as they are now entitled to be consulted on licensing matters.

It was noted the date of the next Parish Council meeting would be 16th April because of Easter and that the APM would be on 25th April at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.30.

Parish Council Minutes February 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th February 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson (part); 9 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Dunhill and Cllr Latham.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Tender: These should be received by the end of February.
b. Website: Cllr Ryder noted that the website was now up and running. She encouraged organisations to be aware and put their information up on the site. This is a continuous process as the webmaster will update on request through the Clerk. Cllr Ryder agreed to put a bit in the parish news about it. The Clerk would ask Dave Porter about the number of hits the site is getting. Cllr Horton will approach the Wellington again about advertising on the site.
c. Hexham courant: Cllr Ryder agreed to write the small article about Riding Mill for the Tynedale Visitor. Helen Compson from the Courant agreed to ask Mr Hoddenot to contact Cllr Ryder about last year’s article.

4. The Nick: Correspondence has been received from the Sandy Bank residents Association about public liability insurance on the Nick. This was gifted to the Parish council on the understanding the maintenance was managed and undertaken by the residents. Although the Parish Council have the standard Public Liability insurance of – £5,000,000 this will not apply where the responsibility lies elsewhere. A number of alternatives were discussed such as the Parish Council paying for the premium or part of the premium as long as the Residents Association keeps up with repairs. It was noted it would only cost a similar amount if the other unadopted roads were insured collectively. This avenue would be approached over the next year. In the meantime it was agreed the parish council would pay – £200 towards the premium for the Nick. This was agreed from an amendment put by Cllr Ryder for a one- year period, during which the other unadopted roads would be considered. In all cases the responsibility for repairs is that of the frontagers.

5. Fly Tipping: It was agreed to put up a sign at the top of Whiteside Bank where there is a significant amount of fly tipping. Tynedale Council will remove the waste when requested but cannot do anything about the fly tipping unless they have photographs or vehicle details to follow up on. Mr Watson in the village had kindly offered to make the sign for free. Suitable wording would be circulated by the clerk to councillors. Another note would also be put in the Parish news.

6. A695: The state of the road between Corbridge and Riding Mill is particularly bad, especially in the Farnley area. It was agreed to write to Corbridge Parish Council to make a joint approach to the County Council to pressurise them for repairs. The contact details for the local County office would also be put in the Parish News so that individuals can also write or email.

7. Footpaths: The footpath officer, Keith Gibbard was in attendance for this item and formal thanks were noted to him for his ongoing hard work. The current problem lies in obtaining a suitable form of map from the county council that we can put onto the website, highlighting the main walks around the village. This would be pursued and it was also agreed that Cllrs Horton and Howey would go over the walks with Mr Gibbard. A pictorial map of the village with information and walks is needed.

8. Planning:
2006/1295 Red Hemmels, stables Refused
2006/1536 The Wellington, sign relocation Consent given

It was felt the refusal for stables at Red Hemmels was unreasonable and the Clerk should write to the District Council.

9. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

10. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Dec – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Dec – £54.36
Carter Bus. Systems – £17.63
Radiopages – £634.00
M F Anderton/Salary/Jan – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Jan – £31.62
VHT/Rent – £44.00
Ron Robinson roofing – £1,253.46
VHT – £411.16
Repayment to L/ac (1) – £700.00
SLCC conf (one day) – £70.50
Viking – £82.56
CWC / knotweed – £293.75
Sports field grass – £1,086.36
Other grass cutting – £1,044.93

c) S.137: The following donations were agreed by all councillors; NTC – £50; Air Ambulance – £50; Lifespan – £100; Age Concern – £50; CAN – £50; and RM Flower Festival – £100.

11. Minor matters:
Cllr Heslop commented on the state of the village and it was agreed to hold a village tidy –up day. The Clerk would approach Tynedale about a skip and bags etc. and it was decided the event would be held on the morning of 31st March. However, cleaning up could happen for the week up to that day. The WI, and village associations would be approached and the work divided up. Cllr Horton would inform Mrs Niven and Cllr Howey would approach the school. A notice would go up.

The Clerk would write to Tynedale again about sweeping the footpath. Cllr Heslop also reported on attending the meeting organised in Hexham regarding the potential unitary authorities.

