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Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th September 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm
Present: Councillors Horton, Howey, Dunhill, Cairns and Heslop. Also present were County Cllr Thompson, District Councillor Latham, a member of the press and 1 member of the public.
1. Apologies were received from Cllrs Ryder, and Nitsch.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
a. Pre-school: All appeared to be settled amicably now.
b. Tender: The tender delivery date has been delayed because of problems with the County Council. The chairman had a meeting back in July with the relevant personnel who showed a great lack of knowledge on the subject. This is concerning as some contractors want to talk with the County as the adopters. Cllr Thompson agreed to have a word when he is next at County Hall. It was also agreed to write to the chief executive of NCC, Mark Henderson, copying it to Jack Walton of Highways, expressing great concern at the County’s handling of matters. It might also prove to be a good idea to have an independent surveyor’s report with regard to the weights the bridge could safely carry. It was agreed to do these things after it was seen if any tenders arrived by the closure date. It is known that one contractor is keen but will not supply a tender until they can talk to the County.
c. Website: Cllr Nitsch is still working on this. It would be useful for Councillors to consider what could be sensibly included on the site. It was agreed that a discussion forum was not a good idea as it would need constant monitoring and moderation.
d. Weir Bridge: The chairman has inspected this and it was noted that a small repair on part of the footbridge is all that is needed. This was in hand. It was also noted that the land around the weir could do with some clearance and the clerk agreed to contact someone to do the job.
4. Planning
2006/0789 Outline: demolition and construction east of 1 Ford Terrace, Broomhaugh Conditional permission
2006/0718 Change of use of Post Office – Refused
2006/0730 Orchard House, 10 Riding Grange – Conditional permission
2006/0824 Dower House West, sun room – Conditional permission
2006/0826 Dower House West, Listed – Conditional permission
2006/0891 Construction of dwelling at Holmfield, Sandy Bank – Permission granted
2006/0908 Cartref, Marchburn Lane – Conditional permission
Councillors requested that formal thanks be sent to Cllr Ryder for her work attending the hearing on the Post office appeal. There was some discussion on that matter as there is a covenant on the property which requires the building to be domestic and Post Office only. There was some general discussion on the matter of Post Offices but it was agreed that the Clerk would write to Mrs White to remind her about the covenant and to ask when it would appear on the market, as required. It would be important to let future purchasers know about the covenant restrictions.
5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Tennis club: a request has been received from the tennis club for a meeting between them and representatives of the Parish council. This had been arranged.
c) Dr Young: a letter has been received from Dr Young drawing the Parish Council’s attention to the fact that bats may be roosting under the bridge on Millfield Road. It was agreed to wait and see how the tender went.
d) Parish news: a request has been received that the parish council’s main decisions be included in the Parish news. It was agreed to supply a copy of the approved minutes to the editor for the editorial group to then decide what goes in and what does not.
e) Northumberland Strategic Partnership (NSP): whilst it was difficult for any Councillor to go to any of the meetings on this, Cllr Dunhill agreed to read through any material that came on the subject.
f) Tynedale Council – discussion forum: whilst no-one could go to the next meeting of this, it was hoped that Cllr Ryder would continue her interest when she returned from holiday.
g) NALC AGM: The Council agreed that the clerk should continue to represent them on this committee.
6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors.
M F Anderton/Salary/July: – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/July: – £125.42
Viking/Stationery: – £37.09
ROSPA/Playpark inspection: – £77.55
M F Anderton/Salary/Aug: – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Aug: – £19.55
CWC/knotweed: – £323.13
VHT: – £27.00
BDO/Audit: – £293.76
Northumbria Water: – £54.76
Carter Bus. Syst.: – £17.69
c) Audit: The completed audit was approved and the comments noted by all councillors
7. Minor matters:
People have been damaging the locks on the notice board again trying to insert non- council notices. It was agreed to ask that a note be put in the Parish News. Cllr Cairns asked about the ground leading up from the main road up to his house on Sandy Bank, as being very overgrown.It was agreed to ask the District Council to look at it and also the trees on the Slaley Road leading to Beauclerc. The ivy on the wall outside Dene Terrace needs treating again. Cllr Heslop agreed to do the playpark for September. The state of the Pack Horse bridge was again raised. Although the County are aware of the problem, it was agreed to draw it to their attention again.
The next meeting to be held on Monday 9th October.