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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th October 2008 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Tulip, Williams, Heslop, Reid, Dunhill and Stephenson. Also present were County Councillor Dale, District Councillor Latham (for part of meeting), 4 members of the public and one member of the Press.
1. Apologies were received from Cllr Mills.
2. Cooption of J. Eakins: Dr. Eakins gave a brief presentation as to why he wished to be a Councillor and was co-opted unanimously onto the Council.
3. Minutes of last meeting: The minutes were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising: Cllr Tulip thanked Cllr Dale for asking the County Council to inspect Millfield Road bridge following the floods. They pronounced it safe and as at their last inspection. Cllr Stephenson reported that Northumbria Water were checking a bracket which had come loose after the flooding which held a large pipe, which was also leaking, under the bridge. Cllr Dale offered some of her funding to a light on the footpath between the Station and Broomhaugh but Cllr Tulip suggested, and it was agreed, that an inspection should be carried out to ensure it was value for money. Cllr Reid also commented on the fact that Mr Rowntree had photographed the bridges at the Station and over the railway near Wentworth Grange and asked Network Rail when they were to be repaired. It was pointed out the Station Bridge is a Grade 2 listed building. The reply from Network Rail intimated they would be repaired as part of the 2010/2011 workload.
5. Playpark: Cllr Tulip thanked all who had helped clean up after the floods. The report from Playdale had highlighted most of the same points as the ROSPA report. Their engineer had adjusted the gate. The main item of concern was the two roofs on the smaller climbing frame. Quotes had been received from Playdale for replacing these. It was also agreed to ask the Parish’s fencer to quote to replace them as well. Cllr Reid specifically noted thanks for all the work Cllr Dunhill has done in the park. The fence had been repaired and Cllr Dunhill offered to adjust the bottom line of the fence to prevent dogs entering. On related flood issues, Cllr Stephenson noted that the occupiers of the former Police House were raising the levee on their property to prevent the flood water rising so high in future. It was also suggested the homes nearby register with the Floodline. Cllr Stephenson agreed to visit those homes and facilitate that. A letter to the County requesting that gullies be cleared more frequently should also be sent. Cllr Reid asked if it was known which areas are liable to flood and it was pointed out to him that Tynedale and the Environment Agency keep such details which are available through their websites.
6. NALC AGM: The Clerk had attended the NALC AGM and provided copies to Councillors of the presentation made by Dr Francis of the changes to date relating to Unitary status. In particular, she highlighted some of the details for them to note of the proposed Charter between the Unitary Authority and Parish and Town Councils.
7. Remembrance Day: Cllr Heslop agreed to lay the wreath at the Remembrance Day service and would check the war memorial to see that it is tidy. He also expressed the hope that some of the other Councillors would be able to attend as well.
8. Correspondence:
a) General – for circulation. Concern was expressed that the items were not getting to everyone when possible and Councillors were asked to be more prompt. The Clerk would include a sheet of paper for Councillors to draw each-other’s attention to items of interest.
b) Notice board: Cllr Tulip had talked with representatives from the Methodist Church who were keen to replace their notice board in Broomhaugh. Once some quotes had been obtained, then the Parish Council might be asked to contribute.
c) South Broomhaugh: the County were looking at the problem of parking and had suggested bollards. It was felt these might not go down too well as it is recognised there is a lack of parking space. The Clerk would write to the County suggesting the problem might be partially resolved by delineating the footpath more clearly.
d) Dipton Foot Bridge: it was noted the County has listened to objections to this road being closed and were putting in a temporary one-way road to help the traffic flow.
9. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all Councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-
MF Anderton / Salary /September – £382.13
MF Anderton / Expenses /September – £119.05
Carter Business Sytems – £18.41
Playdale – £229.13
T. Smith/bridge repair/fencing – £513.76
c) Bank of Ireland: In the current financial climate, Cllr Tulip had asked the security of the savings accounts be checked. It was agreed that they were as safe as any at present and they be left as is.
10. Minor matters: The bench in the Supper room needs putting in the Play park. Cllr Dale agreed to chase up as well as the Clerk. Cllr Reid raised the matter of recording meetings again. It was agreed to look into the legalities of taping meetings. Cllr Stephenson queried whether the new bus shelter would be non-smoking. It was agreed that all the shelters should be and the Clerk would buy four ‘No Smoking’ notices to be put up. Cllr Dale asked that Councillors comment on the housing allocations policy review document in the circulation file.
The meeting closed at 8.55.