At this point the main part of the meeting was closed and in accordance with Standing Orders, the meeting was cleared of Public and Press to discuss confidential matters.

(It was resolved under Section (1) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following item because the publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest).

The meeting closed at 8.50pm


Item 12.

There was discussion concerning some individual covenants. There was also discussion about ways and means of maximising the Council’s time most efficiently.

The meeting finally closed at 9.15pm

Parish Council Minutes December 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th December 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Dunhill, Cairns, Howey and Heslop. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part), County Councillor Thompson (part); and 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Website: Information was going well for this and it was hoped a ‘quiet’ launch could take place before Christmas. Cllr Heslop agreed to find a copy of Marion Cook’s book about Riding Mill and Cllr Horton suggested using the photographs from the historic pictures of the village. Copyright would need to be observed. Advertising eg from the Wellington would also be followed up as this could cover maintenance costs for the next year.
b. Weir Bridge: Repairs had been completed. A price had been asked for to repair the gabions as well and the whole bridge structure would be reviewed in the Spring.

4. Planning:
06/00175/TPO Adjacent to Hollin Hill Consent granted
2006/1208 Grey Gable, Sandy Bank Conditional permission
2006/1323 Whiteside House Conditional permission
2006/0949 Tarset House, Millfield Road Conditional permission

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Hexham Courant: Cllr Ryder agreed to do the piece for the Tynedale Visitor
c) Tynedale Council: Cllr Heslop agreed to attend the special meeting on 9th January about the white paper on local government.
d) VHT: a request had been received to close of part of Millfield Road for the village day next year on 24th June. This was agreed in principle. The VHT would have to arrange their own insurance. Police and Fire Brigade would need to be informed.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salaryl/Nov – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Nov – £67.18
SLCC subscription – £85.00
T Smith – £236.00
Northumbria water – £6.60
Marchburn Lane RA – £30.00

c) Budget: The budget for 2007/2008 came to – £19655. However, there was some carry over in the current account in the present financial year so the Precept to be asked for from Tynedale is – £17655, an increase of – £100 on last year. This was agreed unanimously.

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Horton mentioned that a meeting was being held with a member of the County Council re resiting of the Post box. The possibility of a pedestrian crossing would be mentioned at the same time. Thanks were noted to Cllrs Dunhill and Ryder for their help with responding to the county’s NSP document. Because of the New Year public holidays and councillors’ holidays there would be no meeting in January and the next meeting would be on the 12th February.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Parish Council Minutes November 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th November 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Dunhill, Howey and Heslop. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part), County Councillor Thompson (part); a member of the press and 7 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Cairns and Nitsch.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Website: Cllr Ryder updated the success of the take – up of space by organisations in the village. There was some discussion on advertising by commercial organisations and it was agreed they had to be within the village and that the rates should be affordable, essentially for the space on site with a bit for the regular upkeep. Links between organisations such as the Village Hall Trust and its members were discussed. It was also noted that there are elderly people in the village who are not connected to the web and their needs must be considered as well e.g. by reprinting the Information card in about 18 months time. It is hoped the website will complement the Information card and the Parish news.
b. Tender: Further to the discussions with Dick Fraser of the County Council, Cllr Thompson had also met with Peter Brewis and got a positive response from him. A number of the original potential contractors were being contacted to see if they were still interested taking into account the improvements in information. The amended information will be passed to those interested and with a 40 day tender period, prices should be received in the New Year.
c. Weir Bridge: The work on the footbridge had not yet been done. Despite reports to the contrary the stones had not been replaced due to their size and weight. It was agreed to wait until spring and get a stonemason with proper equipment to move them back into place.
d. Knotweed: posts had been put in position to prevent parking on the grass verge. However, vandalism had taken place and the posts uprooted. It was agreed to put a piece in the Parish news concerning this and to leave the problem until spring when it would be reconsidered.

4. Tennis club:
A formal letter had been received from the Tennis club about their desired move to the Sportsfield site. The reasons behind the move were outlined: costs of repairs to existing facilities and the fact that three courts together are required for attracting training grants for coaching etc. They are working with the Cricket club and The Engineering Business to progress a feasibility study. A number of points were raised including possible light pollution; parking; use of the existing tennis courts. It was agreed that the Parish Council supported the proposal in principle but a public meeting would be necessary in the future if the project is to go ahead.

