Education Consultations – March 2018

There are three consultations currently being undertaken which residents may wish to comment upon:

  1. Northumberland County Council – Education in the West
  2. Hadrian Learning Trust – proposals for significant changes at Hexham Middle School and Queen Elizabeth High School
  3. Northumberland County Council – Consultation on Post-16 School Transport in Northumberland

To view the consultation documents please click on the link below each summary:

  1. Northumberland County Council is currently undertaking a consultation on education in the West of the County. The consultation is considering the future of Haydon Bridge High School, the possible change to a two-tier education system and the possible closure of a number of first and middle schools.

Closing date for comments: 9th April

  1. Hadrian Learning Trust – proposals to change the age range to form an 11-18 secondary school. Also, if NCC decides to close Haydon Bridge High School, should the school expand to accept these children.

Closing date for comments: 3.30 pm on Thursday 29th March

  1. Northumberland County Council – Post-16 School Transport. The County Council proposes to remove the need for students to pay for post-16 school transport providing they meet all the eligibility criteria.  However, they do wish to introduce a £50 administrative fee payable on submission of an application for post-16 transport.

Closing date for comments: 9 am on 2nd April


Northumberland Area Special Educational Needs School Place Planning Strategy

A consultation on the Northumberland Area Special Educational Needs School Place Planning Strategy has now begun.  The County Council would welcome views on the proposed strategy.  Below is a link to the Northumberland County Council website where you will find the consultation document and a link to the online questionnaire.
There will also  be drop-in events held across the County throughout November as follows:





1st November

1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Berwick Leisure Centre, Berwick-upon Tweed


9th  November

1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Willowburn Sports and Leisure Centre, Alnwick


16th November

1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Concordia Leisure Centre



22nd November

1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Ponteland Leisure Centre, Ponteland


29th November

1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Hexham Leisure Centre,


Kind regards

Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy: Pre-Submission Draft – Proposed Major Modifications Consultation

Letter from Northumberland County Council (NCC).  Representation forms referred to below can be found in the PC folder in the Parish Hall

Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy:
Pre-Submission Draft – Proposed Major Modifications Consultation

The consultation on Proposed Major Modifications to the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft has been launched by NCC.

The consultation document can be viewed via the link below:

The Core Strategy is the County Council’s main strategic planning document for Northumberland, covering the period to 2031. This additional stage of consultation is necessary to ensure that the plan is robust and sound before it is submitted to Government. A statutory period of consultation over a six week period will commence on Wednesday 15th June 2016 and run until 4pm on Wednesday 27th July 2016.

The consultation document is the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications, setting out, in table form, the Major Modifications that we are proposing to make to the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft and the reasons for making these changes. Other documents which accompany the Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications include a Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Core Strategy and a version of the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft showing all the proposed Major and Minor Modifications – these are for information purposes only.

It is important to point out that the purpose of this consultation is to obtain views on the ‘soundness’ of the Proposed Major Modifications – i.e. whether, as a result of the changes, the plan will be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

We are inviting comments only on the Proposed Major Modifications: as such, comments should not revisit other parts of the Core Strategy that are not subject to the Proposed Major Modifications.

All consultation documents and the evidence base for the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Proposed Major Modificationsare available to view on the Council’s website at

Hard copies of the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications consultation document can be found in Council Offices, Information Centres and libraries and are also available to purchase from the Council. In addition a CD containing the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications consultation document is available free of charge on request.

Comments on the Proposed Major Modifications should be submitted using the ‘Representation Form’ and must be received by 4pm on Wednesday 27th July 2016.

Copies of the representation form and guidance note to help you make a representation are available to download from the Councils’ website at Copies can also be requested by using the contact details above.

The preference is for representations to be made online, via the Council’s website, at  If you have commented before, please use your existing registration details (see above). The Council will also accept comments, using the representation forms, via email to or by post.

Due to the level of modifications proposed in the consultation document for Hexham and Morpeth, there will be drop-in sessions in these towns on the following days and times:

  • Morpeth – Wednesday 6 July 2016, 2pm to 7pm at Town Hall, Market Place, Morpeth, NE61 1LZ.
  • Hexham – Thursday 7 July 2016, 2pm to 7pm at Queens Hall, Beaumont Street, Hexham, NE46 3LS.

Planning staff will attend to discuss the consultation document and provide advice on how to reply to the consultation.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Renewable Energy

In addition to the statutory consultation on the Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy Pre Submission Draft – Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications, the Council is also consulting on a Scoping Report for a future Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Renewable Energy.  This consultation document together with representation forms can be accessed via energy/scoping.  Again the preference is for representations to be made online, via the weblink above. However, the Council will also accept comments, using the representation form, via email to or by post.

If you have any questions about either consultation please do not hesitate to contact a member of my team at or by telephone on 0345 600 6400.

NCC Core Strategy

NCC are planning to undertake a consultation on the Pre-Submission Core Strategy. To see the Draft submission document please click on the link below:

A number of drop-in sessions have been arranged where residents can discuss the plan with planning officers.  The dates and locations of these events are set out below:

A reference paper copy of the draft Submission document is available in the Parish Hall.

Please note:the consultation closes 25th November.

