Energy Advice

Climate Change News page updated with energy advice following the presentation at the annual Parish Meeting.

Click here for more details – energy advice

Parish Council Meeting and AGM – Monday 15th May

The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 15th May at 7.45 pm in Church Cottage, Church Lane.

County Councillor Anne Dale will be available to answer questions from the public from 7.15 pm and questions may be put to the Parish Council from 7.30 pm.

For a copy of the agenda, please click here.

To review a copy of the draft Minutes from the meeting held on 17th April, please click here.

Notice of Vacancy

Having served on the Parish Council since 2018, Pam Bridges has decided to step down and as a result we have a vacancy for a parish councillor.  In accordance with the legislation, please see the notice below.









Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Pamela Bridges formerly a Member of the above named Parish Council, has ceased to be a Member of the Parish Council, and that a vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for the Parish.


If, within 14 days (*) after the date of this notice (i.e. no later than 23rd May 2023), a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made to The Returning Officer, Elections Office, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF by TEN electors for the Parish (Ward), an election will be held to fill the vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.



Dated: 2nd May 2023

Name of Parish Clerk: Catherine Harrison

Clerk to Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council


(*) In computing any period of time for this purpose, a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning must be disregarded.





Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 11th May



 To be held on Thursday 11th May at 7.00 pm in the

Parish Hall, Millfield Road



Brian Watson from Community Action Northumberland

Domestic Carbon Reduction Officer

Brian provides home energy and carbon reduction advice.  We’ve heard a lot about air source heat pumps, biomass boilers, solar pv and battery storage – do they all work? Can they be fitted retrospectively? How can the insulation in a Grade II listed property be improved?

Join us and find out more!


  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Minutes of 2022 meeting
  3. Report from Broomhaugh C of E First School
  4. Report from the Village Hall Trust
  5. Report from St James Church
  6. Report from County Councillor Anne Dale
  7. Report from the Parish Council – Christine Howe, Chair
  8. Parish Council – Draft Financial Statement – for information only
  9. Any other business
  10. Guest Speaker

Cllr. Christine Howe, Chair

27th April 2023

The King’s Coronation

As ever, there are plenty of events planned in Riding Mill to mark the King’s Coronation.

The Coronation will be screened live at the Parish Hall on Saturday 6th May and an afternoon of family-friendly activities will be held on Monday 8th May including a Royal Parade at 2 pm.  Click on the poster below for further information.



The Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to independent examination

The County Council has issued the following statement on its website:  see below or follow the link

Publicity of submission draft Plan
Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council, as the qualifying body for the purposes of neighbourhood planning for the Broomhaugh & Riding Neighbourhood Area, has submitted the Broomhaugh & Riding Neighbourhood Plan to Northumberland County Council for Independent Examination.

The County Council is satisfied that the submission is complete and complies with legal requirements. The Plan will now proceed to independent examination.

In accordance with the regulations, the County Council is required to publicise the plan and supporting documents and to invite comments. Copies of the Plan and supporting documents will be available for public inspection for six weeks commencing Thursday 13 April 2023 and ending at 5pm on Wednesday 31 May 2023.

Any person or organisation may comment on the Plan or supporting documents. Representations may be made by email to . The Plan and supporting documents can be found below:

The following evidence base documents are also being made available:

Parish Council Meeting – Monday 17th April

The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 17th April at 7.45 pm in Church Cottage, Church Lane.

County Councillor Anne Dale will be available to answer questions from the public from 7.15 pm and questions may be put to the Parish Council from 7.30 pm.

For a copy of the agenda, please click here.

To review a copy of the draft Minutes from the meeting held on 13th March, please click here.