5. Planning:
TPO for the Vicarage has been withdrawn
06/00161/TPO 11 Church Close Consent granted
2006/1116 Police House, Millfield Road Conditional permission
Appeal by Mr Baird re Roselea Cottage Noted

6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Post Office: there was considerable discussion about this, relating to covenants, recent press articles and the PC’s position in the matter, which is to attempt to retain the PO premises for future post office use.
c) A letter had been received requesting a memorial bench outside the Wellington in memory of a Mr Elliott, a former landlord. The clerk would follow this up.
d) NCC/Footpath: an informal request had been received from the County with respect to a possible new footpath going from the A695 to the No 16 footpath along the river side at the west end of the village. The Council is broadly in favour of this provided the safety issue of the railway line is addressed. This had been a stumbling block in the past.
e) BDO: a member of the public had written to the Auditors with a query after closure of the year’s audit. The Parish council is likely to be charged – £125 for this. It was agreed to query the cost with the auditors.

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Oct – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Oct – £81.05
Viking/Stationery – £64.19
WardHadaway – £487.63
Tynedale/dog litter – £285.41
Land registry – £750.00
TW Smith/footbridge – estimate – £230.00
British legion/poppy wreath – £40.00

c) Budget/VHT: There was discussion about the free resource, Section 137 money, which the Parish Council could spend on community support and Section 19 money which it could also use to provide funding for capital projects. Also discussed were the amounts of money given to the Youth club and the Village Hall Trust. Donations were mentioned and it was noted that the full amount available to the Council under S.137 was not routinely used. Other items on the budget were usually increased each year by an inflationary factor but the above grants had not been increased for some time. It was agreed to offer the Youth club – £1100 and the Village Hall Trust – £2000, hoping that this would even out their funding issues. At the same time, the Parish Council agreed to pay approximately – £1,600 for the repairs to the caretaker’s flat out of the Land Account. This would be repaid from the Current account over four years. – £900 would be made available for small grants, on request, at the February meeting of the PC. With regard to the Development fund, the parish council could, in the future, help by using the S.19 legislation on receipt of a specific request. The Clerk would let Dr Harle know this. Subject to the above changes, the Clerk would amend the budget and bring it for final approval to the next meeting. The above changes were proposed by Cllr Ryder and seconded by Cllr Heslop.

8. Minor matters:
Cllr Ryder mentioned that a report on the Parish Council meetings would appear in the Parish News. Cllr Howey asked about the flower baskets at the entrance to the village. The Clerk noted they were ready to put in place. On the subject of a pedestrian crossing and the signage in Millfield Road, Cllr Horton agreed to raise matters directly again with Dick Fraser at County Hall. Cllr Heslop raised the problem of poor lighting on the station footpath. The Clerk would follow up. Cllr Dunhill commented on responding to the NSP documents. Cllr Ryder offered to help if she could. Thanks would be sent to John Dawson who had cut back the ivy by the allotments.

The meeting closed at 9.55pm.

Parish Council Minutes October 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th October 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Dunhill, and Cairns. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part), a member of the press and 5 members of the public. Dave Porter was in attendance.

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Howey, Heslop, Nitsch and County Cllr Thompson.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Website: Dave Porter, who is building the website, came to demonstrate the progress on the website to date. There was some discussion as to extra material which would be useful to the site and it was agreed how to get the most useful things to Mr Porter. History pages relating to the two villages would be included, the information card updated; links to other groups and Societies in the village such as the cricket club would be initiated and some could have their own page. It was noted that the site would always be in flux and would be built up slowly.
b. Tender: The letter of complaint to the CEO of the County Council was having an effect and Dick Fraser was keen to set up meetings to try and sort out the problems. He admitted the County had not handled matters well. The chairman suggested charging the County for all the time and costs which had been wasted to date.
c. Weir Bridge: A quote for the work on this had been obtained and was agreed to. It was also agreed that several of the Councillors would sort out the stones of the weir which had come down. Mrs Stephenson offered the loan of a small block & tackle to help.
d. Tennis Club: A further meeting is to be held to thrash out the possibilities of the Tennis club moving it’s site. It was noted that it was all problematic at the moment.