Date Location Venue Drop-in session times

24 October 2015

Hexham Prospect House, Hallgate, Hexham, NE46 1XQ 10:00am to 3:00pm

26 October 2015

Amble Development Trust, Fourways 2, Dilston Terrace, Amble, NE65 0DT 2:00pm to 7:00pm

27 October 2015

Allendale Allendale Library, Dawson Place, Allendale, NE47 9PP 2:00pm to 4:30pm

28 October 2015

Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Hall, Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 1BN 2:00pm to 7:00pm

29 October 2015

Ashington Ashington Library, Kenilworth Road, Ashington, NE63 8AA 2:00pm to 7:00pm

31 October 2015

Alnwick St James Church Centre, Pottergate, Alnwick, NE66 1JW 10:00am to 3:00pm

2 November 2015

Haydon Bridge Community Centre, Ratcliffe Road, Haydon Bridge, NE47 6ET 2:00pm to 7:00pm

3 November 2015

Blyth Blyth Library, Bridge Street, Blyth, NE24 2DJ 2:00pm to 7:00pm

4 November 2015

Rothbury Jubilee Hall, Bridge Street, Rothbury, NE65 7SD 2:00pm to 7:00pm

4 November 2015

Prudhoe Spetchells Centre, Front Street, Prudhoe, NE42 5AA 2:00pm to 7:00pm

5 November 2015

Choppington Choppington Social Welfare Centre, Colliery Road, NE62 5SS 2:00pm to 7:00pm

7 November 2015

Ponteland Memorial Hall, Darras Road, Ponteland, NE20 9NX 10:00am to 3:00pm

9 November 2015

Morpeth Corn Exchange, Town Hall, Market Place, Morpeth, NE61 1LZ 2:00pm to 7:00pm

9 November 2015

Seaton Delaval Seaton Valley Council Offices, 20-22 Astley Road, Seaton Delaval, NE25 0DG 2:00pm to 7:00pm

10 November 2015

Bedlington Bedlington Community Centre, Front Street West, Bedlington, NE22 5TT 2:00pm to 7:00pm

11 November 2015

Wooler Cheviot Centre, Padgepool Place, Wooler, NE71 6BL 2:00pm to 7:00pm

12 November 2015

Corbridge Parish Hall, St Helen’s Street, Corbridge, NE45 5AD 2:00pm to 7:00pm

14 November 2015

Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Sports and Community Centre, Woodhorn Road, Newbiggin-by-the-
Sea, NE64 6HG
10:00am to 3:00pm

NCC – Notice of Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2015

The Representation of the People Act 1983, as amended by the Electoral Administration Act 2006

The Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006

Pursuant to Section 18C and Schedule A1 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended), Northumberland County Council gives notice that it is to conduct a review of all Polling Districts and Polling Places within the Berwick-upon-Tweed, Blyth Valley, Hexham and Wansbeck Parliamentary Constituencies.

Submissions on any aspect of Polling Districts and Polling Places are welcome from all electors and residents (particularly disabled residents) in any of these constituencies, any local constituency political party or any person or group who have a particular interest or expertise in access to premises or facilities for people with a disability. Persons or bodies making representations should, if possible, suggest alternative places that may be used as Polling Places.

The consultation document can be viewed on the Council’s website at or by contacting the Council’s Elections Office at the address below:

Elections Services

Northumberland County Council

County Hall



NE61 2EF


or Telephone 01670 624811.

Any submissions should be made via any of the points of contact mentioned above or to the (Acting) Returning Officer directly and should be received by 5pm on Tuesday the 28 th of July 2015.

Please note that all representations will be published on the Council’s website upon receipt. Full details of the review timetable are set out in the consultation document.

The (Acting) Returning Officer will comment on existing and proposed Polling Stations on the 11th of August 2015. Publication of those comments will be via the Council’s website (see above) and may be viewed in person at County Hall, Morpeth by appointment with Elections Services.

Geoff Paul – (Acting) Returning Officer

Northumberland County Council

Update – Private Sector Housing Strategy Consultation

The PC responded to this consultation.  For a copy of the response please click on the link below:

Private Sector Housing Strategy consultation response

Northumberland County Council are developing a Private Sector Housing Strategy which outlines the Council’s plans to meet peoples housing needs by maintaining and improving the existing private housing stock across Northumberland.

The Council has prepared a draft strategy and would like your input to it.  The consultation on the draft Private Sector Housing Strategy runs until Thursday 2nd July 2015.

Once adopted, the Private Sector Housing Strategy will be the County Council’s main strategic plan for owner occupied and privately rented homes in Northumberland, covering the period to 2020.

The draft Strategy:

  • Sets out the aim, objectives and approach to private sector housing across Northumberland;
  • Defines how the Council will increase the number of homes that are available and improve property and management standards; and
  • Includes a draft Action Plan which sets out what the Council hopes to deliver and by when.

Click on the link below to view the draft Strategy and to submit any comments:

Consultation closes 2nd July 2015.

NCC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Northumberland County Council has been developing a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy which will outline how it will manage flooding and work with other authorities to manage all sources of flooding, now and in the future.

To view the Strategy documents and make comments please click on the link below:

The Consultation ends 24th April 2015


Core Strategy

The Parish Council was asked to comment on Northumberland County Council’s Core Strategy Full Draft Plan.  Below are links to the comments submitted as part of the Consultation by the PC.

150210 Core Strategy Full Draft Riding Mill Response

150210 Small Settlements and the Green Belt response


Below are the initial comments made at the earlier consultation:

Riding Mill Response Housing & Employment Land Allocations Consultation December 2013 Final