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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Council meeting of 12th November 2012 held in the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Cllrs Mills (in the Chair), Reid, and Dunhill. County Cllr Dale and 4 members of the public were also present
1. Apologies: Cllrs Howe and Carew
2. Declarations of interest: None
3. Cooption of Councillor: Brian Singer was co-opted onto the Council.
4. Minutes of the meeting of 8th October 2012 were agreed as a true record, subject to deleting ‘still’ in item 5(a); and substituting ‘had been painted’ in 9(d) for ‘would be’ painted.
5. Matters arising:
(a) Flashing lights: The solar panels have been changed for larger units and the warranty has been extended until November 2013. That the sign below Bobby’ shop is not working satisfactorily would be reported to Swarco. MA
b) Trees: A quote was accepted to remove the two intertwined trees at Church Close for £800, as was a quote for £60 to remove a limb from a tree near the double tennis courts. Cllr Dunhill was given discretion regarding the decision for the 3rd tree at Church Close. Cllr Dale noted that the county council would remove one of the trees. MA
c) Weir: A quote of £220 to install the base and the bench at the Weir was accepted. The Clerk would ask Mrs Stephenson whether a similar quote would apply to a proposed new bench below Bobby’s. MA
d) Northumberland Core Strategy Meeting: The responses received by the County Council were reviewed.
e) Long Rigg: the Parish Council’s solicitors had quoted nearly £1000 for advice on the Long Rigg Association’s proposal to acquire the road. They felt this was too expensive without a commitment in principle from the Parish Council. The Council were not prepared to give a view without legal advice. Following some discussions, Cllr Reid felt that an informal response could be given which would in no way be binding on any subsequent action after legal advice had been received; the Council were sympathetic to the aims of the Long Rigg Association. Paul Goldsmith, who was present, would take these views back to the Association.
f) The Nick: The quote of £4069 given by the County Council for the work for the Parish Council’s account has been confirmed as a final figure. Cllr Dale had allocated funding for the rest of the work involving. The Clerk would confirm to Duncan Roberts at the County Council and with Cllr Howe. MA
g) Yellow lines near the Millennium Hall: these had been finished following the completion of the gas works. Cllr Dunhill reported that drivers were still parking illegally outside the Millenium Hall. The “Slow” sign on will probably not be painted on the Main Road at the East end of the village until the next financial year.
6. Handyman report/ Contract: Report given by Mrs Stephenson was accepted.
7. Parish Plan Update: Cllr Dunhill wished the Plan to be reviewed; although it was agreed to delay an update until after the Council elections next year, a preliminary review would be started with a working party including Cllrs Dunhill and Singer, Paul Goldsmith and Jason Tennant. AD/BS
8. Cycle Storage Facility: An offer of free stands has been received from the County Council. Near the Parish Hall and in the Old Playground were the preferred sites. Cllr Dale would check with Highways as to their suitability. If so, Cllr Reid would order 2 for each site. MA/ADe
9. Footpath Grants: Cllr Dale had dealt with this. The footpath‘s officer from the County, Tim Fish, would meet with Cllr Dale, Keith Gibbard and Paul Goldsmith. ADe
10. Parking on Double Yellow lines: Cllr Dale would raise with the County Council the enforcement notices served on homeowners parking on the pavement within a double yellow lined area at Riding Cottages as the Police had previously informally allowed parking there. ADe
11. Planning:
(a) Considered by Northumberland County Council and granted permission:
11/00903/FUL House at land west of Kingmead
12/01316/FUL New access at Shepherd’s Dene
12/01311/FUL Extension at 13 Station Close
12/01156/FUL Extension at 51 Station Close
12/01800/VARYCO Alteration at Grovefield
(b) Considered by the Parish Council with no objections:
12/03004/CCD Advertising signs on Broomhaugh roundabout
Following further discussion, the Council agreed to reverse its comment in (b) MA
12. Finances: a) the financial statement for October was accepted.
b) the following payments were authorised:
Wardhadaway – re Tennis Club and covenants £3,593.00
Wardhadaway – re Millfield Road Bridge £405.00
Tyne Rivers trust – Weir contribution £4,200.00
Tyne Valley RUG – annual subs. £5.00
Homevend/26 £75.00
RM Cricket Club – grasscutting contribution £667.00
MF Anderton, Salary/October £433.64
MF Anderton, Expenses/October £57.69
Following discussion, it was agreed to share the Torch Relay Fund surplus between the Tennis Club (£100), Cricket Club (£50) and the Karate Club (£50) because of their contributions to the events.
c) S.137 donations: It was agreed to make payments of £50 to the following: Royal British Legion, Great North Air Ambulance, Community Action Northumberland, Age UK, Tynedale Sports Council and Tynedale Hospice at Home.
d) Preliminary budget discussions were held. The Clerk would update the sheet accordingly and make some alterations in layout for a final discussion at the next meeting. MA
13. Minor Matters:
a) Cllr Dunhill reported that a meeting to progress Superfast Broad band would be held soon;
b) Molehills in the Play Park needed raking again.
The meeting closed at 10.53
Confidential matters: Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, it was resolved that, because of the nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of these items. (Clerk’s conditions of service).