4. Planning
2006/1108 The Wellington, listed consent Permission granted
2006/1107 The Wellington Conditional permission

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Parish Hall development fund: two letters had been received relating to this; both asking for financial help from the Parish Council. There was some concern that if the Parish council put the planning application through at reduced cost, it might inhibit future comments. This would be clarified with Tynedale council. Additionally, a document had been received from the Village Hall Trust asking for an increase in their precept to help with repairs. All the above will be considered at the Parish council’s budget meeting in November. Cllr Horton agreed to let Mrs Niven know.
c. Cllrs Horton, Nitsch and Dunhill agreed to be booked on training courses in November.
d. Cllr Cairns agreed to attend the Tynedale Planning forum meeting.
e. Following a request a letter had been received regarding the final treatment of the knotweed. It was agreed to ask Mr Adamson if he could do the planting of the grass seed. It was also agreed to either put up posts or a simple fence to prevent parking.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.

M F Anderton/Salary/Sept – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Sept – £89.45
CWC/knotweed – £323.13

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Dunhill raised the issue of a pedestrian crossing or speed reduction in the village. After some discussion, Cllr Horton agreed to raise the matter initially when meeting with the county people about Millfield Road. Concern was expressed about the fact that windows were being put into the Post Office in contravention of Planning requirements. Tynedale would asked for their view on this first before the parish council looked at further action using the covenants. Cllr Dunhill also mentioned the NSP documents which he had agreed to take on. He had been forwarded with a number of documents by the County council and agreed to circulate to all councillors to respond individually, or via himself.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.

Parish Council Minutes September 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th September 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Howey, Dunhill, Cairns and Heslop. Also present were County Cllr Thompson, District Councillor Latham, a member of the press and 1 member of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Ryder, and Nitsch.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
a. Pre-school: All appeared to be settled amicably now.

b. Tender: The tender delivery date has been delayed because of problems with the County Council. The chairman had a meeting back in July with the relevant personnel who showed a great lack of knowledge on the subject. This is concerning as some contractors want to talk with the County as the adopters. Cllr Thompson agreed to have a word when he is next at County Hall. It was also agreed to write to the chief executive of NCC, Mark Henderson, copying it to Jack Walton of Highways, expressing great concern at the County’s handling of matters. It might also prove to be a good idea to have an independent surveyor’s report with regard to the weights the bridge could safely carry. It was agreed to do these things after it was seen if any tenders arrived by the closure date. It is known that one contractor is keen but will not supply a tender until they can talk to the County.

c. Website: Cllr Nitsch is still working on this. It would be useful for Councillors to consider what could be sensibly included on the site. It was agreed that a discussion forum was not a good idea as it would need constant monitoring and moderation.

d. Weir Bridge: The chairman has inspected this and it was noted that a small repair on part of the footbridge is all that is needed. This was in hand. It was also noted that the land around the weir could do with some clearance and the clerk agreed to contact someone to do the job.

4. Planning
2006/0789 Outline: demolition and construction east of 1 Ford Terrace, Broomhaugh Conditional permission
2006/0718 Change of use of Post Office – Refused
2006/0730 Orchard House, 10 Riding Grange – Conditional permission
2006/0824 Dower House West, sun room – Conditional permission
2006/0826 Dower House West, Listed – Conditional permission
2006/0891 Construction of dwelling at Holmfield, Sandy Bank – Permission granted
2006/0908 Cartref, Marchburn Lane – Conditional permission

Councillors requested that formal thanks be sent to Cllr Ryder for her work attending the hearing on the Post office appeal. There was some discussion on that matter as there is a covenant on the property which requires the building to be domestic and Post Office only. There was some general discussion on the matter of Post Offices but it was agreed that the Clerk would write to Mrs White to remind her about the covenant and to ask when it would appear on the market, as required. It would be important to let future purchasers know about the covenant restrictions.

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Tennis club: a request has been received from the tennis club for a meeting between them and representatives of the Parish council. This had been arranged.
c) Dr Young: a letter has been received from Dr Young drawing the Parish Council’s attention to the fact that bats may be roosting under the bridge on Millfield Road. It was agreed to wait and see how the tender went.
d) Parish news: a request has been received that the parish council’s main decisions be included in the Parish news. It was agreed to supply a copy of the approved minutes to the editor for the editorial group to then decide what goes in and what does not.
e) Northumberland Strategic Partnership (NSP): whilst it was difficult for any Councillor to go to any of the meetings on this, Cllr Dunhill agreed to read through any material that came on the subject.
f) Tynedale Council – discussion forum: whilst no-one could go to the next meeting of this, it was hoped that Cllr Ryder would continue her interest when she returned from holiday.
g) NALC AGM: The Council agreed that the clerk should continue to represent them on this committee.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.

M F Anderton/Salary/July: – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/July: – £125.42
Viking/Stationery: – £37.09
ROSPA/Playpark inspection: – £77.55
M F Anderton/Salary/Aug: – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Aug: – £19.55
CWC/knotweed: – £323.13
VHT: – £27.00
BDO/Audit: – £293.76
Northumbria Water: – £54.76
Carter Bus. Syst.: – £17.69

c) Audit: The completed audit was approved and the comments noted by all councillors

7. Minor matters:
People have been damaging the locks on the notice board again trying to insert non- council notices. It was agreed to ask that a note be put in the Parish News. Cllr Cairns asked about the ground leading up from the main road up to his house on Sandy Bank, as being very overgrown.It was agreed to ask the District Council to look at it and also the trees on the Slaley Road leading to Beauclerc. The ivy on the wall outside Dene Terrace needs treating again. Cllr Heslop agreed to do the playpark for September. The state of the Pack Horse bridge was again raised. Although the County are aware of the problem, it was agreed to draw it to their attention again.

The next meeting to be held on Monday 9th October.

Parish Council Minutes July 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th July 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Howey, Cairns and Heslop. Also present were County Cllr Thompson, a member of the press and 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Ryder, Dunhill and Nitsch.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record with a small amendment in 5(b) where ‘thrash out’ was changed to ‘discuss’.

3. Matters arising:
a. Pre-school: Cllr Heslop expressed concern at some of the public response to the discussions at the last meeting. Cllr Horton reported that he had attended meetings with Pam Niven of the VHT and also with the Pre-School treasurer, following which constructive discussions were taking place and it would seem that this problem is well on the way to being resolved without further acrimony.

b. Tender: 11 enquiries have been received, some of which have already been withdrawn. The County Council are creating a few problem which are being looked into.

c. Website: Cllr Nitsch is doing a lot of background work into this. It is hoped the basics should be up by September. There was a brief discussion about items which could go onto the site.

4. Weir Bridge: Cllr Horton agreed to look at the level of repairs that might be needed before quotes were obtained for the work.

5. Planning
2006/0595 Dower House East/listed: fireplace – Conditional permission
2006/0665 Roselea Cottage, Broomhaugh – Refused

6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.

M F Anderton/Salary/June: – £344.06
M F Anderton/Expenses/June: – £77.99
Transfer part VAT rebate to C/A: – £545.65
Carter Bus. Systems: – £14.01
CWC (knotweed): – £323.13
CWC (Ivy treatment): – £176.25
Cllr Ryder (vouchers for village day): – £50.00

8. Minor matters:
Cllr Heslop reported on the consultation about non-elective orthopedic surgery at Hexham Hospital and that the feeling of the meeting was that transfers of patients to Newcastle was a better option than to Wansbeck. The spare leaflets for the consultation are to be out in the village shop.

Ivy growing through the allotment wall was noted. The clerk would write to the Allotment Association as it is their responsibility.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm and the next meeting is after the summer break on September 11th.

Parish Council Minutes June 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th June 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Nitsch, Howey, Ryder and Heslop. Also present were District Cllr Latham, County Cllr Thompson, A member of the press and 20 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Cairns.

2. Cooption: Following an expression of interest from Mr Andy Dunhill, the council agreed to co-opt him and he agreed, signing the necessary forms.

It was also agreed to that Cllr Nitsch would take up the second position on the Village Hall trust committee, together with Cllr Cairns.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising:
a. Website: Cllr Horton had obtained costings from Stocksfield for both setting up a website and for maintaining it. The set up cost quoted was – £500. Cllr Heslop suggested there should be further quotes for the work. Cllr Ryder was concerned about the immediacy of information for Riding Mill if done by someone in Stocksfield. There was some more discussion. It was agreed that it be set up, but that a small working party should look in more detail at the running costs and the best way to get that done.

b. It was reported that so far there had been 8 positive expressions of interest in the tender; and two refusals.

5. Pre-School:
Cllr Nitsch declared an interest in the subject. The public were allowed to hold discussion on this matter.

Mrs Humble, Chair of the Pre-School, summarised the state of affairs for those who had not been at the APM. The essential point is that the increase in rental charges by the Village Hall Trust could have significant effect on the viability of the Pre-School. Facts and figures as requested by the Parish Council had been provided to Council members. The rent will be approximately double from – £1500 to – £3000. Cllr Latham pointed out that the rents had originally been very low in the Millennium Hall to comply with the terms of the Lottery Funding used to help build it. Cllr Thompson indicated he could provide some funding but it could only be for capital items. Mr Dawson raised the issue of the importance of the Pre-School to the village. This point was reiterated by many people there. The school Governors want to support the Pre-School as well. As Custodian Trustees, the Parish Council could act as an intermediary and liaise with the Village Hall Trust on a way forward. It was noted that differential charging for the various member groups was an option. The Treasurer of the Pre-School, Steve Foskett, indicated that reserves were being used at present to offset deficits. He pointed out that donations to the Charity could be gift aided which benefited the Pre-School by 28pence for every pound. Cllr Horton reiterated that a working party would be a good idea to thrash out the issues with the VHT.

At this point, members of the public who wished to, left the meeting and the Council continued the discussion amongst themselves.

There was much detailed argument. Cllr Ryder noted that the VHT already received a large grant from the Parish Council and that the Council should possibly look at reallocating its ‘free resource’. The Pre-School issue for now was an immediate problem. All noted the importance to the village of continued use of both Halls. There is obvious fear amongst the parents in the village about the long- term status of the pre-school if funding becomes tighter.

Cllr Nitsch did make a couple of comments including the fact that the long- term survival could become an issue. Cllr Ryder suggested a stopgap funding of – £500 and Cllr Dunhill agreed with that. A working party with the VHT was suggested and it was agreed that Cllrs Horton, Nitsch and Howey should be on that from the Council’s side. The three stage approach was formally agreed: a) the intermediate funding; b) the working party with the VHT to thrash out longer term solution; and c) the Parish council would look at how it allocates the ‘free resource’ prior to the budget meeting which is in December. The Clerk would write to Mrs Niven and indicate that the Chairman would be in touch with her.

6. Planning
2006/0475 Dower House east/listed – Withdrawn
06/00082/TPO The Rookery, Riding Mill – Consent given

Cllr Horton raised the matter of change of use application under consideration for the Post Office and felt it needed a brief discussion. Both Cllrs Horton and Heslop objected to the application because of the permanent loss of Post Office this would imply. It appears that the property has never been put up for sale as retail premises, which it should be for a period of a year. The Council will ask the planners to take this into consideration. Even if the Post Office cannot be returned, the retail space should be kept for other possible uses. Councillors felt that other villagers should protest individually if they felt strongly on the issue.

7. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Tynedale Council: A letter had been received from the council with respect to a special meeting concerning the down-grading at the Hexham hospital. Although short notice, it was felt that at least one Councillor should attend. Cllr Heslop volunteered to go and Cllr Nitsch indicated he might also be able to get there.

8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted. Proposed by Cllr Heslop and seconded by Cllr Ryder
b) The following payments were authorised. Following the earlier agreement re the Pre-school, an additional payment of – £500 was added to the list. Cllr Ryder proposed the payments and Cllr Heslop seconded them

M F Anderton/Salary/May: – £344.06
M F Anderton/Expenses/May: – £102.06
MF Anderton/Extra payment: – £344.06
Northumbrian water: – £6.00
NALC/Ann.subs.: – £134.89
Loan repayment/bus shelter: – £500.00
Pre-school: – £500.00

c) The Annual accounts were presented and approved. The statement of assessment was approved, Points 1-8, all agreed as ‘Yes’. A copy of the statement is attached to the minutes.

9. Minor matters:
It was agreed that the Playpark rota could now be turned over faster with more Councillors available, one per month preferably.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm. The next meeting is on July 10th.